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Friday, April 18, 2008
Economic policy for the Audacity of Hype - nothing is as important as punishing rich people
Not economic growth (usually a must for any politician) . . .
. . . not even revenue growth (usually a given for any Democrat) . . .
. . . nothing is more important to Barry Obama than "fairness."
Be afraid; be very afraid.
Posted by D.J. McGuire on April 18, 2008 in International Politics | Permalink
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Indeed "fairness" is another name for theft that we know so well in Canada. Steal from those who work in order to redistribute their money to those who do not work.
Posted by: Alain | 2008-04-18 4:47:47 PM
Obama would be worse than Carter as President. If Americans want 70's 'stagflation' - fewer jobs, high interest rates, and constantly rising prices, besides become total losers on the world stage - he's their man. If the election timing is right, Canadians may vote Liberal and decide to go down with them. It's amazing how complacent people can get when the economy has been good for twenty five years.
Posted by: Philanthropist | 2008-04-18 9:00:58 PM
In the U.S., a short-term capital gain (less than one year)is treated as normal income. In any case, these high-earning brokers are almost certainly being paid by their companies in the form of commissions; the low capital gains rates would not apply.
If I am correct then Obama is either lying with his example or is ignorant and neither of those is acceptable.
Posted by: greenmamba | 2008-04-19 4:29:20 AM
"nothing is as important as punishing rich people"
Especially dem rich white folk!
Posted by: deepblue | 2008-04-19 8:15:08 AM
Got a sense of deja vu from those comments.
‘Make the rich pay' popped into my empty head as visions of an NDP-type regime, inspired by class envy (poor lil' Michelle Obama is having trouble paying off here college tuition on her meagre $300,000 a year salary).
So, it's enrich the political class, trash the trailer trash and get the money from 25 billionaries inspired by liberation theology as articulated by a former follower of Louis Farrakhan.
Wow, what a platform!
I wish I was as oppressed as Obama.
Posted by: set you free | 2008-04-19 12:17:57 PM
I've got a solution.
We take all the Rich people, put them on an Island and they can do there whatever they want. They can't get OFF of the Island or get any outside stuff, but that's fine, they're Rich and they have only gotten that way because they know how to work hard and make something out of nothing.
That way all the losers outside of the Island can watch in envy how they roll around in their Riches.
How does that sound?
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 2:39:27 PM
Sounds like all the people who were not exiled to the island will remain poor since they've just shipped off the creative population.
Then who will they have to blame?
Don't know how to break this to you, but that theory of exiling the rich has already been tried.
In fact, my grandfather was exiled to Siberia and all his wealth and property confiscated by the Soviet state.
What good, for the people who exiled this talented and compassionate man, came out of that real-life example?
BTW, I never met my grandfather. He starved to death.
Posted by: set you free | 2008-04-19 2:45:36 PM
Sounds like all the people who were not exiled to the island will remain poor since they've just shipped off the creative population.
Then who will they have to blame?
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 2:45:36 PM
Does it matter? You'll be on the Island in Nirvana. Don't try to pretend all of the sudden you care about the commoners.
Don't know how to break this to you, but that theory of exiling the rich has already been tried.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 2:45:36 PM
No no no, not exciling. It is a way for them to keep what is (according to many on here) rightfully there's. I am not saying they have to give up their Riches, they can take them with them.
In fact, my grandfather was exiled to Siberia and all his wealth and property confiscated by the Soviet state.
What good, for the people who exiled this talented and compassionate man, came out of that real-life example?
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 2:45:36 PM
Ah, you're on your anti Soviet crusade again. Doesn't it start to get old to blame everything on the Soviets when by your own account Capitalism has won and brought us all prosperity (that is all but the ~5 Billion people not living in the Western World)?
BTW, I never met my grandfather. He starved to death.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 2:45:36 PM
Many people starve to death, even today out of a variety of reasons and most of them do not live in a Communist State.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 2:53:17 PM
"(that is all but the ~5 Billion people not living in the Western World)?"
It's not that they don't live in the West that's making/keeping them poor, it's that they don't embrace the ways of the West that have made us rich.
"Many people starve to death, even today out of a variety of reasons and most of them do not live in a Communist State."
