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Monday, September 13, 2010

A Burning Passion

There's a sucker graduated every minute, especially from journalism schools:

Pastor Terry Jones told NBC's TODAY show on Saturday that his church in Gainesville, Fla., would not burn Qurans in protest to the building of an Islamic center near the site of the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.

"We will definitely not burn the Quran, no," he said.

"Not today, not ever," he said when pressed about whether his planned demonstration might happen at a later date. He explained that it would not happen even if the Islamic center is built near ground zero.

Jones flew to New York to appear on NBC's TODAY show and told interviewer Carl Quintanilla that there was no meeting set up with New York Imam Faisal Rauf.

Pastor Terry Jones, not to be confused with the deliberately amusing Terry Jones, is the fringiest of fringe holy men, living way out in the sprawling hinterlands of American Protestant Christianity. According to this report from ABC his immediate followers number about fifty families - whatever that means - and a few thousand more on Facebook. The MSM needed a crazy white preacher man who hated Islam. After nine years of assiduous effort, and through the wonders of Facebook, they have found him! 

That he is utterly insignificant to the public discourse of the American people, that he is obviously a crude publicity hound, playing far more to MSM credulity than backwoods intolerance, matters not a wit. He is a silly clown. He is not awakening us to the dangers of radical Islam, those have been obvious to the attentive since at least 1979, and to everyone else for nearly a decade. He is not awakening the American lunatic fringe, such elements are undeterred and undimmed by humdrum reality. The conjuring up of Terry Jones, from his justly deserved obscurity, was an act of reassurance for the MSM and its Leftish base. 

They need to believe that the real America, the America they are attempting to reform and remould, is composed of people very much like Terry Jones. The international media needs the preacher man as well, to reassure its audiences that Americans really are bigoted crazy white men, and that the Great Republic is on the verge of becoming a Christian theocracy. In war you are suppose to dehumanize the enemy. This goes just as well for the culture wars. Thus the obsession of the MSM with exaggerating every white nut within camera shot- non-white madmen like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright are conspicuously ignored, until absolutely necessary, and then explained away. 

The most important thing about Terry Jones and Islam is this: In America he and his ilk are media inventions, tiny entities magnified into importance by elite paranoia. In Iran they are the government. So while imagined dangers are dwelt upon, an actual theocracy acquires nuclear arms in near perfect security. The media are suppose to be the watchtower of society, the people who are paid to warn us of dangers over the horizon. In this the MSM echo chamber has failed pathetically. 

Posted by Richard Anderson on September 13, 2010 | Permalink


The Terry Jones story is what I would call a manufactured controversy. It's similar to the MSM's preoccupation with the controversy re the Koch brothers' funding of conservative groups, while George Soros remains exempt from any such investigations. Being a liberal, he is thus entitled to fund liberal pressure groups without a whiff of criticism or examination of his motives.

Posted by: Dennis | 2010-09-13 7:25:53 AM

I suspect he caved to some very real intimidation. It's amazing how effective terrorism really is. I have very little fear of death, but the possibility that my actions might put my family at risk is enough to make me think twice about any public challenge to Islam.

I have a koran in my office. My son and I tried to read it, and got about as far as I did with the new testament. Considering that 90% of muslims can't read, makes the reaction to this even more incredible.

Posted by: dp | 2010-09-13 12:59:50 PM

dp I wondered about the intimidation too. This small time preacher is getting attention from Obama and from Iran and everywhere in between. If it were Bibles what would have happened I wonder?

Maybe someone should burn a pile of Korans and a pile of Bibles. That would be an interesting test eh?

Anyway, the fact that this preacher received the attention of Obama and Harper is actually very disturbing.

Posted by: TM | 2010-09-13 2:47:43 PM

I wondered if the pending Iranian release of US hostages was used to silence/censor Jones. Most of the PC West and the entire MSM act as if they are already under Shariah. As far as the message is concerned, I would like to see a Koran burned ceremoniously every day somewhere in the West until Islam is reformed, contained or succeeds in conquest(already happened?).

"The most important thing about Terry Jones and Islam is this: In America he and his ilk are media inventions, tiny entities magnified into importance by elite paranoia. In Iran they are the government." - Publius

Am I reading this correctly or are you equating a harmless Jesus Freak who sucked-in the MSM over ceremoniously burning the Koran with the butchery of the Iranian Islamic theocracy? The rest of the post made sense.

