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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Cyril and the walkers
Kevin Steel may be in Afghanistan (see below), but another Western Standard writer is on a bit of an adventure of his own this summer. Cyril Doll has taken a leave of absence to lead some college and university students on a cross-Canada walk in support of the pro-life cause.
The trek was originally supposed to begin May 19 in Vancouver, but it apparently didn't start until today. On Saturday, though, two young pro-lifers, Etienne O'Toole, 20, of Coquitlam, B.C., and Jeremy Fraser, 21, of High River, Alta., led a small group of well-wishers on a promotional walk around a section of the Stanley Park sea wall in Vancouver. (My wife and I attended and hoped to give Cyril our best wishes, but he was at the airport picking up a fellow walker.)
Cyril, Etienne, Jeremy and others are scheduled to finish their trek in Ottawa on August 11. Yes, it's not truly cross-Canada, but the walk's destination is appropriate.
Posted by Terry O'Neill on May 22, 2007 in Current Affairs | Permalink
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