See above.
Capitalism works.
Posted by: Kathryn | 2008-04-19 3:03:39 PM
It's not that they don't live in the West that's making/keeping them poor, it's that they don't embrace the ways of the West that have made us rich.
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 3:03:39 PM
Ways of the West:
- Colonialism
- Superior Military Power
- Control of the World Financial Markets.
- Endebting of foreign nations to the World Bank, run by Western Nations.
- Tarriffs on Goods.
- Subsidies in the West to support Western Farmers and Manufacturers.
- Denial of Subsidies to Local Farmers and Manufacturers as condition by the Worldbank to issue loans.
Yes clealry, if they could only behave like we do.
And just to be clear, I am very well aware of the fact that I have benefitted from this rigged scheme quite a bit, but at least I am not as arrogant to think that I am "better" than the rest of the world because of it.
"Many people starve to death, even today out of a variety of reasons and most of them do not live in a Communist State."
See above.
Capitalism works.
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 3:03:39 PM
Depends on which side of the rifle (real and metaphorical) you're on.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 3:18:58 PM
A list of accomplishments that have improved the lives of humanity from non-Western sources.
(The sound of crickets chirping)
Posted by: set you free | 2008-04-19 3:22:13 PM
A list of accomplishments that have improved the lives of humanity from non-Western sources.
(The sound of crickets chirping)
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 3:22:13 PM
MMhh, let me think here:
- Math (arabic invention really, including zero)
- Modern Medicine, also has it's origins in the Arabic speaking world.
- "discovery" of Bacteria by the Asians (okay, they didn't KNOW it were bacteria etc. but they had discovered that boiling water / cleanliness promoted good health, something Europe didn't really discover until after the enlightenment).
I am sure there is more, but that's just the little things off the top of my head.
But SYF, tell me, which Western improvement are you the most proud of? Come on, don't be shy, give me your top three and please also tell the audience here WHY.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 3:32:08 PM
Are Western ways or capitalism perfect? Of course not, nothing is. But on the whole, those of us fortunate enough to live in countries that have embraced them are far more prosperous than the countries that have *chosen* to reject them.
"but at least I am not as arrogant to think that I am "better" than the rest of the world because of it."
There you go, making things up again. No one, least of all me, stated or implied any such thing. Are we "better" for living in the West? No, just better off.
Posted by: Kathryn | 2008-04-19 3:38:26 PM
If you really search deeply, I'm sure you'd find something else within the last 15 centuries to be proud of.
Since you live in the western world and need somebody else to articulate the hundreds of improvements given the world by western civilization, I'm unsure whether there's any hope for you.
I'm starting to pity you and with that must sign off for the night.
Thanks for the debate.
Posted by: set you free | 2008-04-19 3:38:32 PM
Are Western ways or capitalism perfect? Of course not, nothing is. But on the whole, those of us fortunate enough to live in countries that have embraced them are far more prosperous than the countries that have *chosen* to reject them.
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 3:38:26 PM
Sure, but you seem to completely ignore on the HOW and WHY. To point fingers at the other parties and say: "Hey, if you only would behave like us" ignoring that if they would we would have nothing is a bit short sighted and self serving, don't you think?
If you want to be smug about our achievements then at least understand how we got where we are.
There you go, making things up again. No one, least of all me, stated or implied any such thing. Are we "better" for living in the West? No, just better off.
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 3:38:26 PM
Let me quote you here:
"It's not that they don't live in the West that's making/keeping them poor, it's that they don't embrace the ways of the West that have made us rich."
Riiight. And that's not arrogant? Please expalin to me which ways of the West they should have embraced, but didn't, that make them live in Poverty. You seem to think there is some secret sauce in the West that could easily be adopted to the rest of the world and would make everybody live like we do.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 3:42:48 PM
Thanks for the debate.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 3:38:32 PM
You mean you changing the subject, not really providing any facts / proof for the statements you make? Oh I am sure the readers got a kick out of it.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 3:43:45 PM
You asked SYF for three Western improvements - I'll give you five and they will also explain my other posts:
Rule of Law
Free Speech
Freedom of Religion
Equality of the Sexes
Property Rights
These are all Western ideas, practiced by modern liberal democracies. Throw in capitalism and you'll do more to improve the lot of humanity than any other ideology. Reject them and consign the vast majority of the populace to never-ending misery and despair while the elites at the top live the life of Riley. Only someone arrogant enough to believe he'd be one of the elites would think this is a good way to structure a society.
