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Saturday, May 08, 2010

Plains of Abraham and Separatist whining

Separatists in Quebec are doing what they do best, complaining. This time they are, once again, complaining about a music festival that is taking place on the Plains of Abraham. They are claiming that the festival represents Anglophone culture and that taxpayer money should only be used to promote Francophone culture. Really this problem could be solved by the government not promoting any culture at all. That way if anyone wants to put on a French concert they can do it with their own money, but I admit that wasn’t the first thought that came to mind.

The first thought I had when I was reading the list of bands was that I really wish I could go: Iron Maiden, the Black Eyed Peas, Rush, Arcade Fire, Santana, Billy Talent and Rammstein. It sounds like an awesome time.

When I showed the list to my girlfriend she looked puzzled for a moment and said, “Isn’t Rammstein German?” A quick Wikipedia search proved that yes, Rammstein is indeed a German band.

So why aren’t the separatists afraid of promoting German culture? Could it be that the bands were not picked based on where they came from but because they are good? Could it be that the organizers wanted to attract the largest crowd and the most tourism that they could? Why are separatists so hostile to this?

This underlines the basic assumption of these ethno-nationalists. It doesn’t matter how good you are or how many people enjoy your music; if you are not one of them you are fundamentally bad.

Posted by Hugh MacIntyre on May 8, 2010 | Permalink


At least the Quebecois have a genuine sense of history - one that includes injustices and grievances. This is the opposite of Canadian "history" which white-washes anything remotely negative - promoting the image of a liberal, tolerant, progressive and peaceful society. The truth is, of course, more disturbing. Some issues:

-Treatment of Natives is more like a softer, gentler version of Apartheid. Davis Inlet anyone?

-Treatment of visible minorities - segregated schools are just the tip of the iceberg. Head taxes, bans on Asians, bans on black emigration for decades, while exaggerating the anti-slavery image.

-Complete avoidance of the slavery issue. Yes kids, Canada had slaves, and backed the institution in many ways.

-Treatment of the French and labor groups - nuff said. So much for that progressive crap, you bigoted rich thugs.

-Extensive support for Western imperialism, from the Sudan, South Africa, India, the World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle Eastern wars. Yes, Canada backed the US over there - Chretien lied and you people lacked the ability to criticize him. Pearson and Trudeau also allowed the US access to the Cdn economy for Vietnam. Pathetic.

It is fair to conclude that Canadian "history" is little more than fiction. I suggest someone start tackling these issues and more. Of course, knowing the Toronto white corporate establishment, they will crack down on dissenters.

Posted by: Zebulon Pike | 2010-05-08 9:02:50 AM

There are surely some culturally secure Quebecois who must be embarrassed by the incessant paternalism of the separatist mindset. Alberta, do you see what you are paying for? Quebecois, you should do everything Albertans ask of you unless you have the maturity to say no to all that ANGLO loot. You can't be Alberta's kept francophones and actually pretend to be in control of your destiny. Man-up!

Posted by: John Chittick | 2010-05-08 3:17:02 PM

As usual the white-washing is done by the SPLC shill DeZebulon Punk

At least the Quebecois have a genuine sense of history - one that includes injustices and grievances. This is the opposite of Canadian "history" which white-washes anything remotely negative
Posted by: the black racist Zebulon Punk

Who conveniently forget the support the Catholic Church, particularly Lionel Groulx, gave the Nazi's, seeing it as a blueprint to solve Quebecs 'Jewish problem" in the 1930's, nor the persecution of religious groups like the Jehovah Witnesses. You also won't find much written in Quebec about their provincial government and the elite's support for Petain during the war. And the list goes on and on and .....

Treatment of visible minorities - segregated schools are just the tip of the iceberg
Posted by: the black racist Zebulon Punk | 2010-05-08 9:02:50 AM

Complete and utter bullshit. The negroes wanted their own schools. Punk trots this lie out whenever Canadian history / Toronto is discussed.

Complete avoidance of the slavery issue.
Posted by: the black racist Zebulon Punk | 2010-05-08 9:02:50 AM

Th first slaves brought to what become know as Canada were by guess who, the French. No mention of that by Punk, nor that slavery was widespread in Aboriginal culture.

bans on black emigration for decades,
Posted by: the black racist Zebulon Punk | 2010-05-08 9:02:50 AM

Just like Australia and New Zealand did and to a large degree maintain today. Canada nor any other country for that matter has any obligation to allow immigration by any group. 80% of all gun crime in Toronto is committed by blacks. 25% of all violent crime is committed by Jamaican males, who make up about 3% of the population. 50& of all black children in Toronto are raised by a single parent of whom 75% receive social assistance. Importing 3rd world deadbeats and gangsters into Canada is what punk advocates.

