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Friday, June 11, 2004

Turning The Camera Around

Maybe it's just me. Maybe my sensitivity to media meme pimping is higher than the average Canadian. But, I'm not so sure.

A CTV national news item featuring Stephen Harper was framed with the predictable assertion that (paraphrasing) "questions about his social agenda continue to dog the Conservative leader". An answer at a news conference about his personal views on homosexuality stating he wasn't interested in what people did in their private lives was edited agressively, and filled in by reporter commentary. Nothing new there.

Then, an interesting thing happened. In what CTV news editors may have thought would play as an intolerant echo of the punch of a gay protester at a Conservative event earlier in the campaign, the cameras swung around to film members of the audience heckling the reporters asking the question. They had more coverage of media heckling outside on the street.

Except, I don't think that the heckling came across as anti-gay. Instead, the incident shone a bright TV camera light on a fact that had not been disclosed - that it wasn't the ordinary audience members (read voting public) who were "dogging" Harper on social issues - it's the media. And the audience was none too pleased about the hijacking.


A pack, not a herd.

Posted by Kate McMillan on June 11, 2004 in Canadian Conservative Politics | Permalink


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I think this is very interesting, have the people
woken up to the fact the media is slanting the
news on a constant basis. Perhaps, and how great
it would be if they decided to pay no attention
to the CBC bias and think for themselves.

If this is what happened at this meeting , there
may be more, but we are not being shown them.
Surprise, surprise.

I know for myself, I do not watch theCanadian televison news as it is always biased and if from the states, the anchors are just parrots to what the MSM is saying on their newscasts.

Posted by: Carole | 2004-06-11 4:28:17 PM

Susan Riley - no friend of Conservatives - said on CPAC the other day that the boys and girls on the media bus were learning two things as they criss cross Ontario: Ontarians don't like Liberals and they don't like journalists.

Posted by: Mark | 2004-06-11 7:48:49 PM

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