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Saturday, September 05, 2009
Bernier on Freedom and Responsibility
Conservative MP Maxime Bernier explains the concept of freedom:
Posted by Hugh MacIntyre on September 5, 2009 in Canadian Politics | Permalink
Tis guy is too smart to be a Conservative.
Posted by: Freedom Manitoba | 2009-09-05 7:14:18 PM
So that's why he was fired from the Cabinet. He's actually a conservative, in the pre-Harper Era meaning of the word.
Posted by: Publius | 2009-09-05 8:49:35 PM
Bernier is an idiot who loses his mind when he sees a pair of X chromosomes.
Posted by: beachgirl | 2009-09-05 11:25:02 PM
Id lose my mind too, she was hot. Sorry beachgirl :)
I thought he sounded like he was sane, it was a good speech. I wish all politicians would do that. All politicians should post videos like this so that we get a better understanding of their views and get a visual. Its way better than relying on the media for the info. I like Bernier, who cares who he fools around with. It doesn't make him a bad politician. Just a bad husband.
Posted by: Steve Bottrell | 2009-09-06 12:13:44 AM
Not even a bad husband, he's not married.
Posted by: hughmacintyre | 2009-09-06 10:48:50 AM
Bernier didn't lose his mind, he lost confidential documents. What does Couillard have to do with it, really? Except for the wild accusations and smears made by Bernier's poltical opponents, there isn't any reason to mention Couillard, or her breasts.
Your comment is just another smear, a low blow, and pathetic response to Bernier's valid and nuanced expression of his political/philosophical viewpoint. Go to hell.
Posted by: zoop | 2009-09-06 11:06:24 AM
Maybe he lost confidential documents because he lost his mind over her her "X Chromosomes", even if temporarily.
Really, has anybody cared to research Julie Couillard? She is bad news. And for him to get involved with her was poor judgment from the very beginning, to say the least.
Aren't we supposed to expect more from those who represent us?
Posted by: Nothing New Under the Sun | 2009-09-06 11:36:54 AM
Aren't we supposed to expect more from those who represent us?
Posted by: Nothing New Under the Sun | 2009-09-06 11:36:54 AM
1. "representation" is a fallicy
2. they are just people
Posted by: Freedom Manitoba | 2009-09-06 12:57:18 PM
"privatize the profits and socialize the losses"
Wow. Maybe Quebec does have some redeemable qualities.
Posted by: johndoe124 | 2009-09-06 6:53:57 PM
@Nothing New Under the Sun
"Has anybody cared to research Julie Couillard?"
Actually she has been investigated by the RCMP, CSISm and the media for two decades. No charges have ever been laid.
You say she is bad news, I say she is innocent until proven guilty. I'm not even sure exactly what she has supposedly done wrong in the first place.
As for "expecting more from elected officials", the fact that you have any expectations about who and MP should be allowed to date reveals more about your shortcomings than anything else.
Posted by: zoop | 2009-09-07 12:42:41 AM
@ zoop
"I'm not even sure exactly what she has supposedly done wrong in the first place"
Dated a loanshark, married a drug dealer. Doesn't make her guilty of anything, but says a lot on her character.
Posted by: Nothing New Under the Sun | 2009-09-07 7:00:42 AM
Zoop is a froot loop.
Posted by: beachgirl | 2009-09-07 10:27:06 PM
"Bernier is an idiot who loses his mind when he sees a pair of X chromosomes."
Hmmmm ... so can we actually focus on his ideas or does his allegedly poor judgment in women invalidate them?
And anyway, you've just described the majority of the male population.
Posted by: Charles | 2009-09-08 5:50:17 AM
I guess I win the argument when all you can do is call people 'idiots' and 'froot loops'. Yeah, Section 7(d) of the Charter is crazy, how silly of me.
@Nothing New Under the Sun
"Doesn't make her guilty of anything, but says a lot on her character."
And what does it say about your character that you think this is even remotely a relevant topic for public discussion?
You admit Couillard is innocent, yet you try to impute her for her past associations, and in turn impute Bernier for his past association with Couillard.
Your judgment of Couillard's character has absolutely nothing to do with Bernier's views on liberty and responsibility.
Posted by: zoop | 2009-09-08 2:27:57 PM
Loopy Zoopy,
Stop crying already! Nobody cares!
Posted by: beachgirl | 2009-09-08 6:06:10 PM
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