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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

MSM tries to start a Harper-Bush fight

I'm curious to see the reaction up there to the news that Prime Minister Stephen Harper "took a shot" at the Bush Administration during his speech to the Council on Foreign Relations yesterday.  I'm especially curious because, in reality, Harper did no such thing.

I know MSM up there longs for the days when Canadian governments had idiots like Carolyn Parrish in or near caucus, but if they're wondering why this PM tends to treat them badly, they may want to re-examine the words they put in his mouth.

Here's CTV's "reporting" on the speech (excerpt in italics, bold emphasis added):

During his address to the Council on Tuesday, Harper also said he disagreed with several foreign policy decisions made by the White House administration, including a move to block a free-trade deal with Colombia.

"In my view, Colombia needs its democratic friends to lean forward and give them the chance at partnership and trade with North America," said Harper. "I am very concerned that some in the United States seem unwilling to do that. What message does that send to those who want to share in freedom and prosperity?"

Was "some in the United States" a veiled shot at the White House, as CTV asserts and assumes?  Nope.  In fact, the Bush Administration lobbied Congress hard to get the free-trade deal with Colombia approved.  Congress balked, and Congress was the target of Harper's "shot."

Harper also expressed a general concern about the turn away from free trade here in the U.S. - a concern both the Administration and millions of Americans share (including yours truly, so long as we're not talking about Communist China).  Perhaps if Canadian MSM actually paid attention to us down here, they would have noticed Harper is taking the President's side in an internal American debate, but apparently, they prefer to twist his words into one of their anti-American political fantasies.

Meanwhile, kudos to the PM for taking Congress to task on this one.

Posted by D.J. McGuire on September 26, 2007 in Canadian Politics, International Affairs, International Politics, Media | Permalink


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I saw the "report" by Puffy Duffy who is considered a Liberal Party Pimp by most Journalists here on the
real East Coast of Canada. Duffy is a notorious gossip but fawned over by the Socialist Horde and the fast fading Liberals. In NYC where it counts
PM Stephen Harper and his New Conservative Government is highly rated by the Big Apple's movers and shakers. But then of course none would admit they watched Canadian MSM Television in any event
-MSM don't hesitate to use combat activities by Canadian soldiers to attack the Harper Government
which has no parallel in Canadian Journalistic History. Appalling situation in fact. Macleod
in Monckton the tiny perfect City

Posted by: Jack Macleod | 2007-09-26 8:11:50 AM

Spot on! It is the Liberal Socialist DemoRats who are against offering Colombia a seat at the free trade table. Why? Because Hugo Chavez opposes it. They side with America's enemies once again, just like they have sided with Castro, and turn a blind eye to President Imanidiot of Iran.

Posted by: obc | 2007-09-26 8:18:32 AM

Harper has the MSM over a barrel.

Great program on CPAC last night with Harper taking questions from the floor in New York, very congenial. Harper looked so relaxed, just like he was sitting in your living room chatting about the various topics brought up.

Our media are either misinformed or passing off crap far from the facts thinking they will get away with it, afraid it's the latter.
Color them all green with envy, we have a superior intellect at the helm, they can't deal with it.

Posted by: Liz J | 2007-09-26 8:47:24 AM

Harper has the MSM over a barrel.

Great program on CPAC last night with Harper taking questions from the floor in New York, very congenial. Harper looked so relaxed, just like he was sitting in your living room chatting about the various topics brought up.

Our media are either misinformed or passing off crap far from the facts thinking they will get away with it, afraid it's the latter.
Color them all green with envy, we have a superior intellect at the helm, they can't deal with it.

Posted by: Liz J | 2007-09-26 8:49:52 AM

Lizj ~

It exposes their own intellectual failings. All they can do is try to scare the public and demean our American neighbours.

Posted by: obc | 2007-09-26 8:52:43 AM

Maclean's magazine is just another perfect example of shit disturbing Bush hating Canadian MSM.
Comparing Bush with Sadam on their front cover is worthy of every thinking Canadian's contempt.

Posted by: Joe Molnar | 2007-09-26 9:02:33 AM

Federal Bureaucrats most of whom are Liberal clones
provide much "insider" information to Puffy Duffy
and Bird Brain Taber -all they want is a power lunch at Hy's - The latest nonsense from NDP gossip Dawn Black came in a plain brown envelope from DND -
the original "speech" by Afghan President was entitled "what I did on my summer vacation" It is
also time for Harper to remove MacKay from responsibility for that cesspool of Liberal patronage, ACOA -which cannot be trusted -here in Monckton they actively campaign for Citoyen Dion
Mackay is clearly in a conflict of interest in his Portfolio as MND and his hobby as ACOA Minister.
Macleod -replace him with an Albeta MP.

