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Friday, December 05, 2008

Stephen Harper honoured with Leadership Award while House rebellion continues

In a bit of irony yesterday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper was honoured with a leadership award, but was unable to attend the presentation ceremony because of the rebellion in the House of Commons that continues to threaten his government.

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Peter Kent, accepted the first-ever International Leadership Award on behalf of the Prime Minister in New York. The award was given to Harper by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations for his work in promoting strong Western relations with the State of Israel.

“I am deeply honoured to be recognized for helping improve Western relations with Israel,” said the Prime Minister. “Canada stands with Israel, and will stand with any nation willing to put its trust in its people and follow the principles of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.”

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations was founded in 1954 to promote the State of Israel in the United States. An umbrella group representing 50 national religious, philanthropic and civic American Jewish organizations, it serves as a central coordinating body and primary forum for deliberations and discussions among its members on national and international issues of concern to the Jewish people.

As part of Canada's commitment under Harper to addressing the concerns of the Jewish people, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney has spearheaded Canada's recent and ongoing efforts to move toward full membership in the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research. Kenney recently returned from the Babyn Yar massacre site in Kiev, Ukraine where over 100,000 Jews and non-Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

Posted by Matthew Johnston on December 5, 2008 in Canadian Conservative Politics | Permalink


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When other world leaders recieves good reviews repect and pride from their citizens and country in canada the Canadian people are unaware to the awards presented to the prime minister Stephen Harper-no photos no pride no national newspaper or television ever mention this story.
The MSM in canada has made it very clear that no conservative government is accepted.
The HATRED which the MSM has for the prime minister Stephen Harper is all over the newspaper.


The canadian MSM have more respect: for the liberal party that stole millions of dollars of taxpayers money, the liberals' support of terrorist groups; support the hezbollah flag rather than our nation's flag. It gets worse. today's date the liberal party continues with their scams and not a single MSM has ever bombarded them nor showed respect for the canadian people whose money the liberals stole from.
What PM Stephen Harper has done in three years in governemnt could not ever be accomplished by the liberals in their thirteen years in government.

For the sake and sanity of canadian people we need good decent reporters who honour respect our country,flag citizens and most of all the troops.
We need them so report and be proud of the awards presented to our prime minister Stephen Harper.


Posted by: J.M | 2008-12-17 5:40:22 PM

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