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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Hey Steve Ashton, you’re an idiot!

Hey Steve Ashton, you’re an idiot!

For making such a statement, Steve Ashton would have me put in jail.

Since Gary Doer has decided to step down as Premiere of Manitoba and as leader of the NDP Party, his replacement will automatically become the new Premiere of Manitoba. Regrettably, most voters get no say in who will run the Provincial Government, and the choice that NDP party members have is down to 2, Steve Ashton and Greg Selinger.

Ashton has said that if he becomes Premiere he will introduce one of the most disgusting, sick laws that I have ever seen.

NDP leadership candidate Steve Ashton wants to introduce a law that would make racist or other derogatory comments or behaviour an offence.

Ashton said "one of his first acts" if elected leader, and thus premier, would be to introduce what he calls the Dignity Act.

"I want to see Manitoba become a model for human rights," Ashton said. "We want a zero tolerance approach to racism and other forms of discrimination."

Ironically, Ashton wants to see Manitoba become a model for human rights, by violating human rights. Perhaps he is not familiar with the term “freedom of expression”. Here, I will remind him.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

Yes, you are free to be a racist, because those are your thoughts in your own head, that cannot be taken away even by force. And yes, you are free to express your sick, racist thoughts in whatever communicative means you decide to use; the internet, protest, standing on the street corner, etc.

Not only speech will be targeted though, any perceived undesirable actions will be.

Tuesday, he said if becomes premier he will advance a "dignity bill" to combat racism.

The legislation would ensure governments, workplaces and public establishments worked toward zero tolerance for discriminatory, demeaning or racist actions.

I could think of a number of ways that those terms could be interpreted, they are vague. It could include writing a blog that criticizes First Nations leaders, joining certain organizations, speaking out against the government etc.

Zero tolerance of nearly anything is a bad idea, it allows you to shut off your brain and not use any critical thinking skills to judge individual actions and circumstances as they should be judged, individually.

Legislation often expands from its original intended purpose, and while it may have one purpose in the legislative, the enforcement branch of government might not interpret it the same way. There is no way to tell how invasive a “Dignity Law” like this would become.

Freedom of expression is not to be repressed by the government; that is in their own rules. This includes unpopular speech, which is what really needs protection, since many people won’t object to popular speech.

Steve Ashton is bad news, and I would not pay his fines that he would impose on me for saying what I want. And as a result, I would be taken off to jail, for expressing myself. Hello North Korea.




I welcome feedback and I ask for civility in the exchange of comments. Vulgarity is discouraged. Please express yourself creatively with other language. We discuss ideas here, attacks on a person are discouraged.

Posted by Freedom Manitoba on October 1, 2009 in Canadian Politics | Permalink


Mr. Ashton's daughter, Niki, is the federal NDP MP for Churchill. She has also done some silly things.

For example, on February 21st of this year she showed up at the Subcommittee on Senate Elections at the Manitoba Legislature wearing boots and blue jeans. She gave a presentation about how electing Senators would be a waste of time. I guess she didn't notice that it was the provincial NDP's idea to have a committee to determine how Senate elections would be conducted. Oops!

Posted by: Cory D. Schreyer | 2009-10-01 11:16:39 AM

What can one say other than this is typical of the NDP at both provincial and federal level. Interesting how some still cannot grasp that the NDP is not the party for freedom of any kind, which is probably why it attracts so many strange individuals.

Posted by: Alain | 2009-10-01 11:27:28 AM

This fellow isn't by any chance related to another sunshine boy named Dalton McGuinty, is he??? Seriously, where do these neurotics come from?

Posted by: Shane Matthews | 2009-10-01 11:48:29 AM

@ Freedom Manitoba:

I resent you calling Ashton an idiot.

I am from Manitoba. There are indeed many idiots there.

Steve Ashton is not among them.

It is COMPLETELY UNFAIR to call Ashton an idiot...

As this is unfair TO idiots.

Ashton is far worse than an idiot.

I said for years the man was a fascist, kind of a Shane Matthews of the toba political scene.

He is so bad even toba dippers won't elect him.

So lay off the idiots, and describe Ashton appropirately from now on.


Posted by: John Collison | 2009-10-01 7:43:01 PM

I am calling him idiot in a tongue-in-cheeck way, since it may be against teh law to do so if he gets his way. I would not normally resort to name calling.

Posted by: Freedom Maniotba | 2009-10-01 8:20:23 PM

What's this Premiere crap? I can't even pronounce it. Freedom Manitobe can't spell. It should drop off the side of the world.

Posted by: Agha Ali Arkahn | 2009-10-02 11:18:14 PM

Wow..bunch of idiots in this blog. Obiously sir, you are one of those that don't understand what it feels like to come across racism. Freedom of expression versus making a racist remark are two different things. Racism should be outlawed and thus considered a criminal offence.

Calling Mr. Ashton an idiot does not make you any smarter. Using internet as a mean of insulting someone does not make your judgements of that individual right by any means.

But please keep up your dumb blog going, as it gives lot of us a very good chuckle.

Posted by: Garry | 2009-10-06 9:48:06 PM

ohh hey cory.. what have you done in your life so far.. a sore loser sitting here and making dumb comments about a person who was the youngest woman MP ever elected.

Keep your useless shit to yourself..

A spelling mistakes from my previous post..

Posted by: Garry | 2009-10-06 9:52:07 PM

I am an IDIOT!

Posted by: Arnold Seri | 2009-12-01 2:49:12 PM

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