Think of the two Koreas - one is a prosperous country, the other is hell-on-earth, yet they are made up of the same people - ethnically, linguistically, culturally. The only difference is one embraced the path to prosperity and one did not.
Posted by: Kathryn | 2008-04-19 4:31:49 PM
"Riiight. And that's not arrogant? Please expalin to me which ways of the West they should have embraced, but didn't, that make them live in Poverty. You seem to think there is some secret sauce in the West that could easily be adopted to the rest of the world and would make everybody live like we do."
I've got a better idea. Please explain the ways of the NON-West that cause them to continue to live in poverty vs. the WEST where poverty has been minimised and marginalized.
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-04-19 4:52:26 PM
Yep - 7 years with Bush at the helm has proved that unfettered capitalism has made the US the solvent, economically sound, cash-rich, surplus-laden country with a strong dollar it is today.
And Obama is gonna tear all that apart, right?
Good comedy.
Posted by: joe bleau | 2008-04-19 6:15:13 PM
7 yrs with Bush and we are still better off than we were under Carter with only a couple of years.
Thanks for reminding us of how good we have it rather than how bad we it will be under another socialist whiner like Obama.
Let's have a beer and celebrate!
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-04-19 6:46:17 PM
You asked SYF for three Western improvements - I'll give you five and they will also explain my other posts:
Rule of Law
Free Speech
Freedom of Religion
Equality of the Sexes
Property Rights
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 4:31:49 PM
Nice list. Rule of Law was had in other countries too, that isn't a "Western invention" nor necessarily an iimprovement. But I give you an A for effort.
Free Speech, again a rather newish idea really, it it a Western Invention? Surely in the sense that it was written down on paper (a chinese invention) for the first time and "enshrined".
Freedom of Religion, again for the first time enshrined but in China and other parts of the world were mutlitple ethnicities existed under one rule religion was always "free" to chose. The irony is that the idea of a State Religion is actually a European Concept and the hostilities to outside religious beliefs is one too.
Equality of the Sexes, depending on who you talk to the West is still far from reaching this, and it clearly isn't something enshrined in the Bible, said document (You know, Judeo Christian Values) puts the woman at home and the man at the head of the family... So I am not quite sure how you can make that an equal right. There were societies that predate hours (even in tribes today) where there wasn't such a huge divide between the sexes.
Property Rights, ah yes. Now that is REALLY an improvement. Instead of agreeing that certain things are common good (e.g. Rivers) we have gone to the extreme now that anything is for sale. What a vast improvement and I am sure you will go on and point out how this is enriching everybody in the West.
These are all Western ideas, practiced by modern liberal democracies.
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 4:31:49 PM
As noted above, quite a few of these ideas have existed before "modern times" but as humans tend to forget the past and are always navel gazing I am not too surprised that these things come up as "new" to you.
Throw in capitalism and you'll do more to improve the lot of humanity than any other ideology.
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 4:31:49 PM
I ask you the same thing I asked SYF: Define Capitalism to me. Because at it's core the idea of Capitalism is utterly incomptible with Democracy. They are pretty much natural allies. While Capitalism allows the individual to do whatever they want as far as their abilities go, Democracy builds on the idea that the masses should rule.
There is a reason why almost all Dictatorships love Capitalism.
Reject them and consign the vast majority of the populace to never-ending misery and despair while the elites at the top live the life of Riley. Only someone arrogant enough to believe he'd be one of the elites would think this is a good way to structure a society.
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 4:31:49 PM
Try the following through experiment: Take away Western (especially British) Colonialism. Try to imagine that the British never left the Island. They get all these things that you pointed out above. Do you think they would be as prosperous today if it wouldn't have been for colonialism and the their vast Empire overseas?
Do you KNOW how the British ruled their empire? Or do you believe (like GWB seems to think) they just showed up and brought civilization to the savages and saved them from themselves?
if you think the latter I would suggest you start reading a few history books or take some classes, you may be surprised what you learn.