Posted by: John Chittick | 2010-09-13 4:06:02 PM

What no defence of Pastor Jones inalienable first amendment right? LOL

"The Gainesville fire department refused to grant the church a burning permit, stating that open burning of books is not allowed in the city due to fire hazards.[21] Regardless, the church planned to proceed with the event despite the potential of being fined.[22]

Since the announcement, the bank where the church has a $140,000 mortgage loan, has demanded immediate repayment of the balance and Jones has also had his property insurance canceled.[20] A lighted sign and an acrylic cross on the property were damaged by rocks.[23]

On September 8, 2010, Rackspace, the provider of web hosting service to the Dove World Outreach website, disconnected the site, citing a violation of their terms of use policy.[24] A spokesman for Rackspace told news media that the shutdown was not "a constitutional issue," it was "a contract issue." [25]" LOL

Nothing new under the sun. This is reminiscent of FDR's censorious approach to Father Coughlin's first amendment right.

Posted by: Jim | 2010-09-13 4:47:49 PM

@Jim: how exactly is the cancellation of internet and bank loans a violation of TerryNutJobs right to free speech?

Posted by: Cytotoxic | 2010-09-13 5:13:22 PM

"how exactly is the cancellation of internet and bank loans a violation of TerryNutJobs right to free speech?"

In the same way that public outcry against the GZM causes unions to not build, zoners to not provide permits violates freedom of religion.

The only difference is that Obama feels that constitutional protections extend to one religion and not the other...and he, himself, the annointed one...violated the separation of church and state.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2010-09-13 6:08:19 PM

Jim, not sure if what you say is true but the state does indeed have many levers that can be used to make one behave.

Posted by: TM | 2010-09-13 7:46:25 PM

There seems to be an opinion that the GZM will face construction hold ups. Bill O'Reilly insists that they'll never find a construction crew to work on it. I'd just like to say, anyone who believes this hasn't been near a lot of construction sites lately. That mosque will go up without a hitch, and everyone involved, from contractors, to the lowest labourer, will be muslim.

There are entire subdivisions in Edmonton that have been built, and are inhabited by muslims. A non-muslim crew would be stoned to death if they tried to work on any of the houses in those areas. There's also a giant mosque between Edmonton and Ft. Sask., that provided the work visas for hundreds of muslim immigrants. It's just the beginning my friends. We are only a couple of generations from islamic domination, and we invited them here. Burning korans won't save us. We need to burn some bridges.

Posted by: dp | 2010-09-13 8:46:06 PM

Just a quick correction. The 'mosque' on Manning Drive (between Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan) is actually a Sikh temple. I think you are confusing the two as I cannot think of an any 'entire subdivision' of Muslims.

Posted by: Agrippa | 2010-09-13 9:12:43 PM

Jim, I was not aware of what you listed but am not surprised, for after all he did receive a visit from the FBI following his announcement of planning to burn some korans. Interesting also is that the US military burned bibles destined for Iraq so as not to offend the Islamists.

I am never in agreement with book, any book, burning, but I find the idea of according special treatment to the koran beyond stupid. So we have this poor pastor stating his intention to burn korans out of frustration for the refusal of authorities to protect citizens from Islamists, and you have everyone including the president piling on him. So much for the land of the home of the free and the brave!

Posted by: Alain | 2010-09-13 9:15:43 PM

"I am never in agreement with book, any book, burning, ..."

Why? Ink is ink and paper is paper. I burn newspapers and magazines in my fireplace all the time. Why should a Koran be any different?

"...but I find the idea of according special treatment to the koran beyond stupid."

A Koran should be accorded no more respect than burning a bible, dipping a cross in urine, or burning a flag, or for that matter, burning a cross.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2010-09-13 9:52:40 PM

As a rule Christians do not put out a Fatwa on people who piss them off. There is ample proof that the perceived insulting of the Koran is a death sentence.
Governments continue to kiss ass in the hope these people will become good Canadians/Americans.
As some of the European countries have learned, and we will learn sooner or later......they will not. Incompatible with everything we take for granted.

Posted by: peterj | 2010-09-13 11:55:57 PM

"In the same way that public outcry against the GZM causes unions to not build, zoners to not provide permits violates freedom of religion."

The first half of your sentence is nonsense, the second half is correct. You cannot force individuals to build anything, unless you think they are slaves. The gov't interfearing with someone's property, however, is a different matter.

Posted by: Charles | 2010-09-14 5:38:43 AM

The 9/11 terrorist attacks are not about so called American Imperialism, plight of Palestinians, support for Israel etc.
These attacks are strictly over the fact that West is the domain of unbelievers according to Muslims and America's colossal military and economic power stands in the way of global Islamic domination. Muslims want a world wide totalitarian Islamic rule under Sharia Law and the U.S. stands in the way of that dream.
Muslims are obsessed over symbolism, everything in life has symbolism to them. They choose 9/11 to attack the U.S. because that date is the anniversary day for the last battle in the middle ages when Muslims were kicked out of Western Europe on Sept 11th 1683. They want to reverse that.
Let's call this war for what it really is about, the enemy is not some small band of terrorists but a religion which demands our allegiance, a religion which at the edge of a sword wants the 100 % obedience of every soul on earth. The West will be defeated if we do not know or refuse to identify what the enemy due to political correctness. That enemy is the religion that follows the teachings of the Koran..
The Twin Towers came down because of the battle that Muslims must wage in its global quest according to the Koran.
Considering the Muslim obsession with symbolism, I can understand the motive of someone's intention to burn the Koran if it's strictly burned on Sept 11th... the connect between the Koran and the falling twin towers.

