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Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Stephen Harper's statement to Canadians
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's statement to Canadians:
Harper also made an almost identical statement in French, except with the French word "souverainiste" standing in for the English "separatist."
Stephen Harper will be meeting with Her Excellency the Governor General Michaëlle Jean tomorrow morning at 9am EST, likely to ask for a prorogation of Parliament.
If granted, Parliament would go into recess and the Conservatives would avoid a potential vote of non-confidence when the House is presented with the government's fiscal update, scheduled for Monday.
You can find the full transcript of Harper's statement here, as well as remarks from opposition party leaders Dion, Duceppe and Layton and some nifty word clouds.
Posted by Kalim Kassam on December 3, 2008 in Canadian Politics | Permalink
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"Her Excellency". Makes me want to vomit. Makes me want to pick up and move my family. Might as well call her "Your Majesty". Think she'll shake a few chicken bones to figure out what to do? It's a joke, our system of government's a joke.
I hope this gang takes over. I can sit home for a year. I just hope the ROC gets to vote in the next Quebec referendum. If we have a say, they'll be gone in a heartbeat.
Posted by: dp | 2008-12-03 10:03:11 PM
The Ministry of Truth (CBC, CTV, Globe and Mail)says that the PM's speech tonight was just "empty rhetoric", and that he promosed "nothing".
Must have been a different fella: I heard a succint account of what has been done, and what will be done, to help the economy. I also heard a reasoned and calm justification as to why the Coalition is a bad idea.
Through this whole thing the media have never challenged two statements by the Coalition Stooges:
Harper had done nothing;
Harper has lost confidence of Parliament.
As to the first, there are infrastructure programs already underway ($30 billion so far); tax reductions coming on line; meetings with provincial Premiers held or scheduled; meeting with Aboriginal groups scheduled--and several more were listed in Flaherty's update, but not, of course, reported.
As to confidence: who knows whether Harper has the House's confidence until there is a vote. Right now it's just Dion's opinion----no matter what anyone says.
We need a respite from the desparation that is driving the Clowns. Dion and Layton know that unless they pull this off while the hysteria they have whipped up is boiling, they stand no chance later as scrutiny turns to their lengthy conniving, their deals with, and promises to, the separatists, and their pie-in-the-sky promises.
Posted by: Patrick B | 2008-12-03 10:06:28 PM
Wow, he was a gentleman - more of one than I would ever be. Too bad Dion is a heel. I think he demonstrated statemanship while the opposition demonstrate thuggery.
Posted by: Faramir | 2008-12-03 10:14:44 PM
way to go Mr. Harper...stay the course and ignore the naysayers..we elected you and your party to lead this country..keep doing the great job you are doing..
Posted by: Agnes Levesque | 2008-12-03 10:29:15 PM
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