Think of the two Koreas - one is a prosperous country, the other is hell-on-earth, yet they are made up of the same people - ethnically, linguistically, culturally. The only difference is one embraced the path to prosperity and one did not.
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 4:31:49 PM
Sure, ignore the Korean war and the fact that the struggle between the Soviet Union and the United States tore the country in half. Ignore that the US has pumped billions of Dollars in there over the years in order to prevent the South Koreans from forming closer bonds with their Northern Brothers and you have a point.
I know this doesn't fit well as I directly go for your inseecurities but the West isn't the Good force here, nor are the other countries BAD. There are reasons for both things and they are rather complex and trying to simplify them as you do only works if you ignore vast amounts of other things around it.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 7:46:36 PM
I've got a better idea. Please explain the ways of the NON-West that cause them to continue to live in poverty vs. the WEST where poverty has been minimised and marginalized.
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 19-Apr-08 4:52:26 PM
First of all H2, and yes, I know that doesn't fit into your view of the world either, there are still enough people going to bed starving daily in the West. Yes yes, I know they just don't WANT it hard enough. If they were only like you they'd live in a Mansion and had Caviar and Champagne every night. Wake up.
Secondly I think I have pointed out already some of the reasons on why a large part of the world is struggeling, but clearly you either haven't read it or not understood it. Because you're obviously above cheap shots when you have nothing else to say, right?
And seriously. Do you think a process that has lasted in the excess of 500 years can be summarized in a little blog post?
If so, Why don't you explaint to me the history of the British Empire, especially in Relationship to Canada. We can use this as a jump off point to discuss the finer points of colonialism.
After you H2. Come on, you know you want to.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 7:50:27 PM
Snowy said
"First of all H2, and yes, I know that doesn't fit into your view of the world either, there are still enough people going to bed starving daily in the West."
What are you talking about? I wish all were well fed.
Why do you suspect otherwise?
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-04-19 8:27:08 PM
Capitalism- a perjorative term coined by Karl Marx. I would much prefer "free enterprise" or the "market economy". Business is neither favoured nor hindered by government. "Democracy is favoured by dictators". What unadulterated garbage. Powerful men may manipulate but it is short lived. You are arrogant enough to think that the "average Joe" is stupid. In the long run he/she rises up to take charge and if the democracy is governed by a well crafted constitution, the democracy will work well.
BTW- I'll grant you the zero and the arab contribution to math but please don't talk about Arab contributions that took place before the advent of Islam as examples of Moslem contributions. And since when was the Greek father of modern medicine (Hippocrates) an Arab? The great library of Alexandria was not an Egyptian invention.
Posted by: DML | 2008-04-19 8:38:46 PM
Thank you for reminding us our history. I hope Snowy learns something before reacting in an oppressivly reactionary manner. As usual!
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-04-19 8:44:30 PM
Let me let you in on a little secret.
Despite your obsession, there's nothing you can do to change history.
We live in the present in one of the best times and in arguably the second-best country in the world.
I'm sure water dog will agree that it's important to count our blessing, rather than curse our shortcomings. That's the way I look at things and, as surveys have shown for 35 consecutive years, conservatives are happier than liberals.
I feel for your self-imposed misery, where reality falls short of your utopian expectations. We live in the real world, not a world of delusion.
It's OK to have dreams. We all have a chance to do better today than we did yesterday. And, every day that we wake up, we have another chance to reject the things that make us unhappy and embrace the things that make us happy.
All this snow out here puts me in a great mood. Merry Christmas.
Have to run again.
Posted by: set you free | 2008-04-19 8:46:49 PM
SYF said
"I'm sure water dog will agree that it's important to count our blessing, rather than curse our shortcomings. "
Bless you. I agree!
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-04-19 8:48:30 PM
I had written a lengthy response to your response and then re-read yours again and deleted mine. Why? There's no point discussing anything with you.
You're so stuck on past injustices you can't see any current good and you've decided that since the outcome is unequal, the opportunity must also be unequal. I feel sorry for anyone with such a skewed POV.
