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Thursday, July 17, 2008
Peter was kind enough to invite me to blog here. I already maintain and contribute to the University of Alberta Faculty of Law Blog, but the opportunity to blog here was quite exciting. I hope to post distinct entries on both blogs, but occasionally I may cross-list a posting.
By the way of background, I am an associate professor of law at the University of Alberta, where I am also the associate dean of graduate studies and the acting associate dean of research in the faculty. Having recently received tenure and recently been saddled with these long titles, my scholarship will now inevitably diminish. That being said, I did manage to produce some work in order to convince my colleagues that I am worthy of staying on here, and you can see my CV and links to some of my papers here.
I look forward to posting and hearing your comments both positive and negative. One thing, I should warn you, that I am prone to is hyperbole and exaggeration. I do this to provoke discussion, and I really do benefit (and many times revise my opinions based on) from comments.
Posted by Moin A Yahya on July 17, 2008 in Western Standard | Permalink
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So glad to have you aboard Moin, I know that we're going to have some great discussions. I'm also looking forward to seeing you again at the LSS.
Posted by: Kalim Kassam | 2008-07-17 11:47:01 PM
It is impossible to be hyperbolic when discussing the excesses of the state. Welcome aboard, Moin.
Posted by: Matthew Johnston | 2008-07-18 1:13:47 AM
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