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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ron Paul's son might run for Senate

I am in general suspicious of political dynasties, especially in the United States. This, however, is one dynasty that I can get behind.

From Fox News:

Sen. Jim Bunning's decision not to seek re-election next year has paved the way for Ron Paul's son to make his first foray into national politics.

Rand Paul, a Kentucky ophthalmologist, has said he would seek his state's Republican nomination for senator only if Bunning didn't. On Monday, Bunning announced he would not seek a third term because of a lack of campaign funds.

But Paul has not fully committed to a Senate run.

"We're very close and probably there will be some announcement from us in a week to 10 days,"he told FOXNews.com.

Posted by Hugh MacIntyre on July 29, 2009 | Permalink


Like "run" the whole thing! And without even getting elected. Impressive.

Posted by: Craig | 2009-07-29 10:33:08 PM

oops grammre iz knot mii strung sute

Posted by: Hugh MacIntyre | 2009-07-29 10:42:07 PM

Yeah he has been teasing us for a while with this. He said if Bunning doesn't run he would start his race. Hopefully this is the case and the USA gets another thinker in Washington.

Posted by: Calgary Libertarian | 2009-07-30 8:30:52 AM

Rand Paul would be better than most of the folks there.

Posted by: Scott Carnegie | 2009-07-30 8:51:31 AM

Since when has FOX NEWS ever reported anything credible? In American News you have FOX-dig up any dirt (whether it is true or not) on Democrats, MSNBC-Obama is the second coming of Christ and can't do anything wrong, and CNN(The Beat The Dead Horse Network)-that provides no opinion at all and has to ask the viewers what they should report.


Posted by: Doug Gilchrist | 2009-07-30 10:17:02 AM

It would be good to see another "Paul" in DC.
There's a serious shortage of real Republican Patriots on the beltway...

Posted by: The original JC | 2009-07-31 6:05:48 AM

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