Posted by: Kathryn | 2008-04-19 8:53:06 PM
Snowy mendaciously said
"I know this doesn't fit well as I directly go for your inseecurities but the West isn't the Good force here, nor are the other countries BAD. There are reasons for both things and they are rather complex and trying to simplify them as you do only works if you ignore vast amounts of other things around it."
Prove it. Prove the West and NON-West are equally bad. Prove that complexity is responsible for your inablility to decide on an optimally advantageous course of action for humanity.
I support the general Western trend of human development as opposed to the rest of mankind
Why are you against human rights and progress?
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-04-19 8:57:32 PM
Hi, Welcome to the defense of the human race against the Snowys of the world...secretly hoping for the "28 Days Later" version of human denouement!
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-04-19 9:01:43 PM
What are you talking about? I wish all were well fed.
Why do you suspect otherwise?
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 19-Apr-08 8:27:08 PM
I've got a better idea. Please explain the ways of the NON-West that cause them to continue to live in poverty vs. the WEST where poverty has been minimised and marginalized.
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 19-Apr-08 4:52:26 PM
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 10:20:47 PM
BTW- I'll grant you the zero and the arab contribution to math but please don't talk about Arab contributions that took place before the advent of Islam as examples of Moslem contributions. And since when was the Greek father of modern medicine (Hippocrates) an Arab? The great library of Alexandria was not an Egyptian invention.
Posted by: DML | 19-Apr-08 8:38:46 PM
Oh, so Arabia didn't exist until Mohammad wrote off the bible (or vice versa)? Selective history again I see.
And yes, the greek formulated "modern" medicine and devised teh role of the "doctor" in a way. But a lot of basic research and understanding was actually done in the arabic speaking world before their time.
I know, doesn't fit into popular knowledge about how savage those Arabs, pardon, Islamists are but ideas / knowledge usually doesn't just happen in a vacuum.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 10:25:22 PM
Thank you for reminding us our history. I hope Snowy learns something before reacting in an oppressivly reactionary manner. As usual!
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 19-Apr-08 8:44:30 PM
Oh stop pouting little girl.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 10:26:10 PM
Let me let you in on a little secret.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 8:46:49 PM
Are you sure you should? It is (or was?) a secret after all.
Despite your obsession, there's nothing you can do to change history.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 8:46:49 PM
Despite your obsession I have never claimed I want to change history, but if you want to change the future you have to understand history.
We live in the present in one of the best times and in arguably the second-best country in the world.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 8:46:49 PM
Maybe you should move to the best country in the world then?
Or maybe ask WHY that is the case instead of just taking it for granted?
I'm sure water dog will agree that it's important to count our blessing, rather than curse our shortcomings.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 8:46:49 PM
If you only look up you can admire the sky, but sooner or later you'll trip over something. If that's how you want to go through life, be my guest.
That's the way I look at things and, as surveys have shown for 35 consecutive years, conservatives are happier than liberals.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 8:46:49 PM
Yeah, Ignorance is of course bliss. Anybody who questions the status quo and the ability to sustain it is a spoilsport, anybody who cranks the thermometer up a few degrees in the winter or down in the summer is a "patriot' and anybody who questions the wisdom of doing this or wonders how we got there is just a negative liberal who wants the world to end.
I feel for your self-imposed misery, where reality falls short of your utopian expectations. We live in the real world, not a world of delusion.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 8:46:49 PM
I would say the person living in a world of delusion is you. You seem to assume that it will continue this way forever because as long as your short memory lasts it always was that way.
How will you react if things suddenly change and you lose it all? Who of the two of us do you think would really despair at that moment?
It's OK to have dreams. We all have a chance to do better today than we did yesterday. And, every day that we wake up, we have another chance to reject the things that make us unhappy and embrace the things that make us happy.
All this snow out here puts me in a great mood. Merry Christmas.
Have to run again.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 8:46:49 PM
Ah, drive by commenting.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 10:32:10 PM
You're so stuck on past injustices you can't see any current good and you've decided that since the outcome is unequal, the opportunity must also be unequal. I feel sorry for anyone with such a skewed POV.
Posted by: Kathryn | 19-Apr-08 8:53:06 PM
I don't have a problem with past injustices, I do have a problem with people like you here who ignore the past injustices and now proclaim that anything we have is because we deserve it. In other words, you applaud the con man for conning other people on your behalf.
