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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Chretien for tyranny
It's terribly sad that the former Canadian PM Chretien is now in tank with the oppressive Chinese Communists. The corrupt Chretien whose government was toppled during the Quebec scandal in 2006, has attacked Mr. Harper for not attending the Beijing Olympics ceremonies last week. Also, it is a known fact that Chretien himself has personal business ties with several businesses in Communist China.
The Liberals, Leftists and their ilks love the tyrants and dictatorships of the world and would do any thing to appease them for the sake of their own pockets and personal benefits.
Posted by Winston on August 19, 2008 in Canadian Politics, Current Affairs, International Politics | Permalink
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Why, Winston, that must mean that George W Bush is a big ol' LEFTIST seeing how he did do exactly what Cretien said Harper should do. If Cretien is an evil LEFTIST for saying Harper should have gone, then Bush is an evil LEFTIST for going. I always KNEW that Bush loves the tyrants and dictatorships of the world and would do any thing to appease them for the sake of their own pockets and personal benefits, I just never had proof until this post. Thanks, Winston!
See how silly you look? No. I didn't think so.
Posted by: Fact Check | 2008-08-19 11:49:01 AM
FC, or I should say Fact Twister, we can always count on you to distort and twist the words of anyone with whom you disagree. Winston is correct about Cretien being morally corrupt, which makes a joke of his criticism of the PM not attending.
See what a pompous ass you are? No. I doubt it.
Posted by: Alain | 2008-08-19 12:06:54 PM
If Chretien said Harper was wrong not to go to Beijing, then Harper was absolutely correct to do so. Chretien, the second worst PM of all time, ought to be a litmus test for bad ideas.
Posted by: Zebulon Pike | 2008-08-19 12:22:07 PM
Winston, you struck a chord with the use of the "L" word, it really gets them going as the first commenter up proves. They can't stand hearing what they actually "stand" for.
When someone gets close to the truth they have nowhere to go, their agendas can't be defended so they pull out the last refuge and label those who disagree with them as bigots and racists. In their little minds they think silence will ensue. They couldn't be more wrong.
Dealing with Tyrants and even supporting terrorist groups like the Tamil Tigers may be OK in the ranks of the Liberal/Left, it won't fly with the Harper government.
Posted by: Liz J | 2008-08-19 12:39:01 PM
Chretien is just trying to protect Maurice Strong's business interests in China. It's no different than Harper protecting Bush's interests in Afghanistan.
Posted by: attitude | 2008-08-19 1:07:48 PM
You mean that "Chrétien" ?
Posted by: Marc | 2008-08-19 1:20:04 PM
No, Marc. Crétin is more appropriate.
Posted by: Alain | 2008-08-19 1:46:34 PM
The "conservatives" were represented at the "games." SJG.
Full article at url below. SJG
"Harper has long insisted his decision to stay away from the Games had nothing to do with politics, but rather with a scheduling conflict.
Canada was represented at the Aug. 8 opening ceremonies by Foreign Affairs Minister David Emerson, while Secretary of State for Sport Helena Guergis and B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell also attended."
Posted by: Stephen J. Gray | 2008-08-19 1:59:37 PM
attitude: darn! good point. I wonder what Martin has to say about all this. Not a lot I'll bet. Crooks.
Posted by: Zebulon Pike | 2008-08-19 2:07:06 PM
Hey Jean Cretin
You are no longer da guy in charge. Where is all the money you and the Libranos stole from us hard working tax slaves? And.....Shut your fucking pile hole....most Canadians don't want to here from you anymore!!!!
Posted by: Roberto | 2008-08-19 2:32:18 PM
Wow, Fact Check, the difference is the Bush Administration does not have financial ties to China via Power Corp and Mo Strong, and Cretien and the Liberal Party does. I admit, I am disgusted by the Nixon move to normalize relations with China and current Administration policy to look the other way so we can buy cheap goods at Walmart. But it doesn't change the fact that Warren Kinsella, Mo Strong, Cretien and the Liberal Party are a ChiCom front in Canada.
Posted by: Faramir | 2008-08-19 4:35:19 PM
slackjaw should take his old corrupt sleazy scumbag pals and move to china and hookup with chairman mo and then start a liberalpartychina-no different from the LPC they used to screw Canada.
