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Monday, July 13, 2009
Speaking of health care...
David Gratzer, a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, testified before the US Congress last month on the subject of the Canadian health care system. Gratzer's personal experience as a physician in Canada certainly injects a bit of local knowledge into the current US congressional health care debates.
Posted by Alina on July 13, 2009 in Health care reform | Permalink
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Gratzer's personal experience as a physician in Canada certainly injects a bit of local knowledge into the current US congressional health care debates.
Posted by Alina on July 13, 2009
Gratzer is a fraud. His claim that the survival rates of prostrate cancers patients in the "socialist" NHS in the UK were half that of the "free-market" US were found by the NYT, Washington Post, Fox News, etc to be fraudulent. The congressional hearing that you refer to showed that Gratzer presented non-factual statistics. Do your homework before you post this nonsense.
Posted by: The Stig | 2009-07-13 7:19:20 PM
Health care needs more managers..
Personal responsibility, accountability, consequences are still a real fact of life for us all..
The ’lack of personal responsibility’ is always inexcusable. I know from first hand experience that the patient firstly also has to be involved to make the health care system work for them. One merely being too lazy and falsely relying on the supposed professionalism, help of doctors, and any others to now next take control of dealing fully with your own health problems does not insure, guarantee success… rather this bad approach may not get much good done for you.
It is important to not only to get a good Doctor referrals, to tell the doctor what you think is wrong, and to ask the Doctor the right questions, but it is also important that that you persist until you get acquire, satisfactory answers, and to insure that you do get all of the necessary follow-up appointments. THIS MAY MEAN VISITING MORE THAN ONE DOCTOR NOW AS WELL.
Many people complain about the health care system when they themselves now have not done all that they should do to insure they get, got a good medical service.
Firstly NOW it a real bad advice to even visit a doctor alone, for the doctors are the most afraid of a pending lawsuit, so always do also take a loud mouthed witness with you when you got to the Hospital, or to any doctor’s visits.
Secondly on your first visit you cannot just tell your doctor that it is his job alone to find out what is wrong with you, or that ’something is wrong with me’ merely , and next expect even then to be fully taken care of. You have to help the doctor to find out what is wrong with you by telling him what the pain symptoms are.
Doctors too often are often busy persons in our poorly managed health care system so it is very easy for your health needs to slip through the cracks like this poor fellow above.
When you get tests or scans done make sure your doctor not only sees them and reviews them but that he gives you some real feedback. Ask him what the results showed. See if he really looked at them.
Something as important as your good health it is never adequate enough to leave completely in the hands of others, what ever experts though they may claim to be.
I know firsthand there are good and bad doctors, and good and poorly, badly managed Hospitals now as well.
For a few years I was not getting enough looking after from the local medical establishment, while they were busy charging with their services with my health card. So I next had merely informed my main doctor that I was writing a report to the federal and provincial health minister of how I was being treated by him, and well next the doctor started to take his work seriously and to give me adequate care..
if we sow nothing we will reap nothing,
To reap something good we need to sow some good first..
Posted by: Patient | 2009-07-14 5:25:19 AM
The Stig,
Whether what you say is true or not, you don't have to be such a fucking asshole in the way you present it. You could have politely made your point to Alina instead of being so hostile.
Have you considered counselling to get at the root source of your constant anger and hatred of racial minorities? I guarantee you it will help. Granted, the hourly rate of most psychologists is quite high.
Posted by: Robert Seymour | 2009-07-14 11:41:21 AM
Granted, the hourly rate of most psychologists is quite high.
Posted by: Robert Seymour | 2009-07-14 11:41:21 AM
How much is your psychologist charging you?
Posted by: The Stig | 2009-07-14 1:00:35 PM
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