Posted by: StanleyR | 2010-09-14 4:59:37 PM

Agrippa- Oops. I knew that, but it's been 31 years since I lived in Edmonton. Guess I'm guilty of poor culture recognition. A friend of mine actually drove into the parking lot of that temple, expecting a guided tour, or something. He got a very unfriendly greeting, and was given the bum's rush off the property. When it comes right down to it, sikhs scare me more than muslims. There just aren't as many of them, and their hatred is focused on hindus.

Posted by: dp | 2010-09-14 7:46:31 PM

These attacks are strictly over the fact that West is the domain of unbelievers according to Muslims and America's colossal military and economic power stands in the way of global Islamic domination. Muslims want a world wide totalitarian Islamic rule under Sharia Law and the U.S. stands in the way of that dream.

Posted by: StanleyR | 2010-09-14 4:59:37 PM

Some Muslims or all? There's an awful lot of Muslims that came to America to flee sharia law. Too many of them do keep quiet, but that's no reason to lump them in with the fanatics.

Posted by: Publius | 2010-09-14 8:36:23 PM

These attacks are strictly over the fact that West is the domain of unbelievers according to Muslims and America's colossal military and economic power stands in the way of global Islamic domination. Muslims want a world wide totalitarian Islamic rule under Sharia Law and the U.S. stands in the way of that dream.
Posted by: StanleyR | 2010-09-14 4:59:37 PM

Some Muslims or all? There's an awful lot of Muslims that came to America to flee sharia law. Too many of them do keep quiet, but that's no reason to lump them in with the fanatics.
Posted by: Publius | 2010-09-14 8:36:23 PM

One thing I find incredible is that there are Muslims who flee sharia law as Publius rightfully writes, yet one the central teachings of the Koran is a Muslim's obedience to sharia law and every Muslim's duty and mission to bring sharia law to cover the whole globe.

Sharia law is a political and legal law system to be enforced in all nations of the world is a crystal clear command of the Koran. It's mandatory, so are they still Muslim if they flee it? No separation of Religion and State is permitted by the Koran. It is a system of worship, rituals, punishments, morals and manners, transactions and contracts, a constitutional legal cornerstone of all government. Sharia law constitutes a totalitarian means of ordering society.

Sharia is the law of Allah and all other political and legal systems on earth is a sin according to the Koran. So if Muslims flee it are they Muslims? The Koran states worldwide sharia law must be the goal and duty of every Muslim or they will burn in Hell. Why would they flee a law system that have the duty to bring everywhere upon threat of Hell?

When it comes to fanatics it is assumed the violent terrorists are the fanatics in contrast to the “peaceful, moderate” Muslims. What does the Koran say or teach when it comes to actions or behaviour?
It is written as direct commands, to fulfill literally. The Koran admits it has contradictions. The Koran states if one of its verses contradicts another the one written last, the later verse,is to be taken literally and the first statement is to be null and void. All of Mohammed's passages of peace and tolerance were written first, all the barbarically violent commands last. All Muslims are forbidden by the Koran to pick which passages to practice. The Koran explicitly states its own most recent commands are to be the ones carried out if they contradict earlier commands.

The result is, terrorist groups are the one's carrying the Koran's commands in its plain teaching I think.

Posted by: StanleyR | 2010-09-14 9:49:45 PM

All those who called the pastor an idiot are the more idiotic. Look in the mirror to see who is throwing away your freedom.

Posted by: Agha Ali Arkhan | 2010-09-17 2:12:37 AM

Hi I am a muslim but I believe the pastur is free to do what ever he wants that is his freedom. For Publius you have a point but not all muslims think that way. For me Quran versus not which one is before and after but regarding certain situation so when muslims are in war it tells you fight those who fights you and those who don't fight you don't fight them I think this common logic and that is what every body is doing and at the time there is no war there are peace versus. But of course what the terrorists are doing which by the way the mistake of all western governemnts as those crimnals were wanted for example in my country Egypt and what happen they went to the western countries and become asylum seekers. And they were doing terrorist attack against Egyptians.

Posted by: TK | 2010-09-24 11:41:13 PM

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