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Tuesday, April 01, 2008
WS Radio: Brad Rodu audio
Did you know that smokeless tobacco (snuff or dip) is safer than smoking tobacco? Did you know that it's 98 per cent safer? Yeah, that's right--if you substitute your smoking habit for a smokeless tobacco habit, you will get your nicotine in a much safer format. We bet you didn't know. But it's true.
That's according to Dr. Brad Rodu, who was our guest on Political Animals yesterday. If the 45 million American smokers were to switch from smoking to smokeless tobacco, the likely death rate would plummet from 400,000 per year to 12,000 per year. ("But," you say, "what about oral cancer? Aren't oral cancer rates much higher for dippers than for smokers?" Sorry, wrong again. Smokers have oral cancer rates that are higher than smokeless users.)
Take a listen (if the little widget doesn't work for you, here is the direct link):
Posted by westernstandard on April 1, 2008 in WS Radio | Permalink
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I thought that Dr. Rodu didn't really make it clear enough that there is a difference between Swedish snus and American dipping tobacco, although he hinted at it. According to infallible wikipedia, snus is steam-cured and dip is fire-cured. As a result the health impact of snus are less than that of dip and snus doesn't require spitting.
When I called in to talk about jury nullification towards the end of the show I mentioned the US site as an excellent source of information but didn't leave a Canadian resource. That's because I didn't find one. The closest thing I found was A couple of news articles on the topic quoted Professor Sanjeev Anand of U of Alberta Law School saying "Jurors have always had the ability to ignore the judge, ignore the law and acquit, jury nullification serves as an important check on government power." If you're interested in further exploring the topic he may be a good guest for the show.
Though I am a supporter of jury nullification, one of the difficult topics which I'd like to see/hear explored is the phenomenon of the use of jury nullification in the Jim Crow era to acquit perpretators of crimes against southern blacks.
Posted by: Kalim Kassam | 2008-04-01 2:23:48 PM
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