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Monday, November 24, 2008
Alberta NDP lead opposition to nuclear power proposal
Alberta NDP MLA Rachel Notley is calling on Energy Minister Mel Knight to release a promised report on nuclear power.
“It’s been seven months since Knight promised the report from his nuclear panel would be presented this fall. There’s only a few days left in session and we haven’t heard a peep from him. Where is it?” asked Notley today.
Notley is preparing to table a petition in the legislature this afternoon against the development of nuclear power in Alberta, which is being proposed as a practical and safe alternative to the use of declining natural gas in the development of oil sand resources.
“Thousands of Albertans are signing petitions against the development of nuclear power in Alberta. They’re saying loud and clear that they don’t want nuclear power plants in this province, and the Tories are ignoring them,” said Notley.
Members of the Coalition for a Nuclear Free Alberta presented Notley with the nearly 1,300 signatures from Peace Country residents who oppose nuclear development in the province, adding to thousands more which were presented to government in 2007.
For background on this story, read “Nukes for oil” by former Western Standard reporter Cyril Doll here.
Posted by Matthew Johnston on November 24, 2008 in Canadian Provincial Politics | Permalink
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Nuclear power means that we can have the power we need, without a ceiling imposed by pollution issues or by the limits on the availability of sources like wind, tidal, or geothermal.
Posted by: John Savard | 2008-11-24 3:13:28 PM
It used to be that you could tell how someone voted by what their thoughts were on nuclear power. I guess it's still true today. I assume that Ms. Notley is related to Grant Notley?
Posted by: John Chittick | 2008-11-24 3:40:36 PM
His daughter I believe. I have several NDP acquaintances. They are outspoken in their opposition to nuclear power and it is obvious that their knowledge of modern nuclear technoloy is wanting.
Posted by: DML | 2008-11-24 11:34:13 PM
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