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Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Roadkill Radio hits third gear
Kari Simpson and I are back "on the air" again tonight from 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Pacific with our third Roadkill Radio show, You can listen (and watch) live at, or check out the archived show later.
Another two great guests tonight. In the first hour, we'll have Allan Garneau, head of the B.C. Homeschool Association. The homeschooling topic is a natural follow-up to our two previous education-issues-laden shows.
We'll be devoting most of the second hour to global warming, the hype and the hysteria. Our guest will be the National Post's great Lorne Gunter, whose columns on global warming should be a must-read for all Canadians.
Posted by Terry O'Neill on March 17, 2009 in Media | Permalink
Excellent! Of all the libertarian activism going on out there, I really do believe after years of thinking on it - that this is the movement that will have the biggest impact on the future.
Posted by: MW | 2009-03-17 5:12:47 PM
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