My "concern" is that this conning will not conintue for ever, sooner or later what goes around comes around. So, when China stops shipping cheap goods to your local Walmart (and you'd be surprised how much comes out of there, not only cheap trinkets but also food etc.), or the middle eastern countries decide to rather sell their oil to China than the US, this house of cards will come down.
Life isn't about "equality" it can't be because humans by nature are utterly selfish. Call it conservative, liberals, do gooders or whatever political label you will apply any balance we could achieve will be skewed again.
Out of this selfishness comes a very simple "tactic" for me: I rather have a good relationship with the rest of the world before they decide they don't like me anymore and go someplace else.
If that is something you can't understand (and I know H2 can't in her bile spewing ways) then fine. But that's why most of the "discussions" on here are a joke because people talk in absoluts, ignore history and think they will always rule the world.
But hey, as SYF said: Just keep looking up, maybe it won't hurt as much if you don't see the log you'll eventually be tripping over.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 10:38:04 PM
Prove it. Prove the West and NON-West are equally bad. Prove that complexity is responsible for your inablility to decide on an optimally advantageous course of action for humanity.
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 19-Apr-08 8:57:32 PM
Neither is bad. Countries aren't ethical nor do they act ethical. The fact that people like you attach labels like good or bad is a strawman argument trying to make yourself look better.
I support the general Western trend of human development as opposed to the rest of mankind
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 19-Apr-08 8:57:32 PM
The West had the luxury of developing this because there was enough prosperity that people didn't had to fight for daily food scrabs. There are a lot of reasons why this happened, but in a world with endless resources one cannot hoard everything without taking it from somewhere else away.
Tell me, if you had to wonder what you would eat tonight or spent 16 hours a day in the field, would you care about Free Speech?
Why are you against human rights and progress?
Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 19-Apr-08 8:57:32 PM
You want me to be against it, but I am not. What I am against is this shitty belief that the West got where it is because only the West could have done it. There are a lot of reasons why the West got where it is, a lot of it was "luck of the draw" and other circumstances that are quite complex.
I know, you like simple solutions, like "West Good, rest Bad", but that's not how it is, regardless how often you stomp your foot or try to come up with personal attacks against me.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 10:43:28 PM
My dad left when I was eight years old and my single mom and sister had to survive on welfare, so I know what it's like to go without.
We never thought of ourselves as poor, because attitude, not material wealth, is the sign of true wealth.
Being from what you'd consider an oppressed upbringing, I've never felt the need to join the collective guilt cult to which you obviously belong.
Posted by: set you free | 2008-04-19 10:46:07 PM
My dad left when I was eight years old and my single mom and sister had to survive on welfare, so I know what it's like to go without.
We never thought of ourselves as poor, because attitude, not material wealth, is the sign of true wealth.
Being from what you'd consider an oppressed upbringing, I've never felt the need to join the collective guilt cult to which you obviously belong.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 10:46:07 PM
You know squat about my upbringing or past but you jumpt to conclusions again.
But hey, tell me: Where do I come off as guilt ridden? Have you seen me anywhere on the side of the road holding up signs? Go door to door? Try to change the world?
Get off your high horse you and it does not occupy any moral high ground.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 10:51:06 PM
One thing's for sure.
When it comes to Fisking skills, you leave much to be desired.
You come off as a scared little boy, scared about the future, desperately trying to drag down whoever else you can drag down to your level.
Try being a bit more optimistic about your future instead to tilting at the windmills of an unresolved past.
I told you that I grew up on welfare, yet I don't share your pessimism about any of your doomsday scenarios.
I never asked you about your upbringing, but if you're using that as an excuse for any failures you may have today, then that explains why you're coming across as a total loser.
Go ahead. Copy this entire post, then give a feeble response.
You're so predictable.
Posted by: set you free | 2008-04-19 11:05:16 PM
When it comes to Fisking skills, you leave much to be desired.
You come off as a scared little boy, scared about the future, desperately trying to drag down whoever else you can drag down to your level.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:05:16 PM
And what would that level be? And why would I be scared? Is there an evil Muslim hiding under my bed? Will Daddy SYF come and take care of him for me?
