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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Even you, Prentice? Campaign launches to draft Jim Prentice for Conservative party leader

Picture_10_2 Earlier this evening, I reported that an anonymous group claiming to be comprised of Conservative Party of Canada members from across the country has launched a new website to mobilize national support for a campaign to draft Ontario Conservative MP John Baird to lead the Conservative party.

Treachery doesn't rest, not even on a Sunday. Grassroots Conservative Party members have apparently also launched a campaign to draft Jim Prentice for the same job. The website for Conservatives for Prentice went live tonight as well.

Prentice is a Calgary MP and Minister of the Environment.

Posted by Matthew Johnston on November 30, 2008 in Canadian Conservative Politics | Permalink


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I'm tellin' ya, it's a snowjob...

There's less than 4 weeks before Christmas. It's a weekend. A low in the news cycle. The only "grassroots", of any stripe, paying attention are keyboard news-junkies like us. The "movement" you're discussing, isn't...

Posted by: Richard Evans | 2008-11-30 10:11:07 PM

I commented before I looked at the site and it looks like I'm correct...


"As Jim Prentice’s riding president and campaign manager in the recent federal election, I feel it necessary to make several points to those who are posting on this blog as well as the architects of this site. First and foremost is the fact that this site is neither endorsed, supported nor in any way encouraged by Mr. Prentice, nor any of the people who work or volunteer for him – in fact quite the opposite is true.

It is unfortunate that at a time when conservatives need to be working together to prevent what is a desperate power play by the opposition to seize control of our democratically elected government, that a site like this would be created. All conservatives and any Canadians who believe in democracy and the importance of stability during this time of economic crisis should follow Mr. Prentice’s unwavering support of and loyalty to our leader and our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper.

David Higginbottom
President, Calgary Centre North Conservative EDA"


It's an anonymous blogspot site guys. Give your friggin' heads a shake...

Posted by: Richard Evans | 2008-11-30 10:16:53 PM

All the signs certainly point to anti-Conservative operatives, Richard.

Posted by: Matthew Johnston | 2008-11-30 10:33:26 PM

Prentice, who may be a real conservative, as opposed to Harper, may finally give us the much-needed substantial tax cuts we've been waiting for (that was the only reason to vote Conservative, but Harper has disappointed everyone on that score).

Canadian households are currently losing 45% of their annual income to taxes; in a normal country, that would be no more than 10-20%. This country is kaput, finished, and I'll be devoting my time to making sure that the day comes when Alberta separates from this fiction, "Canada", or joins up with the U.S.

Posted by: Werner Patels | 2008-11-30 10:41:19 PM

Werner, Jim's my MP... He's less conservative than Harper. Both socially and economically.

Posted by: Richard Evans | 2008-11-30 10:58:23 PM

Richard is correct. Harper is the most conservative-libertarian option available to the party.

Posted by: Matthew Johnston | 2008-11-30 11:10:54 PM

"Harper is the most conservative-libertarian option available to the party."

Posted by: Matthew Johnston | 30-Nov-08 11:10:54 PM

They said that of the drug-warrior imperialist Richard Nixon when there were plenty of more conservative individuals like Ron Paul in the party. There are people in Harper's caucus who are preferable to him from a conservative-libertarian perspective like Scott Reid and Maxime Bernier.

Posted by: Kalim Kassam | 2008-11-30 11:28:07 PM

Bernier would have been a good option before the scandal, but Reid is apparently not biligual enough to lead the party.

There are people who are as ideologically sound as Harper, and perhaps more ideologically daring, but few if any with the complete set of skills and attributes needed to get elected as PM.

Baird and Prentice as way too left for my tastes.

Posted by: Matthew Johnston | 2008-11-30 11:40:00 PM

"Reid is apparently not biligual enough to lead the party."

Not only that, but his view that bilingualism policy is a waste of money is, for some bizarre reason, considered "politically incorrect."

"There are people who are as ideologically sound as Harper, and perhaps more ideologically daring, but few if any with the complete set of skills and attributes needed to get elected as PM.

Baird and Prentice as way too left for my tastes."

I agree completely, Harper is the most conservative-libertarian of the real options available to the Conservative party.

Posted by: Kalim Kassam | 2008-11-30 11:50:11 PM

They were both started by this man:


Posted by: jeffnothim | 2008-12-01 1:37:41 AM

If Harper is such a fine conservative, why are we still losing 45% of our income to taxes? Tax credits don't count, as they are the biggest scam in the fiscal game. I want a drastic reduction in income taxes, preferably a flat tax of no more than 10-15%. Unless he can deliver on that, I won't consider him a conservative, but an effing Liberal.

Plus, where is small government? Under Harper, spending has ballooned to its highest level ever. He even out-Liberalled the Liberals!!!!!!

He is a dud as an economist (shaming the U of C) and a dud as a fiscal conservative.

Posted by: Werner Patels | 2008-12-01 1:51:20 AM

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