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Friday, September 03, 2010

No shit

The corralling of 250 people at Queen and Spadina Streets for hours in torrential rain at the end of Toronto’s G20 summit remains a flashpoint in a weekend that saw the largest mass arrests in Canadian history.

In the face of an onslaught of complaints, lawsuits and inquiries, Toronto police Chief Bill Blair on Thursday acknowledged for the first time that he made mistakes that night.

(from The Globe & Mail)

Read the rest.

Posted by Mike Brock on September 3, 2010 | Permalink


Praetorian admits mistakes were made , hopefully this will help the lawsuit.

Posted by: don b | 2010-09-03 5:39:16 PM

"the largest mass arrests in Canadian history"

What about 1970?
Interesting fact, 120 of those arrested are from Québec.

Posted by: Marc | 2010-09-03 9:17:04 PM

The police did their job, what's your problem?

90% of the protesters were actual or potential criminals, i.e. destroying public & private property, disturbing the peace, overthrowing the rules of democracy, etc.

The police should have been more stringent earlier, that could have avoided some of the damage done.

Posted by: Johan i Kanada | 2010-09-03 11:27:33 PM

Uhhh... 90% of the protesters were not engaged in vandalism. More like 0.001% were. There were over 15,000 protesters and maybe about 25-30 vandals.

People really like to make shit up.

If 90% of the protesters had been vandals, there would literally have been nothing left of downtown Toronto.

Posted by: Mike Brock | 2010-09-04 12:19:58 AM

"...If 90% of the protesters had been vandals, there would literally have been nothing left of downtown Toronto...." doth say Mike

That's reasonably correct..as 90 % of the hobby yuppy marches looked on as 10% of the mental case anarchists were left to their broken moral compass to smash, loot and toss matches at the corporate towers of wealth, Hooray no death,. hooray no serious injury, hooray no criminal charges laid against the yuppy hobby marchers..

Happy ending Mike no denying that- that Billion bucks spent in equipping and training modern police forces to prevail against modern backroom trained anarchists bent on fucking it up for everybody else- money well spent-- even for the goggle people who came looking for a scrap...

Saving Canada from International idiots was a bargain at a mere one billion, just 1/8 of what it will cost BP to restore swamps to their pristine swampness in the Gulf of Mexico.

Posted by: 419 | 2010-09-04 11:20:38 AM

Suck it up Komarades

Posted by: JoeFrmEdm | 2010-09-04 11:35:10 AM

"Saving Canada from International idiots was a bargain" -419

You actually can't parody this. Amazing.

Posted by: Cytotoxic | 2010-09-04 11:42:06 AM

"...You actually can't parody this. Amazing..."

thanks. I didn't mean to hamstring you. But now that you mention it, that's fine. All the left can do, has ever done is parody- as parasites, they need a structure to take over, being incapable of creating much of anything by themselves.

Just like those anarchists who attempted to swarm Toronto..parasiting over someone elses energy, they never built anything themselves, or held any of their own meetings, made any of their own plans, showed any of their own initiative in any way. Minus parody & criticism of their foes, the left doesn't function in a practical way.Nor have they come to think of it. They are anti a lot of stuff, but they don't seem to be _for anything in particular. That's the parasite business- a flat black dress code and a few tired slogans.

Oh well, nothing a rubber bullet can't fix

Posted by: 419 | 2010-09-04 12:28:16 PM

Praetorian admits mistakes were made , for 1 billion dollars, how much would it take for them to get it half right?

Posted by: don b | 2010-09-04 12:29:58 PM

this is all after the fact. Better luck next riot

Posted by: 419 | 2010-09-04 4:28:28 PM

419 represents the most intelligent comment so far today on this subject. Too bad it doesn't jive with the usual commentators. The "useful idiots" should stay in their cribs.

Posted by: Agha Ali Arkhan | 2010-09-04 9:06:24 PM

AAA & 419: please get a room in North Korea. You can be together in police state heaven forever.

Posted by: Cytotoxic | 2010-09-04 11:53:56 PM

Wow Cyto- that really hurt a ton

Posted by: 419 | 2010-09-05 11:38:09 AM

Some knuckelhead said:

""the largest mass arrests in Canadian history"

What about 1970?
Interesting fact, 120 of those arrested are from Québec."

Not that interesting; for the geographically challenged, Quebec is the closest province to Toronto outside of ON. The majority of anti-G20 protesters from outside the province are going to be from there.

