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Friday, September 04, 2009

We got to get paid: Africa wants $300 billion for climate change

Before Ezra Levant was thrust into the international spotlight in his battle for freedom of the press and free speech, he authored Fight Kyoto, a highly readable guide to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change and a handbook of sorts for grassroots activists opposed to the anti-capitalist, international treaty.

In a chapter of this best-selling book titled “Disguised Foreign Aid”, Levant writes:

While most Canadians who are engaged in the Kyoto discussion focus on the impossibility of taking carbon out of our economy, or on the dubious nature of the science of global warming, very few have seen Kyoto for what it is: Maurice Strong’s hidden transfer of wealth from industrialized countries such as Canada to poor – and often corrupt – countries in the Third World.

Levant dedicates an entire chapter to Canadian Maurice Strong who he argues is more responsible for the Kyoto Protocol than anyone else. Levant writes:

Maurice Strong: a Dr. Evil-style strategist for the industrial collapse of the world from high in the Swiss Alps. Owner of a 200,000 acre New Age zen colony. Designer of a proposal to “seriously consider” requiring licences to have babies. This is the architect of the Kyoto Protocol.

As for the Kyoto Protocol being “disguised foreign aid,” the current Copenhagen round of climate change discussions is providing some indication of what this “foreign aid” scheme might cost. The Nation reported yesterday that Africa is threatening to walkout of the talks if approximately $300 billion in aid is not committed by the industrialized West. Argaw Ashine with The Nation writes:

Africa's climate change negotiators led by Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi have threatened to withdraw from the upcoming global climate change talks. The Ethiopian PM said Africa might have to walk out if the December climate negotiations in Copenhagen, Denmark, failed to agree with Africa’s minimum position. According to Africa's common position paper, the continent wants huge financial support (estimated at US$300 billion) and technology transfer from the West for mitigation and adaptation activities to curb the impact of climate crisis on the continent.

Posted by Matthew Johnston

Posted by westernstandard on September 4, 2009 | Permalink


The more I read of Ezra - the more I like him and his comment sense approach.

By all means - send Billions$$$ to Africa and see how many Tanks and RPGs are purchased.

Could we not send Aid in Kind? Like the entire Canadian Human Rights industry and their followers and provincial counterparts plus intervenors?

Or would real work contravene their human rights?

Posted by: The LS from SK | 2009-09-04 11:05:42 AM

Global warming? Is that still around?

In any case, hell no. I wouldn't commit one dollar for any wealth-transfer scheme/scam let alone $300 billion. It's a gigantic waste of good money. Africa's reputation with foreign aid is appalling. Its leaders either spent billions of luxuries or hid the money in First World banks, while their people continued to suffer. It would be like giving a line of credit to someone with massive credit card debt.

Posted by: Zebulon Pike | 2009-09-04 11:10:20 AM

I know if they could harness the saliva running from their mouths it would solve Africas energy problems.. Walk away..lol They will stick around for whatever they can get.. 50 million will do just fine.. Poof its gone.. 300 Billion and I bet thats just for starters..

Posted by: John | 2009-09-05 9:42:51 PM

Global Cooling has been going for more than a decade. Shouldn't they be paying us for that? I mean if we, and not the sun, is responsible for warming then we fixed it.

Posted by: GeronL | 2009-09-06 12:36:58 AM

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