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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The French Intifada: A Whiff of Grapeshot

Back in 2005, during the last wave of rioting in France, I predicted that although those disorders would eventually subside that without further action on the part of the government of France they would simply mark the beginning of a clear process of violence followed by concession followed by violence followed by either civil war or surrender.  Those who fail to see the Jihadist element in all of this are blind.  It might well be that these “Youths”, as the media insist upon calling them, are motivated by economic conditions and by the general liking of many young for mayhem.  But it is equally clear that in France today, as we saw in Israel twenty years ago, there has been a clear and progressive escalation of both rhetoric and violence – a movement which, if allowed to proceed unchecked, can only lead to ultimate disaster.

Two years ago (using the pretext, as they are today, of the timely death of a pair of young criminals) the Franco-Islamic street rose in scenes reminiscent of the first stages of the Palestinian intifada nearly two decades before.  Rock throwing.  Vandalism.  The occasional Molotov cocktail.  Burned-out cars.

How did the authorities respond to this?  As befits cowards, they took their knees and degraded themselves before the criminals.  They offered jobs, money, aid – everything.  Violence, both its actuality and the threat of greater violence, brought rewards to the budding Jihadists of Paris.  Is it any surprise then that, on a similarly flimsy pretext, the violence should erupt anew?

Of course, I am heartless to suggest that the deaths of the two joy-riding criminals which sparked this (in addition to those sparks which set off the last conflagration) are a welcome event.  You bleed for those people if you want – but facts are facts and criminals are criminals.  Some will blame the French police for failing to aid the young scum when they struck them with their car – but to do so fails to consider the obvious fact that the officers in question were operating within what has become, in effect, a hostile state within the heart of France – and would almost certainly have been attacked and quite possibly killed had they left their car.

Now, though, it seems to be much worse than before.  They’re shooting at the police this time.  They’re targeting them for death.  And how does the French political class respond to this outrage?  The Socialists attack their own government, for failing to sufficiently prostrate themselves before the criminal element.  What passes for the French “right” cowers and works hard not to offend anyone.

What would General Bonaparte think of what has become of his country? 

The course of events is blazingly clear.  The last time these riots came, Moslems made up roughly 10% of the French population or six million of sixty.  With a low French birthrate, a high Moslem one, and continued immigration – both legal and illegal – who knows what it is now.  Perhaps six and a half.  Perhaps seven.  And what shall it be in ten or twenty years when I, dear reader, am in early middle age and you, however old you are, are probably still here?  The crisis is already here – but it is Armageddon that is drawing near.

I mentioned earlier that they are now shooting at the police.  At least four police officers have actually been shot.  Perhaps more by the time you read this.  Over one hundred have been injured.  And yet the riots go on.  Troops have not been sent in to quell them.  The police have not returned fire, even in self-defense. 

I am certain that some – perhaps those Canadians so exercised about the recent Taser-related death of a Polish man – will be quick to praise the French police as a model of restraint.  But I damn their leaders – those who send men to be injured and deny them the means of self-protection – as cowards.  The know that the evil force in their midst must be resisted, but they lack the courage to do so.  The enervated state of the French state precludes the use of any strong or effective measure against what, in effect, is a civic revolt.

What do you get when you have?:

1) An Islamic population which is growing, both in real terms and as a percentage of the population, each year.
2) Riots which are growing progressively more violent and beginning to take on the character of a guerrilla war.
3) A civic establishment too exhausted and too cowardly to confront the threat?

Disaster is the answer.

I cannot, at the present time, project the exact course of events.  But once we have established the underlying course, we can make some reasonable assumptions.

As the violence increases – and as the French state is progressively paralyzed by this and other factors – those with talent or money will flee abroad.  In my own youth, I knew a large number of white South African émigrés.  In ten or twenty years, children will be growing up alongside those of many recent Western European immigrants.

Though the French state may be passive and weak in the face of this danger, the same cannot be said for all of the people of France.  Some – some motivated by hatred, some by love of their country, some by some mix of each – will not yield France to their opponents.  They will fight back with whatever weapons and by whatever means they can.