Because it is closest.

Or is that some sort of anti-Quebec point you're trying to make...?

Posted by: ronin | 2010-09-05 12:37:06 PM

Amazing how a couple of dozen anarchists can make rightards shit themselves so much, they'll throw away democracy....

Posted by: ronin | 2010-09-05 12:40:09 PM


The right doesn't like democracy any more than the left does. All too often, public opinion gets in the way of their ideological mission.

When Bush won the election, the left claimed it was stolen. When Obama won the election, the right claimed Obama is not an American citizen.

When the Liberals were winning elections, the Conservatives demanded electoral reform. When the Conservatives won a minority parliament, the left claimed they had no mandate to govern because they didn't hold a majority of votes, etc.

In all cases, be it on the left and the right, they're all vying for the power to diminish the rights of others to their own advantage or ideological end.

The right and left are perfectly fine with police states, as long as the police state is constructed in their own image. See the US for a right-wing version, and the UK for a left-wing version, etc.

Posted by: Mike Brock | 2010-09-05 2:47:31 PM

.. and see Buffalo for spicy wings...

Posted by: 419 | 2010-09-05 4:02:49 PM

Uhhmmm Mike I and many libertarians don't care for democracy either. We're in favor of a republic. Also, there are quite a few worthy cons that spoke out against the TO police state such as Steyn and Currie. Conservatism sucks, but we need to learn to use the relatively good parts to our advantage.

Posted by: Cytotoxic | 2010-09-05 5:05:11 PM

Anyone know what's happened to Currie?

Posted by: bella | 2010-09-06 7:26:28 AM

I agree with you Mike , everywhere we look were surrounded by hypocrites . The left wants there version of police state and so does the right.

Posted by: don b | 2010-09-06 8:50:48 AM

Cytotoxic, I never claimed to be a democrat. My only point is that the left and the right both trumpet the value of democracy, but scuttle it's practice at the first sign of conflict with their ideologic.

Posted by: Mike Brock | 2010-09-06 10:46:47 AM

Fair enough.

Posted by: Cytotoxic | 2010-09-06 11:54:01 AM

this is democracy here, correct? one man one vote to determine policy direction - not opinion polls and populist fancy as described & propelled by the media & their advertiser base?
& Rule of law would matter in a democracy no matter how many activists marched ?

Posted by: 419 | 2010-09-06 12:01:00 PM

In a democracy, with proper rule of law, cops can't watch thugs go nuts one day while doing nothing and then arbitrarily arrest people the next day for wearing black and using Twitter. Is that simple enough?

Posted by: Cytotoxic | 2010-09-06 7:17:35 PM

oh you're just sore because the rioters simply got mowed like a lawn

Posted by: 419 | 2010-09-06 10:49:54 PM

Uhhh no. They did whatever they wanted on day one. One day two, the cops did whatever they wanted to whoever they wanted. Were you dropped a while back?

Posted by: Cytotoxic | 2010-09-07 1:20:34 PM

Oh I see. You have supernatural insights into Police policy. Ok them..back to being sore

Posted by: 419 | 2010-09-07 4:20:33 PM

Uhhh... 90% of the protesters were not engaged in vandalism. More like 0.001% were. There were over 15,000 protesters and maybe about 25-30 vandals.

That's not the same as saying they weren't doing anything illegal, Mike.

Uhhh no. They did whatever they wanted on day one. One day two, the cops did whatever they wanted to whoever they wanted. Were you dropped a while back?

If the vandals had been mown down with Gatling guns on the first day, Cyto, with no mass arrests the second day (as if there would have even been any protesters left anyway), would that have been acceptable?

419 is right. The protesters and their sympathizers are just pissed because they finally received a taste of the humiliation, helplessness, and intimidation they've been inflicting on everyone else, and surprise surprise, they don't like it.

Posted by: Shane Matthews | 2010-09-08 10:08:14 AM

I hope this is their last Toronto riot..
take it to another city next time
it worked for the Olympics

Posted by: 419 | 2010-09-08 11:22:32 AM

Here's Toronto's finest running away from the only 50-100 protesters who were breaking things:


You can hear them yelling at civilians to get out of their way.

But when it came to 110 lb hippie girls, they didn't blink; the modern day manifestation of the Spartans at Thermopylae.

Posted by: winston smith | 2010-09-11 11:53:46 PM

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