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Friday, October 17, 2008

Hands off the Internet

Well look here, the CRTC wants to expand. Check out this consultation and hearing notice, calling for submissions into how to regulate the environment for new media.

My submission would be short but not sweet: Stay out of new media altogether. And get a real job.

(cross-posted to ProWomanProLife)

Posted by Andrea Mrozek on October 17, 2008 in Freedom of expression | Permalink


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What? MORE government expansion into our lives?
Nawwww, couldn't be. We have a "Conservative Government" right? Oh well, must be for the "greater collective good" (of the government that is).

Posted by: JC | 2008-10-17 7:13:18 PM


Posted by: JC | 2008-10-17 7:16:30 PM

When I see CRTC I tend to think it stands for Cuban Radio and Television Commission. Why we still have such a thing in 2008 says a lot about the kind of people who govern the country.

Posted by: Alain | 2008-10-17 7:43:19 PM

Check out this consultation and hearing notice,calling for submissions into how to regulate the environment for new media.
Posted by Andrea Mrozek on October 17, 2008

Nowhere does it say or even suggest that the CRTC wants to "regulate" the Internet. One area they they mention is mobile TV. As mobile TV requires radio frequency spectrum to operate, are you suggesting that anybody who wants to broadcast over the air should be allowed without any restriction even if that broadcast interferes with existing TV and cellphone signals?

Posted by: The Stig | 2008-10-18 6:49:14 AM

...almost as bad as the suggestion/idea that all Canadian sites be in French and English.

Posted by: tomax7 | 2008-10-18 10:17:33 AM

Read again Stig, for no one is saying that anybody who wants to broadcast over the air should be allowed even if that broadcast interferes with existing signals. If the CRTC limited its activities to this, I doubt anyone would have a problem. However deciding what we are allowed to watch or to listen to is a very different matter, and that is exactly what the CRTC does.

Posted by: Alain | 2008-10-19 7:42:03 PM

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