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Thursday, April 02, 2009

John Carpay on Calgary's University of Censorship

John Carpay, the executive director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation on the UofC (University of Censorship):

In other CCF news, Western Standard contributor Karen Selick will be joining them as Litigation Director, where I know she'll bring them to better and brighter things. Congrats!

Posted by Kalim Kassam on April 2, 2009 | Permalink


This is really disgraceful conduct by the UofC. It has to stop. Everyone should email the president.

Posted by: Grant Brown | 2009-04-02 5:21:53 PM

Maybe women do not like being shown or reminded of some of the consequences of their lawful right to abortion. The displays should be allowed, but they will not change the law.

Posted by: dewp | 2009-04-02 5:59:11 PM

Kalim - the CCF has popped up on my radar a couple of times recently, I'm told it was founded by new Conservative M.P. John Weston. Are you aware of Mr. Weston? I took a look at his bio and CV and it is very high calibre. I'm not sure where he stands on a lot of issues, but we may have a good one here who *may* be partial to liberty, I could be wrong though. Whether he is or isn't, I don't see anyone, anywhere, with better credentials to succeed Mr. Harper.


Posted by: No Censorship | 2009-04-05 1:32:56 AM

No Censorship,

I actually don't know much about Mr. Weston and have never had the opportunity to meet him, but I was aware of his role in founding the CCF. For this reason, during the last Federal election I sent him a questionnaire asking his views on a number of freedom issues. I called his campaign on a couple of occasions to encourage them to have him fill it out, but to no avail.

Posted by: Kalim Kassam | 2009-04-05 4:12:01 AM

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