Posted by: reg dunlop | 2008-08-19 6:20:43 PM
Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the International Olympic Committee, stated "The first essential characteristic of the Olympics, both ancient as well as modern, is to be a religion. … It represents, above and outside the Churches, humanity's superior religion." Freedom of religion is a fundamental right.
Posted by: David Wozney | 2008-08-19 6:32:19 PM
reg, you must have heard of bob rae, contender for the lpc leadership. Another of mo's bro's.
Like putin and the kgb, the lpc have not spent near enough time in the wilderness. Good thing they have no armored columns.
I agree Zeb, one of my childrens grandparents is exactly that, a litmus test for the wrong thing to do.
I have always believed it to be a bad idea do do business with commies.
Posted by: Dana | 2008-08-19 6:43:27 PM
"Chretien is just trying to protect Maurice Strong's business interests in China. It's no different than Harper protecting Bush's interests in Afghanistan."
Stupid comment of the day. Harper has never received any pecuniary benefit from Bush. Harper is protecting the interests of Afghans and Canadians. And for taking this difficult but necessary position he is being attacked by idiots like the author of the above comment.
Posted by: Terry Gain | 2008-08-19 8:46:04 PM
Wow, Fact Check, the difference is the Bush Administration does not have financial ties to China via Power Corp and Mo Strong, and Cretien and the Liberal Party does.
Posted by: Faramir | 19-Aug-08 4:35:19 PM
Quite correct. Bush's ties are through the Carlyle Group.
Posted by: The Stig | 2008-08-19 9:56:23 PM
It's terribly sad that the former Canadian PM Chretien is now in tank with the oppressive Chinese Communists.
Posted by Winston on August 19, 2008
Name a major US company that doesn't do business in China, and name a major US company that hasn't outsourced part of it's manufacturing there.
Posted by: The Stig | 2008-08-19 10:19:15 PM
Chretien has proven he's a petty, vindictive and small-minded person making statements about the Prime Minster's decision not to attend the Olympics.
In his 13 years as PM he attended one so he's being hypocritical as well.
This is all too obviously due a personal interest in China,the facts are there for all to see. That's fine, but he's sticking his neck out to try to make it appear as though the Harper government has snubbed China. Since the Olympics is about Sport and not politics,and we've sent our reps and athletes there, where's the snub?
Don't know about most people but I think we've heard enough from former PM Chretien on the politics of this country, he's no longer in charge. He's reduced himself to a selfish, small minded person with absolutely no class. Not sure if he's running scared for his party or his own interests, perhaps both.
Posted by: Liz J | 2008-08-20 8:08:44 AM
Wow, Fact Check, the difference is the Bush Administration does not have financial ties to China via Power Corp and Mo Strong, and Cretien and the Liberal Party does.
Posted by: Faramir | 19-Aug-08 4:35:19 PM
Quite correct. Bush's ties are through the Carlyle Group.
Posted by: The Stig | 19-Aug-08 9:56:23 PM
It's all one big happy family. These two groups are probably involved in more joint ventures than you can shake a stick at. The big LNG terminal under construction in Nova Scotia(Maple LNG) lists Power Corp. and the Carlyle Group as having interests in the venture.
The fact it's a joint venture with Russia makes you wonder how much pressure Bush will actually put on Putin over an insignificant event like the invasion of Georgia.
Posted by: dp | 2008-08-20 8:32:49 AM
That so many in my country are as petty and venal as Chretien does not absolve Chretien. It does mean that his critics (including Winston and Jason Kenney) are all the more rare and should be all the more admired for it.
Posted by: D.J. McGuire | 2008-08-20 9:29:23 AM
That so many in my country are as petty and venal as Chretien does not absolve Chretien. It does mean that his critics (including Winston and Jason Kenney) are all the more rare and should be all the more admired for it.
Posted by: D.J. McGuire | 20-Aug-08 9:29:23 AM
First, I can't stand Chretien. I never voted for him nor would I ever vote for him. However, in this country unlike the US former PM's are not turned into living gods as former presidents are. Chretien is a private citizen. If he wants to to do business in China that's his business. He's no different from Wal-Mart. Would you consider the ties the Bush family has to the Saudi's okay because they are "allies" in the war on terror? Even though they were one of the largest funders of terrorism? Just wondering.
Winston, based upon what I've read here, is naive to say the least.
Posted by: The Stig | 2008-08-20 10:29:01 AM
Cretin is a criminal. Who cares what he has to say anyway.
