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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Enlightened Comment of the Day: John Derbyshire
I have made several attempts to describe or summarize it, but words fail me: read the whole thing.
Cross-posted to the China e-Lobby
Posted by D.J. McGuire on October 17, 2007 in International Affairs | Permalink
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If this was not based on truth, it might be funny.
Posted by: obc | 2007-10-17 7:54:00 AM
they left out the poised seafood eating event...this is where government connected seafood industrialists feed their cultured oysters, clams and shrimp, raised in Bejing sewer water, to unsuspecting contestants from various nations...judges then clock the time between ingestion to toxic reaction...nation with the slowest reaction time to tainted seafood wins.
Posted by: bill | 2007-10-17 8:32:20 AM
bill ~
They were "poised" to include your suggestion but the official in charge died of seafood poisoning before he could file the paperwork. :)
Posted by: obc | 2007-10-17 9:41:59 AM
Currency Manipulating. In this financial-trading sport, competitors struggle to keep their currency undervalued and nonconvertible against pressures from foreign bankers and trading partners. The competitor who, beginning from a fixed stock of currency, amasses the largest amount of foreign reserves, gets the gold.
Funny, if China wouldn't do this most american retailers would probably post a huge loss, not to mention the stock market would take a rather severe beating. Sure it is "unfair" but business was never about fairness and I am sure if the Chinese currency would flow freely and not be pegged to the USD others would cry because they couldn't go to Walmart anymore and buy these nifty chinese products for a song.
Posted by: Snowrunner | 2007-10-17 11:03:28 AM
Obviously, liberals are not amused, and in anticipation of their retort containing moral equivalence thought processes: "those", (quietly thinking,"little yellow savages"), (speaking now, hiding their racism) "people with different" (not inferior) "cultures can't be expected to live up to", (insert Western historical black marks and in a sarcastic tone), "our badly flawed moral standards" (followed by) a gratuitous equivocation with Gitmo.
In one easy sentence a left-lib can turn an atrocity into mush, at least for the mushy-minded.
Posted by: John Chittick | 2007-10-17 11:46:56 AM
Communist China's massive General Assembly, or Congress, BIG government meeting (whatever they call it, smells the same) appeared on TV as stiff plaster like the Emperor's buried red clay army.
My favorite memory of China (Republic of China - Taiwan) is a FIST FIGHT on their Senate floor.
The "unity" of Red China political theater hides how many hundred millions tensed and straining to rip the commissars to pieces? While the rough and tumble Taiwan Senate reveals solid reliable national will.
Posted by: Conrad-USA | 2007-10-17 7:14:05 PM
And let's not forget that, thanks to China's one-child policy and the killing of females at birth to make way for the "cherished" son the parents prefer, there are over 20 million Chinese men who will never find a wife because of the dearth of females in that Communist "paradise". That means that China can go to war with up to 20 million battle deaths with few repercussions from their families - since those families don't exist.
Posted by: obc | 2007-10-17 7:29:00 PM
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