Neither will all elements of the French establishment yield.  There is a reason why this is already the Fifth Republic.  Little about French government in the last two centuries has been permanent.  Perhaps, given the chance, some General will decide to make the transition from Fifth Republic to Third Empire.

Civil War?  Islamic conquest?  Military coup?  We cannot say now what is in the future of France if events are allowed to proceed unchecked.  We can only say that it will be evil that befalls that great nation if it fails to act swiftly.

Rioters do not understand words. They will respond to concessions – appeasement – with only future riots.  In any case, the point for negotiations and compromise has long since passed – these rioters are irreconcilable with the West.  The only thing that will wake them up is a whiff of grapeshot.

And, after that?  Well, we know the answer.  The world is not a single big happy place.  Everyone cannot live together in peace and harmony.  The West’s choice to discard integration in favour of multiculturalism must now be acknowledged for the utter disaster that it is.  Those who fail to adopt Western –be they French, English, American, Canadian, Australian – norms ought to be repatriated.  Voluntarily if possible – otherwise otherwise. 

Posted by Adam T. Yoshida on November 28, 2007 in International Politics | Permalink


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I have to say excellent article. You hit the nail on the head. Appeasement is the weapon of choice by the French, and it's a weapon used against themselves.

The cowardly acts of a government exposing its police and others to violence of this nature is unacceptable by any standard and will in fact lead to more violence.

As for French citizens themselves, I also agree if this course continues unchecked, civil war may actually be the net result or a totalitarian government. Time for the western world to wake up and see what meance lives amongst us. Action in Europe is needed now, if not it will lead to a large and brutal counter action that will be worse for everyone involved.

Posted by: Niv | 2007-11-28 6:52:58 AM

As with France, so with Canada too, or any Western country that allows large numbers of Muslim immigrants. It's all in the numbers. What France is doing for us is providing an example of what happens when a violent society from the 7th Century is allowed to become a significant minority.

Posted by: Frank Hilliard | 2007-11-28 8:15:34 AM

Well stated Yoshi.

"But it is equally clear that in France today, as we saw in Israel twenty years ago, there has been a clear and progressive escalation of both rhetoric and violence – a movement which, if allowed to proceed unchecked, can only lead to ultimate disaster."

Twenty years ago people outside of Israel laughed at youth who engaged in throwing rocks at police in Israel.

It is not so funny when buses, restaurants and trains get attacked, and planes are flown into buildings.

Yet in France, they have prided themselves on tolerance over pretty much every single other values and principles. This tolerance at the expense of, has turned into tolerance at the expence of everything. The mother of Daniel Pearl, the journalist who was beheaded, and whose video was distributed throughout the world, said it best. At some point, you must be intolerant of the intolerant.

If we are not intolerant of the intolerant, we end up rewarding bad behaviour--either through our silence, or through not taking it seriously and therefore punnishing the behaviour as soon as it has been exhibited. These islamofacists--youths (aged 18-30, youth me buttocks they are youth) are not being sent the message that they ought to be sent. By not only being silent about what they are doing, and getting used to it, they are sending a message that it is OK, you can be violent and you will be not only dealt with by intolerance, but you will even be rewarded for your violent activity.

Appeasement, in the face of terror, is a formula for disaster. It simply does not work. It has never worked. It does not work no matter how many times it is tried. It fails each and every single time.

Although people can get upset when accidental deaths occur--when people forget that playing with fire does cause loss of life, then they are about to lose more than what they think they have lost. It is like killing the goose that laid the golden egg--just to see whether there is more gold where the other golden eggs came from--only to find that it was not the inside of the goose that was gold, but the life that produced the golden eggs in the long run.

Those youth are being permitted to destroy the life of France. And, not teaching them the value of that life and doing that properly, with great discipline, is the beginning of the end.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-11-28 8:43:39 AM


When ever you pay beggars or extortionists, they will always ALWAYS come back for more.

Very good piece Yo.

Posted by: John | 2007-11-28 8:52:21 AM

Rioters do not understand words. They will respond to concessions – appeasement – with only future riots. In any case, the point for negotiations and compromise has long since passed – these rioters are irreconcilable with the West. The only thing that will wake them up is a whiff of grapeshot.
Posted by Yoshi on November 28, 2007 in International Politics |

I love these armchair analysis by Yoshi and the lack of any real suggestion on how to solve the problem.

