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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Well, it's a start

Poland's Prime Minister will boycott the Olympics opening ceremony - and Nic Sarkozy may follow suit.

Now, if we can just convince the free world to stay away entirely . . .

Posted by D.J. McGuire on March 26, 2008 in International Politics | Permalink


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Those who lived under Communism in Eastern Europe until recently are wiser than ourselves when it comes to recognizing threats to their recently obtained rights and freedoms. It is not surprising
that Poland has taken this action. God Bless the Poles for taking a stand! Rightly or wrongly, they have at least spoken and I for one admire them for it.

Posted by: atric | 2008-03-26 3:48:33 PM

God bless the Poles - who not only stand up for the unborn but now the victims of political murder.

Posted by: Faramir | 2008-03-26 3:58:17 PM

Too bad they aren't boycotting the whole thing. Who's really going to miss them during the hooplah of the opening ceremonies?

Posted by: Dawn | 2008-03-26 4:26:59 PM

I heard a good comment today about why everyone is getting bent out of shape about China now.
The Olympic committee was well aware of China's record on human rights when they awarded the games.
That said, I hope there is a boycott.

Posted by: Stan | 2008-03-26 5:39:06 PM

We don't have to boycott the Beijing Olympics; it's boycotting us.

News Alert

Beijing Olympic Torch

The Olympic torch will hit several countries on its way to the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing, but Canada is not one of them. That has many Vancouverites wondering why it's being left off the map.

Posted by: Matthew Johnston | 2008-03-26 6:20:32 PM

Why would we boycott China when we have human rights abuses by our own human rights commissions?

Posted by: The LS from SK | 2008-03-26 6:48:07 PM

We don't have to boycott the Beijing Olympics; it's boycotting us.

News Alert

Beijing Olympic Torch

The Olympic torch will hit several countries on its way to the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing, but Canada is not one of them. That has many Vancouverites wondering why it's being left off the map.

Posted by: Matthew Johnston | 2008-03-26 6:50:19 PM

But the Neo-Cons and Globalists told us that signing unfair trade deals with China (unfair to the West) will lead to democracy and human rights in China. Where they wrong....again?

Posted by: Buchanan | 2008-03-26 8:07:23 PM

One must assume that by "Neo-Cons and Globalists" that Buchanan means the Democrats and Republicans, since this came about under both the Clinton and Bush administrations.

It has everything to do with money and nothing to do with human rights abuses by the Chinese communists.

Posted by: Alain | 2008-03-26 8:15:37 PM

Find out what the colour of mourning is in China and convince those countries that are at odds with China's practises to attend the opening and closing ceremonies wearing the colour of mourning. Get your athletes to march in showing no emotions at all.

Posted by: DML | 2008-03-26 11:50:34 PM

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