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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Building Trust Together: The Canadian government wants your soul


Call it sweetness with a touch of schadenfreude, but I couldn't help thinking of Western Standard readers when I saw this lovely piece of bureaucratic pornography from Public Sector Integrity Canada.

The commissioner in charge introduces the report with thoughtful words about trust, governments, and the principle of non-contradiction:

Strong public institutions are always important to the well-being of Canadians but never more so than in times of economic uncertainty. This annual report, my second to Parliament, comes at a time of considerable unpredictability for Canadians. We are living through one of those historical changes which force us collectively to go back to basics and focus on what is essential. In the current economic situation, the confidence of citizens in government to make the right decisions is fundamental to recovery. Equally, their level of trust in public institutions and public servants to carry out those decisions in an ethical way and in the public interest is crucial. Last year, I chose the theme Building Trust Together for my report. This year’s report builds upon that foundation and underscores our shared responsibility to enhance public trust through transparency and ethical behaviour. My mission remains the same: to inform; to protect; and to prevent. But the environment has changed.

There an ominous ring to almost every word coming from this man's pen. But I will let you see for yourselves.

Posted by Alina on May 17, 2009 in Canadian Politics | Permalink


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Just shows how corrupt the civil service must be to merit such a policing. Public Sector Integrity Canada should reduce in size the more successful it becomes. Want to bet it increases in size? After all, it owes its existence to the fear of "wrong doing."

Posted by: dewp | 2009-05-17 7:12:08 PM

Well, all things considered it would be informative if the picture and the website identified these robust stalwards of integrity.

Posted by: The LS from SK | 2009-05-18 4:51:32 AM

Attacker represents everything wrong with Canadian conservatives.

American conservatives would find this ominous and worry about the expansion of state power. But not Attacker and his ilk. The thrown and the alter are the only two sources of right in his parochial world...

Posted by: Robert Seymour | 2009-05-18 5:36:28 AM

"Nothing ominous in the slightest there. You must really hate morality, virtue, truth, and pretty much everything good."

"Ethics bad, evil good. Trust bad, duplicity good. Accountability bad, tyranny good. At least to libertarians."

Posted by: Attacker | 2009-05-17 7:41:03 PM

Without a doubt a government troll. What else could possibly present such complete distortions as truth and virtue. Only the twisted mind of a government sycophant.

"My mission remains the same: to inform; to protect; and to prevent."

Yeah...to inform, protect "the government" and prevent the public from seeing what's going on...

Posted by: JC | 2009-05-18 7:00:21 AM

I strongly encourage everyone to read David Hutton and David Kilgour's critique of the Intergrity Commissioner's report.


David Hutton is Executive Director of FAIR, an organization that advocates for whistleblowers - whom the Commissioner is supposed to protect, but doesn't. We at Canadians for Accountability have the same mission at FAIR, but with a broader mandate. We agree in every respect with FAIR's piece and will be commenting in the Ottawa Hill Times to that effect.

Accountability and the protection of whistleblowers is a non-partisan issue, by the way. Both Conservatives and Liberals contributed to the decline of the first and the persecution of the second. And, in any event, the problem is mainly rooted in the senior bureaucracy, which feels entitled to do pretty much what it pleases and cannot, despite popular perception, be fired by politicians. One senior Tory said words to the effect that "I know my senior bureaucracy is corrupt and incompetent, but I can't fire them."

So if you want change, write to your MP and demand the Integrity Commissioner be replaced. There's no reason they shouldn't support the issue.

Ian Bron
Canadians for Accountability

Posted by: Ian Bron | 2009-05-18 7:39:01 AM

Hummm...you want the Integrity Commissioner to be replaced? Good luck as despite MSM demands for an investigation into wrong doing and questionable practices at the CHRC (Canadian Human Rights Commission) - no one is even looking at the issue related to wrong doing of their staff and contractors. The CHRC Commissioner continues her world business-class travel without a second thought!

The Public Sector Integrity Commission is just another parking space for at least theswe 15 well heeled and well compensated uncivil servants.

Otherwise, they would read Ezra Levant's blog and take meaqningful action.

Posted by: The LS from SK | 2009-05-18 8:01:18 AM

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