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Monday, June 16, 2008

WS Radio: Patri Friedman


Listen live (QuickTime), Mondays, 4 - 6 p.m. EST

"Political Animals"--the flagship radio show of Western Standard radio--is a weekly political talk show on 88.1 WBGUFM hosted by Jay Lafayette, Peter Jaworski, and Terrence Watson.

On today's program, we'll be interviewing Patri Friedman, grandson of Milton Friedman, son of David Friedman, and the Executive Director of the Seasteading Institute. That's right--seasteading. Like homesteading, but out on water. From their website:

"Currently, it is very difficult to experiment with alternative social systems on a small scale. Countries are so enormous that no individual can make much difference in how they work, and the powers-that-be are deeply entrenched. Seasteaders believe that government shouldn't be like the cellphone or operating system industries, with few choices and high customer-lock-in. Instead, they envision something more like web 2.0, where many small governments serve many niche markets, a dynamic system where small groups experiment, and everyone copies what works, discards what doesn't, and remixes the remainder to try again."

We also have a pile of news stories to go through. We'll tackle the Supreme Court decision granting habeas corpus to terrorism suspects, new laws in China (children must visit their parents) and Japan (men can't have waist sizes larger than 33.5 inches), as well as other liberty-oriented issues.

Political Animals is on every Monday from 4 to 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, broadcast out of 88.1 FM in the Bowling Green, Ohio area, and on www.wbgufm.com worldwide. To listen to a direct stream, click here (QuickTime). To participate in the discussion, you can call 888-7-WBGUFM, or send us an email at politicalanimals-at-wbgufm-dot-com.

Posted by westernstandard on June 16, 2008 in WS Radio | Permalink


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