Posted by: JC | 2008-08-20 11:19:05 AM
"Who cares what he has to say anyway."
Obviously, almost every CPC cheerleaders who use this unimportant and federalist cheater to try to cover the lack of transparency, competences and judgement of the present administration.
Posted by: Marc | 2008-08-20 11:33:36 AM
I certainly think Chretien's comments were silly and wrong, but lets not lambaste any attempts to open that country using market or business forces. Where Chretien missteps and betrays the fact that he probably doesn't give a damn about the dark practices of the Chinese government is when he slags those more thoughtful leaders like Prime Minister Harper who are at least willing to use a multi-pronged approach to encourage the development of a freer China.
Posted by: Liam O'Brien | 2008-08-20 1:36:04 PM
Who cares about a freer China? I think you've misread the true feelings of most Canadians. We want a better economy, a reformed immigration system, and lower taxes. The Chinese can ride bicycles for another millenium for all we care. Especially if it helps lower the cost of energy, and stops the outsourcing of jobs.
The only reason a lot of us have been fooled into believing we care about China is because we've been duped into thinking what's good for developing countries is good for us. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Posted by: dp | 2008-08-20 1:52:30 PM
I notice the usual spectators trot out the red herring argument "Well the US does it too."
Who was talking about America? Are you American haters so obsessed that every issue has to revolve around your hatred of George Bush?
Yeah, that is why I supported Duncan Hunter because he wanted to seriously change America's business with China.
But we are not talking about bad American policy, but the Liberal Party being int he pockets of the ChiComs.
Posted by: Faramir | 2008-08-20 1:59:24 PM
Fact Check missed the irony
"Why, Winston, that must mean that George W Bush is a big ol' LEFTIST seeing how he did do exactly what Cretien said Harper should do."
I guess this also means that Harper is no longer Bush's poodle. Won't the so-called "peace" movement be p.o. at you for taking away their talking points?
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-08-20 3:51:15 PM
We had to expect the defenders to come to the aid of the Shawinigan Mauler and his China cabal.
One of the first out, Bob Rae, in his new incarnation as a Liberal, calls it "guttersnipe politics". He would of course, his brother John is part of it. let's point out, he joined the party of the worst kind of guttersnipe politics,the Liberals have been doing the Gotcha game for months in desperation.
It's obvious how deeply entrenched these people are in doing business in China by their reaction to the TRUTH. Also how they can scurry up spokespeople to say how the Harper government has hurt relations/business with China. They also get headlines in Chinese papers against our PM.
IF Chretien had any scruples or even a touch of class he'd stay away from slagging the Prime Minister of his Country, that's just never done by former PM's with any sense of common courtesy.
It's all about money, all morals and ethics are cast aside.
Kenney spoke the truth, it hit them in the breadbasket and it hurt their tender feelings. Let's keep on with the hurtin' game. They can't hide any longer, if they were wise they'd stop defending and denying the facts.
So bring on Chretien lapdog, former journalist Jim Munson, rewarded with a Senate seat for toadying, Little Eddie et al, give us your best shot.
Funniest statement of all from Munson re Kenney's truth, he said it was "unkind".
Posted by: Liz J | 2008-08-21 8:36:49 AM
Terry Gain: The point you can't seem to get your head around is that both parties are looking out for their friends. Whether there are financial benefits or not is irrelevent. At least Mo Strong hasn't killed 90 of our soldiers when he invaded China. Harper is the more malicious thug.
Posted by: attitude | 2008-08-21 10:14:39 AM
Attitude, your comment isn't worth consideration, it's beyond reason.
Posted by: Liz J | 2008-08-21 10:56:04 AM
It would do some of these boneheads who are against fighting the Taliban, calling Harper a "malicious thug", implying he's responsible for killing 99 soldiers had better read a sobering column by George Petrolekas in Today's Ottawa Citizen. Petrolekas was in involved in the Afghan mission from 3003 to 2007, representing Canada at NATO's headquarters in Afghanistan.
Have to wonder what's in THIS country with some of the comments we get on this site.
Posted by: Liz J | 2008-08-21 11:22:43 AM
OOPs, correction, should read ...was involved in Afghan mission from 2003 to 2007. Hope it's all cleared up before 3003!!
Posted by: Liz J | 2008-08-21 11:25:18 AM
Liz: You should be a politician with all that bluster and no substance to your thought.
