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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Two for one special

The Supreme Court of Canada let stand a lower court ruling, as well as a regulatory ruling by the Canadian Transportation Agency, that required airlines to gives two seats for one fare to some disabled and obese customers. [As an aside, this does not mean that the Supreme Court agreed with the ruling, as the Supreme Court only hears about 100 cases a year that are of national importance or result from a split of authority]

Posted by Moin A Yahya on November 20, 2008 in Economic freedom | Permalink


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You should get so much free weight (body or luggage) and after you reach the limit, pay extra. That would be fair and not be prejudiced against the fatty brigade. (Equality for all)

Posted by: Marlkalta | 2008-11-20 11:41:40 PM

So average-sized travelers will end up subsidizing the non-average sized travelers. Awesome.
I wonder how many of the SCC Justices could qualify for an extra plane seat.
(I am ignoring disabled customers because my experience is that businesses will accommodate their disabled customers. IMO, morbid obesity is not so much a disability as it is a lack of knowledge/motivation about proper nutrition and exercise.)

Posted by: Mean Hank | 2008-11-21 9:59:18 AM

The Supreme Court of Canada let stand a lower court ruling, as well as a regulatory ruling by the Canadian Transportation Agency, that required airlines to gives two seats for one fare to some disabled and obese customers.
Posted by Moin A Yahya on November 20, 2008

Most US airlines charge obese (fat slobs) passengers for a second seat. If you happen to be sitting next to one that hasn't paid for a second seat complain to a flight attendant and they'll move you. The ridicule may be motivation for them to lose some blubber.

Posted by: The Stig | 2008-11-22 12:01:23 PM

The ridicule may be motivation for them to lose some blubber.

Posted by: The Stig | 22-Nov-08 12:01:23 PM

No, it won't. If ridicule was the answer, nobody would be fat. They hear it all day, every day.

I'm curious, what about people who are just huge, but not fat? I have an employee, who's almost 300 lbs, with hardly any fat. He takes up a lot of room, and most people never complain. In fact, when he asks for a raise, I don't argue much. Should he have to pay for an extra seat? Good luck with that.

Posted by: dp | 2008-11-22 12:42:48 PM

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