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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Feds grant $ supports euphemism

Federal Status of Women Minister Josee Verner has announced a new batch of grants for B.C. women's groups. Included in the $1.6-million total is $195,569 for the Victoria-based Canadian National Coalition of Experiential Women.

See my 2006 Western Standard story for an explanation of the curious term, "experiential women."

And this is not an April Fool's joke.

Posted by Terry O'Neill on April 1, 2008 in Canadian Politics | Permalink


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"supports euphemism?" Oh, please! The $195,569 is to support a project called "BC's Sex Workers and Sexually Exploited Youth: Escaping Violence, Addictions and Economic Danger". That sounds like a good cause worth funding. Objecting to the program grant because you don't like the NAME of the group running it is just silly. Should the feds have withheld funds pending a name change for the group? Tosh!

Posted by: Fact Check | 2008-04-01 10:17:01 AM

As bad as this is it is only one example of another huge waste of our tax dollars. The government has no right to be giving out grants to any group. Let them solicit private donations. Then it will become clear if there is truly enough public support for them or not.

I should have the right to decide where I donate my money, not the government and not any special interest group.

Posted by: Alain | 2008-04-01 11:12:44 AM

Hey, Fact Check, the headline is tongue in cheek. Lighten up!

Posted by: Terry O'Neill | 2008-04-01 1:03:29 PM

The government has no right to be giving out grants to any group.
Posted by: Alain | 1-Apr-08 11:12:44 AM

Would you also include the Security Infrastructure Pilot Program?, which looks suspiciously like the government spending taxpayers money to woo a specific ethnic group.

Posted by: The Stig | 2008-04-01 1:36:50 PM

Answer to Stig is no grants period.

Posted by: Alain | 2008-04-01 1:45:57 PM


It most certainly does.

"The federal government has renewed security funding for Jewish and other ethnic communities at risk of hate crimes in Canada in 2008.

The money will come from the government’s previously announced Security Infrastructure Program, a $3-million fund to be dispersed to non-profit and other provincially recognized community organizations that want to augment their existing security measures.

Announced by Minister for Public Safety Stockwell Day, right, last summer as a two-year pilot program, the funding was officially renewed by the minister on Feb. 29.

Visiting the Thornhill Community Centre last Friday, Day told community leaders that his office has allotted $216,066 in security funding for nine Jewish institutions across the country.

In Ontario, the Bernard Betel Centre for Creative Living in Toronto received $8,925; the Beth Ezekiel Synagogue in Owen Sound received $3,050; The Jewish Federation of Ottawa received $74,100; the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre in Toronto received $44,747; the Shaar Shalom Synagogue in Thornhill received $13,550; and the Toronto Cheder received $14,500.

In Alberta, the Calgary Jewish Academy received $18,601; Calgary’s Congregation House of Jacob Mikveh Israel received."

Posted by: DJ | 2008-04-01 2:07:55 PM

As an non-Jewish man also living in a society already composed of one provincial police and one federal police + special forces, I would also like to benefit of more protection for my familly on the Fed's bill. Where do we apply ?

I understand that communities across Canada are demanding for some special treatments and I understand the reasons for it. I cannot judge but only, I deplore the lack of confidence in the rest of us. This and maybe sometimes the lack of confidence in the local culture. That's sad because this country doesnt have such a bad record on human rights; when you look at the rest of the world at least.
That's also why many are comming here.

The rest of us are trying to do their best living together and to behave like our school system have teach us. The perverse effect of those constant demands "religions' oriented" bring the society back to where frontiers are built and it also creates privileges. That's not what I've been taught in school and I also wish a refund for that.

Thanks !

Posted by: Marc | 2008-04-01 3:46:56 PM

Where should we send your cheque, Marc?

Posted by: Markalta | 2008-04-01 4:20:41 PM

You can send the cheque to my federal and provincial government. That's where cheques goes.

Posted by: Marc | 2008-04-01 4:23:30 PM

What??? You said you wanted a refund. Refunds don't go to the gov. Besides the gov. would just give your money to some special interest group, wouldn't you rather spend that money yourself?

Posted by: Markalta | 2008-04-01 4:35:22 PM

"wouldn't you rather spend that money yourself?"

Why the suprise ? I live in Canada, it don't have that privilege.

Posted by: Marc | 2008-04-01 4:37:26 PM

With all of this money flying out the back of the truck to these groups, I am wondering if the Harper Conservatives are now going to be legalizing Prostitution. The advocacy that appears to hold some of these groups together is a safer workplace for women in the sex trades. They would like nothing better than to have Amsterdam North right here in Canada. Is this what we will find in the election platform of the Conservatives? Talk about taking a page from the NDP.

One group with some voice and press facetime lately has been a group called WISH Don't know what it stands for but their spokesperson is none other than our dear friend from Pro-Choice Action Network, Star of the National Post and CBC interviews (drum roll please) Joyce Arthur. Be certain that this lady knows how to make applications for funding for her pet projects. Search hard enough and I know she will be there on a list of grant receiving recipients.

Posted by: Servant | 2008-04-01 5:41:44 PM

Is there money available to protect you from your government?

"Citizenship Minister Mark Colle properly resigned following the report's publication, and Premier Dalton McGuinty says the program will be shut down. That's the right decision — although McGuinty still looks bad for having blocked the Auditor-General's investigation in the first place (until mounting political pressure forced his hand).

Thus far, a lot of the attention has focused on a few particularly egregious grants — such as the Ontario Cricket Association getting $1-million (even though the Association itself only asked for $150,000!), and the distribution of hundreds of thousands of dollars to Sikh temples whose members lavish praise on Sikh terrorists, including those who perpetrated the 1985 bombing of Air India Flight 182. But to my mind, the biggest eye-popper was the massive $15-million line item for United Jewish Appeal Federation (UJA). "

Posted by: DJ | 2008-04-01 5:52:06 PM

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