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Monday, November 03, 2008
McCain's last minute e-mail
I received the following e-mail. (Brackets are my comments, bold is theirs)
My Friend, (yo what up?)
From the time I entered the Naval Academy at age seventeen (long before my parents were born) I have been privileged and honored to serve my country. (I'm a war hero, remember?)
Throughout my years of service, I've been faced with challenges where I could have taken the easy way out and given up (war hero damn it). But I'm an American (not, for example, a Kenyan) and I never give up. Instead, I choose to show courage and stand up and fight for the country I love. Today, I am asking you to stand with me and to fight for our country's future. (Sounds like he wants us to charge out of the trenches)
Our country faces enormous challenges and our next president must be ready to lead on day one. My lifetime of experience (a lifetime is a lot of this guy) has prepared me to lead our great nation. I'm prepared to bring solutions to our economic challenges (such as nationalizing the banks), bring our troops home in victory and improve our nation's healthcare system.
Time and time again, my country has saved my life (he gets free health care) and I owe her more than she has ever owed me (So up yours JFK). I have chosen to show my gratitude through a life of service to our country (I said war hero!) and tomorrow, you will have a choice before you.
I humbly ask you to make the choice that will allow me to serve (war hero) my country a little while longer (doesn't he still have his Senate seat? Can't he serve from there?) by casting your vote to elect me as your next President of the United States.
Finally, I ask that you never forget that much has been sacrificed to protect our right to vote (war hero). We must never forget those Americans who, with their courage, with their sacrifice, and with their lives, have protected our freedom (for the last time, war hero). It is my great hope that you will exercise your right to vote as an American tomorrow. (If I were you I would hope that a lot of Democrats don't exercise that right)
I thank you for your kind support (no problem), your dedication to our cause (think nothing of it), and most importantly I thank you for your vote (uhm).
With sincere appreciation,
John McCain
Posted by Hugh MacIntyre on November 3, 2008 in U.S. politics | Permalink
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Cynical, Funny and easy to relate to.
Problem is the main alternative is a Marxist (too?)
Hang on kids, its going to be a wild ride. :)
Posted by: JC | 2008-11-03 9:12:46 PM
Should be good TV tomorrow night. If McCain should win,( I doubt it)there will be riots in a lot of cities.If Obama wins, the chinese stock market will probably take a big dive as 90 % of the traders there are cheering for McCain. The chinese hold a lot of the USA debt.Canada will be affected too as Obama has stated his dislike for Nafta. Should be great entertainment.
Posted by: peterj | 2008-11-03 9:47:24 PM
Not funny in the slightest, Hugh. Not witty, not insightful, not intelligent commentary. Just cheeky, immature rubbish.
Surely you can do better than that...
Posted by: clear | 2008-11-03 9:54:14 PM
I have a low and easily satisfied sense of humour I admit. I am sorry you don't share it, I find great happiness in it.
Posted by: Hugh MacIntyre | 2008-11-03 10:01:08 PM
FWIW Hugh, you entertained me.
Posted by: Kalim Kassam | 2008-11-03 11:34:07 PM
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