On second thought though, I think what Yoshi would like to see is the French Foreign Legion and the French Army move in like the Israelis did in the six day war and blow everything up. Which seems to be his preferred solution to everything: If in doubt send the Army or Riot Police and show force.

Liberitarian or Conservative thinking on here my ass.

Posted by: Snowrunner | 2007-11-28 10:05:44 AM


During the six day war--Israel beat the pants off of not one, not two, but three Armies, including Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria also contributed troops and weapons to those three Arab forces.

Egypt instigated the war by amassing their Army at the Israeli border and closing off the straits of Tiran. This was the first act of war. The other two acts of war were the amassing of Armies at the borders.

Israel successfully defeated the Arab Axis--and successfully defended her people from what was imminent destruction by those three Armies.

There is a vast difference between terrorists and terror activities--what you see in France today--and warfare. What has been going on in France, is an internal matter of islamofacist riots.

And out here in the West, we call what those Arab neighbors did, mighty un-neighborly! And that goes for the islamofacist youths in France, and the Islamofacists and their Armies in the middle east.

The three Arab nations applied warfare principles, and decided amongst themselves, that it was impossible for one nation to win against two border attacks so therefore three should ensure it was a slam dunk by going after three borders. Thing is, they were implementing evil, and lost. They lost then and would lose again, because they know, in their hearts, that these lands belong to the Jewish people--the children of Israel and the others who are not Jews, who are also Israelis. The Arab Axis defied--even their own sacred texts--and what is common knowledge as well as what has been backed by the UN--and they know it through and through that what they are doing and have done is completely and utterly wrong.

Those youth--the scum in France--they know that what they are doing is wrong as well. And, because the French have not dealt with them as they ought to have, they have left themselves open to hell down the road.

If Nicolas is going to do anything right by this--then he MUST deal with these bad people properly NOW. If he does not, he will be the last leader, with any intent to save France from internal destruction.

Perhaps Rudy Giuliani would have the best advice for him, as he did not walk away from what is right.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-11-28 11:05:57 AM

Indeed excellent article. Yes, France has carried on rewarding and appeasing the Muslims since at least the mid 60's and are not reaping the results. Yet every other country has done and does the same to one degree or another, which is why the problem keeps growing instead of disappearing.

This is not about economics, not about development, not about oppression or any of the old lines trotted out to excuse it. We are dealing with a fascist totalitarian ideology with imperialist designs hiding (successfully I might add) under the veil of religion and being protected by political correctness.

Posted by: Alain | 2007-11-28 11:19:13 AM

Whiff of grapeshot--I wonder if the violence would be so bad if the Police were using Microwave Crowd Control. Seriously.. http://www.raytheon.com/products/silent_guardian/

Posted by: John W | 2007-11-28 11:22:45 AM


"We are dealing with a fascist totalitarian ideology with imperialist designs hiding (successfully I might add) under the veil of religion and being protected by political correctness."


Posted by: Lady | 2007-11-28 11:34:45 AM

Good piece, but it falls short on solutions. It not about Islam, its about African criminality. It parallels the riots Brooklyn, LA and Cincinnati. Robert Locke's solution, non-lethal population transfer, not just of Muslims, but all immigrants to France, is the right call. Romanian criminality (actually Gypsies) prompted some action from the Italians, not it's France's turn.

"...the ideologies governing all Western nations are closely interlinked. What happens in one nation is likely to happen in the others. Nationalism as such is under systematic attack by globalist ideology. We can no longer afford to fall into the classic trap that has always bedeviled nationalists: instinctive difficulty in cooperating with the nationalists of other nations.

Moreover, the central problem facing Israeli nationalism at this moment is the Palestinian question—the presence, within the borders of the national state, of a large, unassimilable, alienated population. Because of current mass immigration, the U.S. and all the historic nation-states of Europe are beginning to face the same problem. Ultimately, they may have to consider some version of the same solution."

Posted by: DJ | 2007-11-28 12:26:31 PM

Blah Blah Blah says the racist amongst us!

