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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Signing onto the good fight

You may have read the news stories this morning about Maxime Bernier's speech at the UN. Not reported yet is what Canada's foreign affairs minister did after that speech; he ratified the UN Convention Against Corruption. Here's the presser. This backgrounder on UNODC site explains some of the significance;

"In a major breakthrough, countries agreed on asset-recovery, which is stated explicitly as a fundamental principle of the Convention. This is a particularly important issue for many developing countries where high-level corruption has plundered the national wealth, and where resources are badly needed for reconstruction and the rehabilitation of societies under new governments."

See also Transparency International's Sept. 26 press release on its 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index, and a Business Anti-corruption Portal on the Convention.

Posted by Kevin Steel on October 2, 2007 in International Affairs | Permalink


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"This is a particularly important issue for many developing countries where high-level corruption has plundered the national wealth, and where resources are badly needed for reconstruction and the rehabilitation of societies under new governments."

...they aren't talking about Canada are they?

"The lawyer for a city man charged with killing a teen with a pickaxe says his client's just 'a young kid,' who is not coping well behind bars.
"He's scared to death, not surprisingly,"


Posted by: tomax7 | 2007-10-02 11:59:12 AM

Does this include the over $20 billion stolen by Coffee Can Anan and his fellow thieves at the UN in the Oil For Food Scam? Will that be repatriated to the Iraqi people from those Swiss bank accounts of theirs?

If not, why not???

Posted by: obc | 2007-10-02 12:03:33 PM

Remember yesterdays' post, citing Media Matters' smear of Rush Limbaugh with their made-up lies? Guess who helped found that Leftoid "non-partisan" group? Yup -the old hag herself. Here she admits it aloud:


Posted by: obc | 2007-10-02 12:13:34 PM

Oh yeah, the Oil for Food Scandal. Who got nicked for that? Not Kofi, too greasy to get caught anyway.
Not Maurice Strong, not a mark on him, he continues to ply his talents, especially in China.
Kofi's son? Nah, all innocents. It's just like it never happened, a figment of someone's imagination.

Posted by: Liz J | 2007-10-02 2:04:32 PM

Sounds like a good idea but if the UN is at the helm, I'm betting against it changing anything.

Posted by: Larry | 2007-10-02 6:32:38 PM

. . . unless there's money in it for them. Then they'll PRETEND to care.

Posted by: obc | 2007-10-02 6:37:19 PM

It is good to have a government stating the truth at the UN, but in my opinion the UN is beyond repair just like the CBC. Better the free world set up its own organisation and start afresh.

Posted by: Alain | 2007-10-02 8:34:26 PM

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