Posted by: Jack Macleod | 2007-09-26 9:07:21 AM

Dawn Black is out of her league. Isn't she the one who took cookies to the troops in Afghanistan and all the while basically telling them their sacrifices are all for naught?

Jack~~ How about getting a missive off to the PMO about the enemies within at ACOA? They have to be aware of the load of turds in DND.

Posted by: Liz J | 2007-09-26 9:27:39 AM

I agree with Joe Molnar, MacLean's is desperate for increased circulation but only manages to annoy most Canadian readers -we dropped MacLeans decades ago because of Feschuck, Wells and Newman -MacLeans will
not survive in the present marketplace -the Red Star
would finish them off if it publishes once a month
with a special Magazine format which has been considered. Time and Newsweek take home the bacon
in Canada and the US -We don't need MacLeans to read Steyn -who is out of place with the socialists and
journalistic wannabes on MacLeans. Macleod

Posted by: Jack Macleod | 2007-09-26 9:36:12 AM

The LameStream Media think they're being smart, 'hard-hitting' journalists by trying to make news and sell this stuff. But, if their numbers are anything to go by, they're appealing to a smaller and smaller number of left-leaning whack-o's.

It will bite the LameStream Media in the end though - far leftist types hoard their cash, they only want to spend other people's money, so they're not going to pony up for these productions either.

Posted by: philanthropist | 2007-09-26 9:51:55 AM

The original premise of the post seems to point out that the MSM is weak on fact-checking.

Oh, well. As we can see by the posts here, their credibility is dropping like a rock.

Jack Macleod:

I notice you spell the city Monckton. My maps say Moncton. Is that a local-usage thing or is there a bit of history I'm unaware of?

About Time and Newsweek, I understand both have controversial stories in their upcoming issue.

Newsweek is publishing a critique of Mother Teresa by Christopher Hitchens, an awoved anti-religionsist.

And, Time is publishing a story quoting an Italian doctor saying she believes the Pope was euthanized based on her observations of him on television.

Posted by: set you free | 2007-09-26 11:08:46 AM

"she believes the Pope was euthanized based on her observations of him on television"

Yes - I always diagnose patients by watching them on TV from a distance. Reporters have no shame!!!

Posted by: obc | 2007-09-26 11:15:42 AM

MacLeans will not survive in the present marketplace

MacLeans weekly circulation (350,000)is larger than the combined sales of the Canadian version of Time and of Newsweek in Canada. MacLean's at worst breaks even, and is owned by Rogers who have deep pockets. I very much doubt we'll be hearing Mozart's Requium played for MacLeans any time soon.

Posted by: lotus 25 | 2007-09-26 11:42:14 AM

SYF Monckton is the orginal spelling of the now tiny perfect but incredibly boring City of Moncton. Was at a cocktial party University of Moncton few
months ago and none of the students knew the significance of the name "Monckton" -Colonel Robert Monckton, later Major General British Army front line commander serving General Amherst who defeated
French Colonial Rule in America. Monckton was tasked
with deporting acadians from what was then Nova Scotia but became New Brunswick -I prefer the traditional Ulster version of Monckton. Our family
came from Ulster in 1819 to Nova Scotia. Macleod

Posted by: Jack MacLeod | 2007-09-26 12:31:50 PM

It appears to me that it is not Ted Rogers style to prop up a sinking ship -circulation is only part of MacLean's problem -they will never get Brian Mulroney as a subscriber I would think. MacLeod

Posted by: Jack Macleod | 2007-09-26 12:35:51 PM

"they will never get Brian Mulroney as a subscriber"


Posted by: obc | 2007-09-26 12:37:37 PM


Very interesting. Thanks.

Posted by: set you free | 2007-09-26 1:09:36 PM

It appears to me that it is not Ted Rogers style to prop up a sinking ship

The Toronto Blue Jays lose quite a bit of money but they bring him a lot of marketing exposure so he considers the money he loses well spent. It's possible he sees MacLeans in the same light, the loses are outweighed by the marketing advantages.

Posted by: lotus 25 | 2007-09-26 1:23:02 PM

...i can't remember the time i last saw a macleans article. They have 350K subscribers?

Must be in 416 area.

Posted by: tomax7 | 2007-09-26 5:27:18 PM

I got a nasty EMail from some fool that thinks Moncton is located in Alberta -appeared upset about my remarks focused on that notorious gossip and bullshitter Puffy Duffy -a walking and talking example of Expense Account over indulgence. Michael Bate Frank Ottawa coined the name "Puffy Duffy"
MacLeod in Moncton still in the Picture Province

Posted by: Jack Macleod | 2007-09-27 8:30:45 AM

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