Posted by: Lady | 2007-11-28 12:45:05 PM

Frank Hilliard says: "It's all in the numbers."

How true.

For example, the Population of Israel & Palestinian areas combined (2005):
5.2 Million Jews
5.1 Million Arabs

From 1995-2005 the Jewish Population rose by 780,000.

From 1995-2005 the Arab Population rose by 1,632,000, twice the rate of Jews. All in 10 years.

Israel is being smothered.

Europe is being smothered.

North America could be next. It's all in the numbers. The math does not lie.

Posted by: Sounder | 2007-11-28 3:53:36 PM


There is an issue with your numbers--there are about 1,000,000 non Jewish Israelis (from all sorts of backgrounds, some of who are of Arab ancestry), and just over 5,000,000 Jewish Israelis.

It appears you have included the Arabs who are not Israelis in with the numbers--which is incorrect as the Arabs who are living in the disputed territories are not Israelis.

All those Israelis that I refer to above are treated as equal citizenship--and share in all the resources, including democratically elected parliament, education, University and everything else, including sports.

And, there is a claim that approximately 3,000,000 Arabs claim the disputed territories. Please be aware that the areas are disputed, and in now way should be interpreted that just because people are squating on the lands--that they are entitled to them.

Those people used to have Jordanian citizenship--until The King of Jordan decided to take away their citizenship. If you read the story as presented by Wallid Shoebat--who was once raised to be a Palestinian terrorist--he remembers the day when his parents woke him up and said he was no longer a Jordanian--he was now a Palestinian. That period of time was in the 1960's--not all that long ago.

And remember, they claim but there is very little truth in the matter. Why even Yassir Arafat was born in Cairo, Egypt and not Jerusalem, like he stated. If you read, back when he died of undisclosed AIDS a short while ago, his funeral was in Egypt--and not Ramala.

And yet there is still the point about the birth rate--which is undeniable. If you look at the population demographics of Lebanon, you will see the exact same artifact occurring.

Why the entire region--including Egypt--used to be predominately Christian--and now the numbers of Christians has dwindled. Egypt used to be Coptic--who are Catholics. The Coptic Egyptians have mostly left Egypt--due to persecution from the new tenants of the land--who are not Coptics--who are Arabs. The Coptics trace their ancestry back to the Pharoahs--and so they are the true indigenous peoples of Egypt.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-11-28 4:18:01 PM

"The Forgotten Exodus"

Irwin Cotler, National Post

This week marks the 60th anniversary of the UN Partition Resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. It is sometimes forgotten that this was the first ever blueprint for an Israeli-Palestinian two-state solution. Regrettably, while Jewish leaders accepted the resolution, Arab leaders did not, and by their own acknowledgement, declared war on the nascent Jewish state.

Had the Partition Resolution been accepted, there would have been no Arab-Israeli war, no refugees and none of the pain of these last 60 years. Annapolis could now be the site of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of an Israeli-Palestinian peace.


The result was that the pain and plight of 850,000 Jews uprooted and displaced from Arab countries -- the forgotten exodus -- has been expunged from the historical narrative these past 60 years.

Posted by: obc | 2007-11-28 6:02:07 PM

Sounder - From 1995-2005 the Jewish Population rose by 780,000.
From 1995-2005 the Arab Population rose by 1,632,000, twice the rate of Jews. All in 10 years.

Israel is being smothered.
Europe is being smothered
North America could be next

And in the same period India's population grew by 100 million people and China's by 350 million. If NA is going to be swamped by anyone it's them.

Posted by: O'REILLY | 2007-11-28 6:02:56 PM

"And in the same period India's population grew by 100 million people and China's by 350 million. If NA is going to be swamped by anyone it's them."

As asinine a comment as O'Gotcha has ever made.

These 450 million are not entering North America. What few that are coming are not here for the purposes of subverting this society - except for some Chinese spies.

Posted by: obc | 2007-11-28 6:09:12 PM

Absolutely correct O'REILLY. Don't overlook Africa, whose population gains because of white medical and famine interventtion are enormous. The hypocritoid cbc will never allow his beloved Israel to be swamped/flooded by ethnically distant people. However, cbc's schadenfreude is evident as the slow motion genocide of Euros in NA and Europe unfolds.

