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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Playing with fire in Iraq

The Iranian regime is definitely playing with fire in Iraq. Witnessing their attacks on Baghdad's green zone to the recent skirmishes with the US led coalition forces in Basra and Sadr city, it becomes clear that the occupational mullahs of Iran would like to destabilize the fragile Iraqi situation and challenge America for their domestic purposes. I'm hopeful that Iraq becomes the graveyard of the Iranian regime once and for all. It's about time to get rid of the clerical establishment in Iran and replace it with a more responsible, civilized and secular form of government that doesn't threaten the world security.

President Bush warns the mullahs of Iran to stop interfering in Iraq.

I think this could mean the end of the game for the crazy clerical regime of Iran. Their very next move in Iraq will be critical because, from what I hear now, President Bush won't hesitate to do the necessary job of attacking the terrorist training camps inside of Iran. The options for this crazy regime is getting narrower on a daily basis. Their nuclear ambition is making the world more worried and their endless support for Islamic terrorism in Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq and else where is another major concern for the international community.

Michael Ledeen, again, has a new piece on the Iranian issue


Posted by Winston on April 10, 2008 in Current Affairs | Permalink


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It's obvious how this is going to end. Some time between November 5th and January 20th of next year, U.S. (and possibly Israeli) air forces are going to be come down on Iran like the hammer of God. It's perfect.

1) It will destroy Iran's nuclear program, since a lot of that stuff is fixed in place and hard to move (and, surely, properly-timed strikes will kill some key people).

2) It will devastate Iran's effort to back the terrorists in Iraq.

3) It will give the incoming President a chance to play Good Cop/Bad Cop.

"Oh, I know that horrible, horrible George Bush bombed your country, but now I want to be your friend."

Heh, heh, heh.

Posted by: Adam Yoshida | 2008-04-10 7:33:26 PM

AMERICA OBJECTS TO IRAN INTERFERING IN IRAQ'S AFFAIRS? LOL! America has not interfered in Iraq's affairs? Over 150,000 heavily armed American invaders and occupiers overthrew the government of Iraq, allowed the national infrastructure to be looted and destroyed and America lectures Iraq's neighbour not to interfere? LOL! Priceless!

As for war with Iran, Bush has lost 2 wars already, so far. If Iran is attacked, Iranians will unite behind their leadership and America can expect all-out war, with Iran calling in their IOUs from the Iraqi Shia, including al-Maliki, al-Sadr, and of course, they can get Iranian living in Iraq Ali al-Sistani to make a declarative statement of support. The 150,000 sitting ducks America has in Iraq will be lucky to survive 24 hours after war with Iran begins.

How would any America president go on tv and explain to casualty averse Americans disenchanted with war that he, as president, allowed 150,000 Americans to be killed, wounded, captured or missing in action 24 hours into a war with Iran? Bush knows, even if Mr Yoshida does not, that war with Iran will end in devastating American defeat and loss of American standing in the world forever. Bush knows, that is why there has been and will be no war with Iran. Nice huh.

Posted by: ROGER | 2008-04-10 11:47:19 PM

Adam, I am not sure if President Bush would wait that long. But we'll see.

As for you Roger, they LIBERATED Iraq and gave the average Iraqi a 2nd chance. That's called Liberation and not occupation. Get your facts checked.

Posted by: winston | 2008-04-11 3:23:03 PM

"As for you Roger, they LIBERATED Iraq and gave the average Iraqi a 2nd chance. That's called Liberation and not occupation. Get your facts checked."

2nd chance for being killed elsewhere on the streets. There's not a more free man than a man from Iraq. What do you wait before moving, Winston ? Don't forget to put an American flag next to your door.

Posted by: Marc | 2008-04-11 3:33:44 PM

I have an American flag next to the Canadian flag in my room. Iraqis are not being killed by Saddam any more. They r being killed by the Iranian backed insurgents which you lefties tend to defend proudly.

Posted by: winston | 2008-04-11 5:32:43 PM

"I have an American flag next to the Canadian flag in my room."

In your rooooom ? Wow.
And you rub yourself naked in those ?

Seriously, I know one Iranian and it's you, Sir. Does every of you, Iranians, are pushing for us North Americans to bomb @ your foreign country or is it just you ?

Why you're not fighting overseas, Winston ?
I know you think your views are the good ones so I'm sure you'll make a great soldier for your cause.

I care about our Canadian soldiers here, Winston.
Canada is not in Iraq and there's a good reason for that: There's no good reasons to be there.
You know it because you live here and you're not fighting there.

Plus, you have to be dumb as hell if thinking that invading Iraq would not be an open invitation for all the pirates of the Arab world. Sadam was a rude bastard but at least they were able to walk the streets safely and no Americans where dying by thousands. He was put in place by Americans and he was a former allied of the US.
Sadam died years ago and there's more people dying there now than under him. That's "Liberation" ?
I call it enslavement. For the people of Iraq but also for the American people.

This mess will never stop now and you bet I'm happy Canada never took this turn, this booby trap, this neo-style foreign policy.

You like playing the left/right thing around here but be safe mon ami, any of those 3 candidates for the US Presidency and CFR cheerleaders will keep on with Middle-East wars.

I also know Canadians will never accept to bomb a country that didn't attacked us nor our Allied down south.

And if your about to say they're attacking Americans now from Iraq...well...That will not do it.

Therefore, If I wake up tomorow and Iran is invading the Northern US and Canada, I will put my ceinture flechée, my tuque, my raquettes en babiche, a six pack and a shotgun and I'll go defend my ass and yours. Let's see how I can do against people in sandals.


Concerning the American flag at your door...
I was suggesting for the door of your next home in the "free democracy of Iraq", Winston.
Not the room you live in now.

Posted by: Marc | 2008-04-11 9:18:29 PM

Speaking as a veteran of the First Gulf War, and later, of Somalia and Bosnia, I am sick to death of pajama-clad keyboard bombers fouling websites like this one...I was initially going to express my nausea at "Winston" -- clearly a shat bit crazy shut in -- but then I read the comment by "Yoshida" and literally had to puke...I have friends to THIS DAY who are maimed, deranged and dismembered from foreign interventionism. And we were the GOOD GUYS...THE LIBERATORS...not to mention the hell the civilians there suffered...to here sicko little pukes LAUGHING about nuking or bombing Iran...this web site makes me sick. Sick I tell you. Cowards counselling DEATH. Try counselling MY DEATH, little men...

Posted by: Dutch Fleming | 2008-04-12 1:51:38 AM

And I will tell you something else Winston and Yoshida...I have smelled the fuel oil, been burned by the sun over there, pulled the trigger, sweat through my kit, all to DEFEND the North AMERICAN WAY...put my life on the line, SCREWED OVER by military bureaucrats and politicians, BURIED MORE GOOD MEN THAN YOU TWO SICKOS WILL EVER BE...we did not do it for you bastards...the people of the Horn of Africa or Kuwait and Iraq and Iran are beautiful people trying to build a beter future...you can hate there governemtns and love your DC and Ottawa governments but I will stand up for their lives while you two existence makes me ashamed for having worn the uniform....you sick keyboard cowards. You two sectional psycho pussies wouldnt last ten minutes at a junior high school over there...wait a minute I dont remember seeing you chicken hawks over there or anywhere? Go to hell cowards and take this website with you....

Posted by: Dutch Fleming | 2008-04-12 2:04:15 AM

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