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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

CTF confronts Red Ball creator

Posted by Matthew Johnston

Posted by westernstandard on June 23, 2009 | Permalink


Hospitals? Ambulances? Public transportation? So the CTF is pro-public funding for healthcare and for getting me to and from the mall to do my shopping? I didn't know that. I thought those things were statist/socialist.

BTW, Gaudet comes off looking like a fool. He would have looked much better if he had just asked some questions without the snearing attitude. But I especially like how he posts his little sticker right above a "post no bills" sign and then is miffed when it is taken down. What a nutter! Thanks for posting the video.

Posted by: Fact Check | 2009-06-23 10:58:29 AM

I would also like to thank you for posting this video. A great illustration of the sheer absurdity of the state of arts funding.

Posted by: So-crates | 2009-06-23 1:53:23 PM

Disgusting. Just another black hole reason to tax us. Our system has seriously degenerated into a sick culture of entitlement...and we keep voting for them.

Posted by: The original JC | 2009-06-23 4:20:11 PM

Folks, it is just another day and another example of the government throwing our tax dollars to the wind as though the government had earned them. It seems the federal government has also given $400,000 of our tax dollars for Toronto's gay pride parade. Still, all this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Posted by: Alain | 2009-06-23 8:25:14 PM

Fact Check has it right, this wasn't righteous 'free speech', it was a lame PR stunt that offended the people standing right there. What the clip doesn't show is a bunch of us got on his case after the camera stops and told him off for a good hour. As the Star pointed out this isn't even an expensive project for Luminato - Circ was probably 30 times more - so why go after it? He just wanted some of the press the project got with its great response. He came off as rude, poorly informed, and in the end kind of crass. For those he represents its an embarrassing way to try to make your point.

Posted by: wasthere | 2009-06-24 7:31:57 AM

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