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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Vince Miller, RIP is reporting that Vince Miller died yesterday:
Vince had been a libertarian activist for over 37 years. He was one of the founders of the Libertarian Party of Canada and was an editor of the early magazine Libertarian Option. In 1980, Vince founded the Libertarian International, to join libertarian organizations from around the world. In 1989, Libertarian International expanded by merging with the Society for Individual Liberty to create the International Society for Individual Liberty (ISIL).
Read the complete obituary here.
I met Vince in July 2000 at the ISIL World Conference in Waterloo, Ontario. He was a gentleman and a passionate friend of liberty.
May he rest in peace.
Posted by Matthew Johnston on June 29, 2008 in International Affairs | Permalink
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Vince who?
Posted by: epsilon | 2008-06-29 10:42:38 PM
Other notices about Vince Miller:
Libertarian Party of Canada member, George Dance:
Sieg Pedde, another founder of the LP of Canada, gives more info about Vince Miller's life:
Anthony Gregory:
Thomas Knapp:
More details:
Posted by: Alan Mercer | 2008-06-30 7:26:05 AM
Other notices about Vince Miller:
Libertarian Party of Canada member, George Dance:
Sieg Pedde, another founder of the LP of Canada, gives more info about Vince Miller's life:
Anthony Gregory:
Thomas Knapp:
More details:
Posted by: Alan Mercer | 2008-06-30 7:28:06 AM
Eps, did you forget to take your ritalin again?
Posted by: K Stricker | 2008-06-30 9:02:39 AM
Maybe. I'm on so many pscho drugs, I'm able to pick the mood I want to be in and self prescribe accordingly.
Besides, someone has to bump up the post count for these pathetic Llibertarian noobs.
Posted by: epsilon | 2008-06-30 11:05:13 AM
Thanks for the bump, Epsi. I hate when my posts don't get any comments. :-)
That's four comments and counting...
Posted by: Matthew Johnston | 2008-06-30 1:29:07 PM
The photo is from Miller greeting a Libertarian mayor in the former USSR at a conference there of the organization he headed. As the leader of the Czech republic said, there would have been no fall of Communism without Libertarian help. The Baltic Workers, in their rebellion that began the end of the USSR, even quoted from the LP USA platform.
Posted by: ralph | 2008-06-30 8:00:25 PM
That's very interesting. That seems to reinforce the thinking that a nation must hit bottom before being able to see the way forward, likely why liberty has been on a backslide in the West for a while.
Posted by: John Chittick | 2008-07-01 10:23:39 PM
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