Posted by: DJ | 2007-11-28 6:29:27 PM

The population figures I mentioned came from here:


Anyway, there are immigrants who come into Europe and North America who are not seeking to dominate and instill their 7th century religious laws, but some do exactly that and will continue to do exactly that. Outcome is unknown but just take a look at France, Belgium, The Netherlands and UK for starters. An ugly picture is growing and it's supported by "the numbers".

Posted by: Sounder | 2007-11-28 7:22:04 PM

It's not about instilling foreign religious values. It's about demographic change. Japan would no more welcome millions of Europeans, than they would welcome millions of Muslims. It is about the right to survival and the desire not to be diminished or replaced in your homeland.

Posted by: DJ | 2007-11-28 7:50:48 PM


Unfortunate for you--the facts wherein the site you surfed into are unsound.

And the stats I had are a bit out dated as well--so I apologize for that.

Last census in Israel depicted a population over 7.2 million, with about 1.1 million non Jews--including B'hai, Druze and Arabs Muslim and Christian), and some other minorities, including Hindus, other Christians and Budhists.

The site you went to includes Arabs who live in Gaza and the West bank, who are not Israeli citizens. These folks rejected Israeli citizenship when Israel was reinstated back in 1948. They left--on the beconing of their Mullahs--who said that they would drive the Jews into the Mediteranean Sea. Those who did not leave are amongst the 1.1 million who are Israeli citizens. Many served or serve in the Israeli Defence Forces.

Currently, in the West bank--only 267,000 residents are Israeli citizens. The remainder are Jordanians, who were stripped of their citizenship in the late sixties, by the King of Jordan. They presently call themselves Palestinians--although there never has been a nation of people called Palestinians.

It is a fabrication created in order to embellish the anti-Israel movement of Arabs-whose origins are Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian, Saudi--and others from the Arab Peninsula.

The authority in Gaza is the Palestinian Authority--which people know as being over run by the terrorist group Hamas. The Palestinian Authority is also in control of the West Bank (Judae and Samaria)with exception to the cities that are Israeli.

There are a whole host of excellent researchers on the Arab Israeli conflict--such as the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism. It is funded by donations and from raising monies from programs--so it is not a part of the government--in case unbiased is important to you. Neither is it finaced by lobbists, oil or other single issue agendas.

Here is their site.


I would not recommend you simply surf around for the crazies, because you will either end up on some leftist site, which is promoting revolution and communism, or you will end up on a terrorist sponsored site--although there are a few reputable, you have to be very careful. The terrorists have made a propaganda machine out of creating as many sites as possible in order to spread the terrorist agenda.

If you want news from inside Israel, there are quite a few in English, such as:






On these sites you'll get a wide spread of general opinions from all sorts of people.

If you go to the CIA Factbook, you will see demographics similar to what I quoted you--they have not been updated.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-11-28 8:54:45 PM

Congratulations Lady- one of the few contributors who have taken the steps to be informed on the issues. One caveat- The Israeli writer Benjamin Morris tells us that many of the Palestinian Arabs were actually forced off their land by Israeli soldiers in the 1948 war. Many others were indeed encouraged to leave by the lies of their Mullahs.
Those Palestinians who had their Jordanian citizenship stripped were following the exhortations of the PLO and were a threat to the rule of King Hussein. They found Lebanon to be an unwilling partner in crime but they were able to undermine the Lebanese government and establish a base of operations against Israel.

Posted by: DML | 2007-11-29 12:03:11 AM

Yoshi wrote:
"I am certain that some – perhaps those Canadians so exercised about the recent Taser-related death of a Polish man – will be quick to praise the French police as a model of restraint."


The correct way to deal with a man that has hurt no one, barricaded himself in a room, and only destroyed property is:

You offer him food, cigarettes. You can even lace the food with a sedative, if you must. You find him a translator. You arrest him and read him his rights. Presumeably, he'll be found guilty of willful destruction of property. He'll be fined, perhaps even deported. No need to escalate a situation and risk lives.

