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Friday, February 22, 2008

Your Friday cartoon

Resident cartoonist J.J. McCullough pulls no punches. This time, Castro is in his sights in "Castro's Legacy."


Posted by westernstandard on February 22, 2008 in Western Standard | Permalink


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Everyone join me in the leftist mantra

"Socialism works but Castro just didn't do it right."

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-02-22 4:36:20 PM

You are right H2, but you've neglected to include the conservatives in that. Nothing grows a gov't like a conservative.

Posted by: Veteran | 2008-02-22 5:00:00 PM

Veteran. Agreed. But they grow it in the correct direction. Posted by another Veteran

Posted by: dewp | 2008-02-22 6:28:01 PM

So Verteran.

Do you always have such difficulty sticking to the topic?

The topic is Castro, Cuba, and socialism. Please explain why you felt it necessary to change topics and inject conservatives.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-02-22 6:32:14 PM

Maybe we will finally be able to buy real estate in Cuba!

All the best, Mark

Posted by: Mark Argentino | 2008-02-22 10:25:16 PM

I wonder if you guys can see the positives from Cuba?
100% literacy rates (one of the only countries to boast this)
They have a highly advanced agricultural system. Sure the people are poor but their happy, unlike us in North America.
My friend came back from vacation there and he loves it he wanted to stay!
So how come Cuba has such a bad economy? Because it's nearest trading parter refuses to trade with them for ideological reason! LoL what does that tell us?
What are the Americans afraid of if Cubans get some money?
Now South America are becoming left wing fast!
Thank god for Castro.

Posted by: notloz | 2008-02-23 1:56:10 PM


"Sure the people are poor but their happy, unlike us in North America."

Yes, Cubans are happy but many will risk their lives floating on the open seas in shark infested waters to become unhappy in America. And of course, let's not forget all those unhappy Americans with their large sums of money eager to escape to Cuba and poke Uncle Sam in the eye for causing their misery.

"My friend came back from vacation there and he loves it he wanted to stay!"

Why didn't he stay then? Trouble getting the equivalent to a green card because there are so many applicants ahead of him or something?

"So how come Cuba has such a bad economy? Because it's nearest trading parter refuses to trade with them for ideological reason! "

That's a 2 way street. Cuba isn't trading with the US either but the American economy seems to be doing well. Curious that. So why doesn't Cuba benefit from trade with the other 75% of the world's economy? (3 x the size of the US)

"What are the Americans afraid of if Cubans get some money?"

Yeah, Americans are afraid of Cubans getting money. Just like they are afraid of Germans, Japanese, Chinese, etc. getting money. I hear they have nervous breakdowns whenever a Canadian company buys one of theirs.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-02-23 2:08:27 PM


I nearly missed this one

"100% literacy rates (one of the only countries to boast this)"

Yes, it's a miracle. Even the mentally retarded and those in a vegetative states can read.

100%? Not likely.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-02-23 2:13:01 PM

Uh, yes H2, the subject is socialism. Which is why I pointed out that the conservatives are socialists.

That would make me "on point"

Posted by: Veteran | 2008-02-23 8:49:22 PM

Uh Veteran,

I hate to break it to you but conservatives are conservative. If you mean Conservatives are socialists, well, that's a different kettle of fish.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2008-02-24 5:53:56 AM

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