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Friday, October 24, 2008

Charles Fried Votes for Obama

Charles Fried who was Ronald Reagan's Solicitor General, and is a Harvard Law Professor and a leading conservative thinker announced that he voted for Obama. His reason: the Palin nomination.

Professor Fried also spoke at the Canadian Constitution's Foundation's Annual Law Conference last year.

h/t: Bashman

Posted by Moin A Yahya on October 24, 2008 in U.S. politics | Permalink


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Charles Fried who was Ronald Reagan's Solicitor General, and is a Harvard Law Professor and a leading conservative thinker announced that he voted for Obama. His reason: the Palin nomination.
Posted by Moin A Yahya on October 24, 2008

Leading conservative thinker? He's a libertarian So he has a problem that a relative neophyte might but VP but is okay with the fact that a relative neophyte will probably be president. That's libertarian logic.

I wonder if Reagan was still alive if he would vote for Obama?

If Reagan was still alive do you think he would vote for Obama?

Posted by: The Stig | 2008-10-24 6:22:49 PM

I'll vote for spreading the wealth and socialism over conversative values because of a VP choice? whatever dude...

Posted by: Dan | 2008-10-27 10:59:45 AM

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