On the other hand, you have a bunch of "disgruntled youths" (intifada wannabes) shooting police, piercing their bulletproof vests with high-calibur hunting rifles??

Ok, that's when you bring out the SWAT and Army snipers. Aim to miss both ears by exactly the same amount.

But police have been so mistrained, that they don't know how to respond appropriately. It's not only their fault; the vast majority of police mean well. But they need the proper training (not fear), equipment, and policies to get the job

Whether it's Islamic Terror-specialists, Neo-nazis, or Oklahoma bombers, the response should be the same. If you can deport them, do so. If they use lethal force against your citizens and law enforcement, then kill them. If they assemble for the purpose of destroying your nation, nail them with charges of high-treason.

Posted by: Harph | 2007-11-29 4:44:37 PM

Oh, and the only reason there is a wall around the West Bank, is because the world won't let Israel do what it really needs to do. France's restrictions are self-imposed.

I guarantee you that if a portion of the USA went Islamo-viral like that, and started blowing up buses, discoteques, and pizza restaurants ... there wouldn't be a wall.

There would be a crater.

Remember Waco? That was for having weird family sexual relations and not paying their gas bill.

Posted by: Harph | 2007-11-29 5:22:53 PM


Harph-Harph-Harph LOL----eh probably too true, too true!

The wall--in most places in Israel, is actually a frence.

You should take a closer look at the fence between Canada and USA--and we're friends as well as neighbors.

Well, as the saying goes, (or how does it go) a good fence makes great neighbors.

So, I guess that means the fence/wall in Israel is not tall enough, because the terrorist-Palestinians keep firing thier rockets over the top and into the schools. Since last summer--the rockets have not stopped raining down on Israel.

And DML--I stand corrected. There never was a forced exodus on the Arabs--the Mullahs asked them to leave with the promise of terror onto the Israelis.

So Ben Morris is a kapos--what do you know!

Posted by: Lady | 2007-11-29 5:37:57 PM

"On second thought though, I think what Yoshi would like to see is the French Foreign Legion and the French Army move in like the Israelis did in the six day war and blow everything up. Which seems to be his preferred solution to everything: If in doubt send the Army or Riot Police and show force."

Typical BS from comrade Snowrunner who, yet again, proposes no solution just the usual empty personal attacks.

Posted by: missing link | 2007-11-30 1:55:24 PM

missing link ~

What would you expect from a Leftoid - coherent thinking? Its religion forbids it, don't you know.

Posted by: obc | 2007-11-30 2:41:04 PM

"On second thought though, I think what Yoshi would like to see is the French Foreign Legion and the French Army move in like the Israelis did in the six day war and blow everything up. Which seems to be his preferred solution to everything: If in doubt send the Army or Riot Police and show force."

Typical BS from comrade Snowrunner who, yet again, proposes no solution just the usual empty personal attacks.

Posted by: missing link | 30-Nov-07 1:55:24 PM

It seems you missed the link between my post and Yoshi's, what a surprise.

Where is Yoshi's solution (that doesn't involve the army / riot police and crowded jails?

Can you find that missing link?

Posted by: Snowrunner | 2007-11-30 3:23:38 PM

"Can you find that missing link?"

Look in a mirror, Yellow Snow. :)

Posted by: obc | 2007-11-30 3:32:12 PM

hi lady, you caught my interest, when you talked about the coptics, they have a fascinating religion, which is very old and has an interesting history, a friend of mine is coptic from egypt and im sometimes jealous of there culture and faith. i visited coptic churches in egypt when i was an officer in the army stationed in that area. you are correct in saying they are the true original egyptians, based on what i learned there

Posted by: john a. | 2007-11-30 8:20:19 PM

john a,

And they have had to flee their homeland--and some have discovered that even when they run, those forces of evil still find them and do terrible things to them.

You recall when Moses lead the Jewish people out of Egypt, and the waters came down onto Pharoah's forces? When we get to that part in Torah, we cry, because they are GDs children too. I am sincere about this. And yet when the forces of evil today kill others, they do not cry for those who have died, they celebrate. There is simply no reconciling that with western values of democracy, freedom and liberty--none whatsoever.

Thank you for sharing your experience with me.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-12-01 10:53:54 AM

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