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Thursday, February 14, 2008
What has the Obama-Clinton hype meant for the Democrats? Nothing.
Conventional wisdom down here is that the dramatic turnout numbers in Democratic primaries has created an energy that makes the Democratic nominee the favorite no matter who it is.
Yet the polling data (FWIW) show that neither of them can break out of a statistical tie with John McCain in crucial battleground states. In fact, they're on the wrong side of them (i.e., they're trailing within the margin of error).
This election isn't over, not by a long shot.
Posted by D.J. McGuire on February 14, 2008 in International Politics | Permalink
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Att`n Texas Democratic primary voters . The best idea of the week as aired by a Rush caller - in . Republicans in Texas vote Obama in the primary and put a stake thru the heart of ' nurse rached ' . Take the Clinton machine out of the equation and let McCain pick apart the inexperienced and out to lunch Obama .
Posted by: daveh | 2008-02-14 1:03:49 PM
Usually Democrats are to the right of Canadian Liberals, but not Obama. I refuse to believe that Americans are going to elect somebody this far left. And, as others have noted, most of his "inspirational" speeeches are long diatribes about how miserable life is in America.
Posted by: whitney creelman | 2008-02-14 2:44:42 PM
His speeches amount to anti-business (productivity) and pro-handout (parasitism). It's a big seller. Barak is a hero to the losers. He has a good chance of winning.
Posted by: Veteran | 2008-02-14 5:11:30 PM
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