Try being a bit more optimistic about your future instead to tilting at the windmills of an unresolved past.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:05:16 PM
Hahaha. that's a good one. You've dragged up your past twice today in discussions with me. If anybody has any personal past problems it's you.
I told you that I grew up on welfare, yet I don't share your pessimism about any of your doomsday scenarios.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:05:16 PM
In my "doomsday" scenario there won't be any welfare to grow up on. Is it likely that this will happen? It's possible but not likely. But that doesn't change the fact that we aren't as much in control anymore as you seem to think. Does that scare me? No, because when I grew up I learned very early on that there are very few things in life I can personally affect.
I never asked you about your upbringing,
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:05:16 PM
No, you just make assumptions.
but if you're using that as an excuse for any failures you may have today, then that explains why you're coming across as a total loser.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:05:16 PM
Where did I bring up anything in my personal life to support my arguments? The only one who goes back to the Grandfather that died in a Gulag, you're hardship as a kid when growing up on wlefare etc. etc. is you. I have not said one peep about my personal past to support any point I have made. Unlike you.
Go ahead. Copy this entire post, then give a feeble response.
You're so predictable.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:05:16 PM
So are you. I would suggest some therapy, take H2 with you, there seem to be some suppressed anger issues as well.
I shall note once more that you always drag things down on a personal level, base your opinions on your own personal experience and project quite a bit of your own experience onto me and accuse me of having said things I never did.
You really need to go back and deal with those upbringing issues of yours, maybe then you feel better.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-19 11:24:31 PM
To review.
I was born outside this country to parents who did not know the English language until their mid-30's.
My dad left when I was eight years old and we grew up on welfare.
Today, my net worth is more than $700,000.
I thank God and my parents for being able to live in such a wonderful country every day.
I would hate to be an ingrate like you, who spits on the freedoms this country allows you.
Instead of counting your blessings about being in such a great place and time, you whine constantly about how bad things are.
Go sulk in a corner somewhere, you big baby.
Come back when you grow up.
Every morning, you have a chance to turn your life around and make something out of yourself. Do everybody else a favour and instead of finding fault with others, try to correct your own faults. You'll be a better person for it in the long run.
BTW. Did you know that prolonged use of illicit drugs leads to an increasing sense of paranoia?
Posted by: set you free | 2008-04-19 11:48:54 PM
Because we deserve it?
Snowy, snowy, snowy, many people before us fought, both literally and figuratively, for the freedoms and benefits we enjoy today. We owe them a debt of gratitude and we must remain ever-vigilant that we don't lose the very things that have made our societies as great as they are.
The rest of the world that doesn't enjoy our very great freedoms does so for a very simple reason - they (or at least the very few at the top) rejected them. That's no one's fault but the few.
You can rail all you want over the plight of the masses in those countries, but, short of the USMC popping in for a visit, there's nothing we can do for them.
Posted by: Kathryn | 2008-04-20 8:34:56 AM
[Snip lots of "My life was so hard, please give me a hug" drivel.
I would hate to be an ingrate like you, who spits on the freedoms this country allows you.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
Oh, you mean like the Freedom of Speech and the belief that real democracy requires discussion instead of a "Jawoll mein Fuehrer"? Yeah sorry about that. It's a bad habit to sort of taking the whole Democracy at face value and thinking one should actually participate in it rather than enjoy the warm glow of the idea that one takes part in it.
Instead of counting your blessings about being in such a great place and time, you whine constantly about how bad things are.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
Where have I whined about how bad things are? The only person constantly whining is you telling everybody who reads it how the commies are taking over, how businesses are run into the ground by the Government and how the Muslims are going to slaughter us all unless we go and invade a few more countries to bring Freedom and Democracy SYF style to them.
Go sulk in a corner somewhere, you big baby.
Come back when you grow up.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
You know, talking to yourself is a sure sign that something up there isn't quite right in your head.... Get well soon SYF.
Every morning, you have a chance to turn your life around and make something out of yourself. Do everybody else a favour and instead of finding fault with others, try to correct your own faults. You'll be a better person for it in the long run.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
Again, why would I need to turn my life around? Where exactly did I go wrong? You seem to know my life's history and what I do on a daily basis, so please, instead of platitutes give some REAL advice, something that a person like myself can use.