The fact is: We commit murder and invasion so we can dig a few wells and take the burkhas off of the women. Do you have an arguement of your own, or should I just read the Ottawa Citizen?
Another fact is: When soldiers die in a foriegn country, it is the fault of the person who sent them/kept them there. Harper should at least "man up" to that.
Posted by: attitude | 2008-08-21 11:47:25 AM
"I guess this also means that Harper is no longer Bush's poodle."
oh come on now.
We all know we're going in elections in the fall.
Posted by: Marc | 2008-08-21 12:06:55 PM
Jean Chretien signed us on to the Afghan Mission, it was his decision without so much as a debate in Parliament. The Mission continues, it's under the NATO alliance and at the request of the Afghan government. Harper did the right thing by extending the mission after a vote in the HOC.
You can read whatever you wish, "attitude". The article I referred would probably not be of interest to someone with your 'attitude'. A soldier's opinion is important to me. As a close relative of a veteran of the second world war I appreciate their bravery and love of Country. Those veterans are not in favour of running from battle.
Posted by: Liz J | 2008-08-21 1:10:04 PM
Running from battle?
So, you think calling off an invasion is running from battle? We're killing innocent people so a bunch of insecure twits will feel safe. And, of course, the unprincipled Harper sheeple will stand up for Chretien's policy hook, line and sinker. The act doesn't seem to matter. Stephen is your God. No questions asked.
Posted by: attitude | 2008-08-21 1:41:57 PM
Stephen is not my God and you are not worth my time.
Hope you enjoy living in this Country, don't expect you to realize why we live in freedom and safety.
That freedom allows for assholes like you to spout off in safety. Don't expect you to thank a veteran next November 11th but perhaps you'd like go back to where you came from, you can't be a true Canadian.
Posted by: Liz J | 2008-08-21 3:19:12 PM
"We all know we're going in elections in the fall."
Ok, how about this? Harper is no longer an American lackey. All better?
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-08-21 3:46:51 PM
Liz: I am a veteran you dopey sheep. It's stunned twits like you that get my friends killed because you're too cowardly to live in peace like adults.
Many veterans look at Canada as a growing socialist tumor. We regret fighting for what our country has become in the same way that soviet soldiers regret fighting for a bunch of goons when they went to Afghanistan.
You and your airheads don't understand the principles of freedom. Just follow and don't over extend yourself by jumping into the realm of reason. You don't have the tools to survive.
Posted by: attitude | 2008-08-21 3:58:12 PM
Attitude, yeah right, whatever.
Posted by: Liz J | 2008-08-21 4:21:17 PM
That's the most intelligent thing you've said yet.
Posted by: attitude | 2008-08-21 4:29:59 PM
Winston is Iranian. He is quick to demonize gallant Europeans who died in defence of an homogeneous homeland (300 - "It's an un-ethical movie based on false historical stories".-Winston), however, he is quite happy to urge European Canucks to die for the freedom of his people. Of the ninety Canucks dead in the 'Stan, two are vismins and none are Muslims? Where is the equality of sacrifice?
Posted by: DJ | 2008-08-21 5:07:23 PM
bad attitude:
Canada is not an "invading" force in Afghanistan. The democratically elected leader of the country came to Canada and BEGGED Parliament to have our troops stay and fight the Taliban.
Posted by: Grant Brown | 2008-08-21 6:06:30 PM
If the Liebrals/NDP/Green Party ever returned to power, they'd be 100% percent behind the mission because it was UN authorized. They only criticize it now because they're not in power.
Posted by: Zebulon Pike | 2008-08-21 6:53:34 PM
Faramir, I was once a huge Bush man. Thought the sun shone out his arse, I did. Then, over a few years I realized he was an idiot. And after seeing his brand of diplomacy and the latest US Foreign Policies, I absolutely loathe the moron.
However, I still think the greatest hope left in the world for freedom and liberty lies with the American people. I have been in all but one state and was treated well every where I went by all I met. They are a truly genuine and good group all in all. You see its possible to love "America" and hate the District of Crimninals at the same time. Hating war mongering US politicians is not the same as hating America.
Posted by: JC | 2008-08-21 7:02:26 PM
My lord what a moronathon, headlining JC and attitude.
It is heart breaking that such rampant stupidity seems to be so prevalent in this once great country.
Posted by: deepblue | 2008-08-21 7:46:33 PM
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