It is fair to conclude that Canadian "history" is little more than fiction
Posted by: the black racist Zebulon Punk | 2010-05-08 9:02:50 AM

Punk reminds me of Winston Smith after he's gone through "re-education". Unable to think for himself his only mental ability is to retain and trot out the claptrap spewed by Big Brother, which in Punk's case are Big Brothers,Sharpton, Jackson, SPLLC, etc. Has Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, Punk?

Posted by: The Stig | 2010-05-08 8:04:08 PM

I am a USA resident coming to the great and beautiful city of Quebec to see a German band and a Finnish band. I would think the Quebecois would be proud to show off their city in this world multi-cultural event which shows how music brings people together. I dont presume to opine on Canadian politics, but it seems to me this festival is all good and I for one am looking forward to becoming re-acquainted with this fabulous French Canadian city.

Posted by: jammer63021 | 2010-05-09 8:40:08 AM

White Canada needs to wake up and realize the harm they've caused on others. How many Iraqi or Afghani children died because of Canadian-made weapons? How many Natives live horrible lives and even commit suicide because of white neglect? Why do whites say how much better their cities are compared to others when it is obviously fake? You people live in a fantasy world. Centuries of racial privilege have left you people incredulous and unable to view the world as it is. You people must be forced to face reality. The first step is to discard your present fake history - in fact it is one step above Holocaust denial and on par with Neo-Confederate history.

Your past is one of countless atrocities against minority groups. The sooner that you people face this fact, the quicker you can make restitution to them. That said, I doubt you will bother since you simply don't care about anyone or anything other than your own kind. I recommend segregating white people from the rest of society.

Posted by: Zebulon Pike | 2010-05-09 10:44:36 AM

Oh, here we go. Zebulon Pike is on a racist anti-white tantrum.

It's too bad he hates whites so much. I just wonder if while he's segregating white people he also destroys white technology. Pesky little things like electricity, indoor plumbing, computers, the internet and the printing press to name a few. Perhaps he should also destroy medical textbooks of which the majority of medical knowledge gathered was done by white europeans. Maybe he should consider destroying the automobile and go back to pulling carts with horses or oxen. And don't forget jet aircraft (or any aircraft for that matter), damned things were also created by whites.

Is it possible while you're destroying everything modern that you could also figure out how to get those pesky telecommunications satellites out of orbit? Of course, if it wasn't for a white man, you wouldn't know what an orbit is.

Keep on keepin' on, Zebulon. We love watching ignorance.

Posted by: Don | 2010-05-09 1:23:35 PM

What does it take for you white people to realize that you cause as many social problems as you do fix them?

Posted by: Zebulon Pike | 2010-05-09 3:42:44 PM

Funny how some people fail to understand that racism is not a white monopoly and is the same no matter which group practises it.

As for Quebec, having left La Belle Province in 1984, it is due to the stupidity of English Canada that we continue to pamper them and give in to their every tantrum. Frankly, it is long past time for them to make a choice: either accept to be an equal (not more) partner of Canada or to leave after paying off their debts. As the rather crude expression goes: either shit or get off the pot. End of story.

Posted by: Alain | 2010-05-09 8:04:04 PM

Is this post about racism?

John ... I'm very embarrassed of my gov't to tell you the truth.

Hugh ... you're absolutely right about culture. What a strange thing to believe that the gov't must coerce our own money from us to promote our culture.

Posted by: Charles | 2010-05-10 5:34:50 AM

Too much of Canada's "history" has been the English-French contest, and US-Canada. The racial and ethnic component has been forgotten but for a good reason: whites would come out as the bad guy. So you people can continue to believe your lies, or face some facts and at least try to live up to your progressive reputation. I'm not optimistic that you will.

Posted by: Zebulon Pike | 2010-05-10 8:14:01 AM

Yes, there is sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair across the land as people lose their money and jobs, their security and dreams. But perhaps there is also some measure of joy in the world today over the economic downturn. If you are very quiet, you might even hear sounds of jubilation. Listen: The great apes are beating their chests and grunting in delight; the few remaining whooping cranes are whooping it up; the lions and tigers and bears are having a big picnic in the woods while the fox is going out on the town-o to celebrate.

Posted by: links of london | 2010-08-09 12:17:17 AM

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