Oh, and while we're at it. Please tell me what kind of person I AM clearly, you seem to know everything about me.
BTW. Did you know that prolonged use of illicit drugs leads to an increasing sense of paranoia?
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
Well in that case, I hope you stopped taking them. Really, I am starting to get worried about you now.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-21 8:55:55 AM
Because we deserve it?
Posted by: Kathryn | 20-Apr-08 8:34:56 AM
The spoils of war? Sure.
Snowy, snowy, snowy, many people before us fought, both literally and figuratively, for the freedoms and benefits we enjoy today. We owe them a debt of gratitude and we must remain ever-vigilant that we don't lose the very things that have made our societies as great as they are.
Posted by: Kathryn | 20-Apr-08 8:34:56 AM
And WHAT made this society so great? Ah yes, in Canada it is the story of Vimy Ridge, in other parts it is a similar story. Too bad that these things, although a focal point for society, in historical context have really very little to do with it. Freedom and Democracy wasn't "created" or "defended" for Canada at Vimy Ridge, neither springs it's prosperity from it.
I know people on here like it nice, easy, preferably black and white, but that's not how history or a society works.
The rest of the world that doesn't enjoy our very great freedoms does so for a very simple reason - they (or at least the very few at the top) rejected them. That's no one's fault but the few.
Posted by: Kathryn | 20-Apr-08 8:34:56 AM
Again. Would you give a fuck who rules you, if you had a say who ruled you if you had to fight every day for your own survival? Due to a lack of food, or fresh water or because there is no stability because someone from outside is threatending you?
Seriously, answer me that. Would you really give a fuck?
You can rail all you want over the plight of the masses in those countries, but, short of the USMC popping in for a visit, there's nothing we can do for them.
Posted by: Kathryn | 20-Apr-08 8:34:56 AM
And that's pretty much were you're wrong. The USMC may give certain people on here an excitement, but the Military is never a solution, just a last resort.
But hey, prove me wrong. Give me one historical example where an outside military intervention has lead to long lasting peace and democracy. Go on, you have 2000 years of "Western Culture" to draw upon. Can't be that hard if that is the solution that in your mind works.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2008-04-21 9:00:56 AM
[Snip lots of "My life was so hard, please give me a hug" drivel.
I would hate to be an ingrate like you, who spits on the freedoms this country allows you.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
Oh, you mean like the Freedom of Speech and the belief that real democracy requires discussion instead of a "Jawoll mein Fuehrer"? Yeah sorry about that. It's a bad habit to sort of taking the whole Democracy at face value and thinking one should actually participate in it rather than enjoy the warm glow of the idea that one takes part in it.
Instead of counting your blessings about being in such a great place and time, you whine constantly about how bad things are.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
Where have I whined about how bad things are? The only person constantly whining is you telling everybody who reads it how the commies are taking over, how businesses are run into the ground by the Government and how the Muslims are going to slaughter us all unless we go and invade a few more countries to bring Freedom and Democracy SYF style to them.
Go sulk in a corner somewhere, you big baby.
Come back when you grow up.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
You know, talking to yourself is a sure sign that something up there isn't quite right in your head.... Get well soon SYF.
Every morning, you have a chance to turn your life around and make something out of yourself. Do everybody else a favour and instead of finding fault with others, try to correct your own faults. You'll be a better person for it in the long run.
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
Again, why would I need to turn my life around? Where exactly did I go wrong? You seem to know my life's history and what I do on a daily basis, so please, instead of platitutes give some REAL advice, something that a person like myself can use.
Oh, and while we're at it. Please tell me what kind of person I AM clearly, you seem to know everything about me.
BTW. Did you know that prolonged use of illicit drugs leads to an increasing sense of paranoia?
Posted by: set you free | 19-Apr-08 11:48:54 PM
Well in that case, I hope you stopped taking them. Really, I am starting to get worried about you now.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 21-Apr-08 8:55:55 AM
(sound of crickets chirping)
Posted by: set you free | 2008-04-21 9:21:52 AM
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