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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Forget Viagra

Daily Mail: World's oldest father has 21st child at 90. So what's your secret, Nanu Ram Jogi?

Mr Jogi, who attributes his remarkable virility to daily walks and plenty of meat, said: "I eat all kinds of meat-- rabbits, lamb, chicken and wild animals."

What's that collective gulp I hear? Nothing, just PETA members swallowing their tongues. Okay everybody, conga line! "You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad!"

Posted by Kevin Steel on August 22, 2007 in Science | Permalink


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Never. I know OBC is too old for a prescription, but as he knows there's always the internet.

Posted by: munroe | 2007-08-22 4:57:47 PM

Better start eating some meat then Kevin.

Posted by: Edmontonian | 2007-08-22 5:57:52 PM

Typical Dipper response. If we on the right made fun of fat people - which a Leftoid did recently on this site concerning Rush Limbaugh - we would be called insensitive.

In decent cultures, the elderly are treated with respect and seen as the repository of knowledge. Not in Leftoid marilyn's world. He can't argue the facts, so he resorts to what he thinks are demeaning statements about age.

Being attacked by marilyn is akin to a two year old doing the same thing. You smile, knowing you are dealing with an immature brat.

Posted by: obc | 2007-08-22 6:07:39 PM

OBC, some cultures put their elders on icebergs and float them out to sea. Ask Rick Mercer, he did a study in the States.

Posted by: munroe | 2007-08-22 6:09:56 PM

Heh. This guy isn't so special. My grandfather had his 21st (that we knew of) when he was in his mid-fifties. And he did it with only one wife.


Posted by: RightGirl | 2007-08-22 6:45:49 PM

More loving? Read the "Seven Veils of Islam" and tell us again what you think. We are less fertile because we don't want children not because we are less loving. Indeed, maybe what we want is loving without consequences and responsibilities.

Posted by: DML | 2007-08-22 8:31:01 PM

Rabbits- maybe thats where he got the inspiration.

Posted by: DML | 2007-08-22 8:32:43 PM

A little humour never hurts.

Posted by: DML | 2007-08-22 9:43:20 PM

PETA.....Does'nt that stand for people eating tasty animals ??

Posted by: peterj | 2007-08-22 10:56:37 PM

"Mr Jogi, who attributes his remarkable virility to daily walks and plenty of meat, said: "I eat all kinds of meat-- rabbits, lamb, chicken and wild animals."

And what he does not tell you, is that he has many nephews around, who volunteer to do whatever his wife asks os them....

Posted by: Lady | 2007-08-23 10:56:06 AM

peterj, excellent one. I must remember it. Thanks.

Posted by: Alain | 2007-08-23 11:59:11 AM

And in news of the aged who will no longer need viagra:

"Stroke patients 'dying from poor treatment'"

By Rebecca Smith

Stroke victims are "dying unnecessarily" because Britain provides some of the worst treatment in Europe.

Despite spending just as much if not more on stroke services, more patients die and suffer serious disability than elsewhere, warned a neuroscience expert.

Professor Hugh Markus, of the Centre for Clinical Neuroscience, St George's University of London, says stroke is treated as a "Cinderella" subject.

He writes in the British Medical Journal today that the UK spends the majority of its stroke money on nursing and rehabilitation.

But if more investment was directed at treating the stroke immediately, it could avoid many deaths and cases of severe disability and so reduce the cost of nursing care.

Stroke must be treated as an emergency because patients who have a brain scan and start treatment with clot-busting drugs within three hours have a better chance of surviving and making a fuller recovery. But many hospitals struggle to carry out a scan within 24 hours.

It was estimated that 550 lives could be saved each year and 1,700 patients spared disability if care was improved.

Just one in 100 stroke patients get thrombolytic treatment compared with up to 30 per cent in some European countries, America and Australia.

Posted by: obc | 2007-08-24 2:18:03 PM

We need more children in Canada. We need to do something about it now. It is one thing to say that we do not want to over-populate the world, but what we are doing, is not good for us--no matter how moral the child-less believe they are.

Children are a blessing--always have been, and always will be. Sure, there are some skanky ones out there, but someone loved them enough to give them life. We need to help people to make the right decisions, so they can have families--healthy families.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-08-24 4:04:25 PM

Lady, I agree but not many people in the healthy child bearing years have the courage to get on with having families before they have the economic means to live comfortably. Others wnat the means to provide what they never had as if that would provide a good life for their children. We began having our three right after marriage at age 27 and didn't our first residence (a condo) until we were 33. After that it was hand to mouth for a long time. Hand me downs were a way of life and we have never regretted it.

obc- Scanners and MRI's are a problem as is the lack of people to operate them. I read somewhere the other day that Philadelphia has more MRI's than all of Canada. Seems hard to believe. Is it true?

Posted by: DML | 2007-08-24 10:20:37 PM

The Red Star? Nope, I don't read that rag.

Posted by: Andrew | 2007-08-24 11:13:05 PM

I'm too lazy? I'm sure that that very same "lazy" attitude is was allowed me to succeed in university. Want to know what I read? I read my news from army.ca which post a variety of articles from media sources. You should look it up.

Posted by: Andrew | 2007-08-24 11:28:05 PM

If you would take your head out of your ass long enough you would know that army.ca isn't even affiliated with the website. As far as how you feel about the military and being involved politics, we have the right to vote too and we are the only ones who fight for it and don't you ever forget it!

Posted by: Andrew | 2007-08-24 11:52:47 PM

Cannon fodder? Give your head a shake boy. Don't be alarmed by that rattling. It's just your almond sized brain. And I don't live on a military base nor to I eat military food. You understanding of the military and how it relates to university students is pathetic. The military doesn't directly pay for any of my schooling right now. I am a reservist. I pay for my own schooling. Learn your shit before you start spewing shit. Watch out everyone! Don't step in Roger's bullshit! But how could I expect anything else but this BS from a brainwashed muslim such as yourself.

Posted by: Andrew | 2007-08-25 11:13:19 AM

Viagra for stroke victim I heard about it last night on "Medical Miracles"... Does anyone know anything about it. My sister had a brain hemorrage and a stroke 2004 was not a good year as she also diagnosed with cancer. Her husband left he does not allow her boys to see she ;... it appears since her accident .... she has no rights for anything at all .... a ignored person in our society with no rights to do anything.

Posted by: olga | 2007-11-02 6:58:33 AM

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