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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SJS: Miami

Now, of course, we don't know much about the knife attack in Toronto today.  But, if you don't think that the media and authorities have a tendency to either suppress information or be willfully blind when it comes to outbreaks of Sudden Jihad Syndrome, I invite you to read this story.

In brief, a twenty-two year-old Moslem who had been placed on a terrorist watch list drove to a military base, got out, and attacked the guards with knives and crude homemade explosives.  Naturally, the authorities and media insist that it was not an act of terrorism.

Update: Never mind, I should add, the hillarious implication that somehow terrorism and suicidal tendencies are conflicting impluses.

Posted by Adam T. Yoshida on October 23, 2007 in Military | Permalink


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Yo, Yoshi! You aren't to bright, are you! Let me enlighten:

A terrorist's goal is to cause terror. That means that their primary objective is to affect the feeling of security that people have. One common method of instilling terror is to kill civilians even if it means dying oneself.

The "suicide by cop" phenomena is when a person desires their own death and not that of anyone else. Their goal is not to instill fear or harm anyone other than themselves, although their desire for their own death makes them mindifferent to the harm others might suffer.

These are two completely different things. The story makes it clear that this is a case of the latter, not the former. But you see the word "moslem" and immedialty think "terrorist". Actually, you only assume that he is "Moslem", since the story does not say whay his religion is. Soundls like you, just as E卐ra, have a hard-on for Muslims.

Posted by: Donald | 2007-10-24 7:33:58 AM

Hmmm ... the above post was supposed to be in preview only. Please delete the last sentence. Not cool.

Posted by: Donald | 2007-10-24 7:37:50 AM

The fact that you even toyed with the idea, Donald, does not speak well of you.

Posted by: obc | 2007-10-24 8:39:42 AM


You are right, but the fact that I did not intend to post it and I immediatley asked for it to be removed does speak well of me. You might check some of the hateful bile you regularly post and never seem to realize is hateful nonsense. I am pretty comfortable with not being as bad as you (or Yoshi or Ezra, for that matter), even while admitting that I'm far from perfect.

Posted by: Donald | 2007-10-24 8:55:27 AM

Donald posts anonymously and with a fake email, and he's an utter disgrace (and suffering from a mental disorder also known as political correctness).

Posted by: Werner Patels (THE SPADE) | 2007-10-24 9:42:00 AM

>"I am pretty comfortable with not being as bad as you (or Yoshi or Ezra, for that matter), even while admitting that I'm far from perfect."
Posted by: Donald | 24-Oct-07 8:55:27 AM

Nice admission there Donald.
Tell us something we didn't already know.

I'll tell you something you don't know, Donald.
Dieing while killing or attempting to kill infidels is guaranteed a sure ticket to martyrdom and 72 virgins in the ideology know as Islam.
There is no 'suicide by cop' phenomenon in Islam unless the 'cop' happens to be a Muslim of the same sect.

It isn't an either/or proposition when the target consists of infidels or those who are believed to pose a threat to Islam.

The martyr can even succeed to paradise if he fails to kill anyone in his attempt, it's all about the belief that he participated in Jihad and submitted to Allah's will, Donald.

Posted by: Speller | 2007-10-24 10:01:30 AM

Sounds like his Mommy doesn't know why he was so depressed...think it might have something to do with his fruatration at not being able to wage jihad against the great Satan? He gave it his best shot though.

Posted by: Markalta | 2007-10-24 10:12:29 AM

Donald posts anonymously and with a fake email, and he's an utter disgrace (and suffering from a mental disorder also known as political correctness).

Posted by: Werner Patels (THE SPADE) | 24-Oct-07 9:42:00 AM

Always remember: THE SPADE respects dissenting opinion, but bad taste or personal insults and attacks are a big no-no.


Posted by: O’Reilly | 2007-10-24 10:16:36 AM

>"Sounds like his Mommy doesn't know why he was so depressed"

Depression is relative.

Posted by: Speller | 2007-10-24 10:18:10 AM

. . . and often caused by relatives. :)

Posted by: obc | 2007-10-24 10:30:59 AM

So here we go again. The continuation of denial of the common denominator. MSM and our authorities can deny all they want but most people have figured out that all these individuals belong to the Islamofascist crowd.

As for the full moon I believe it is to-morrow night, so the moonbats are out a wee bit early.

Posted by: Alain | 2007-10-24 12:17:52 PM

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