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Monday, May 21, 2007

Bitching 'bout boxing

The TV hosts and reporters display the requisite fretting, gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands, but -- really -- this "helmet boxing" stuff looks like a pretty safe way for teenaged boys to blow off a little steam. In fact, put 'em on skates, and you'll see virtually the same thing hundreds of times every weekend in Canada.

Anyway, it's certainly better than knife fights among 13- and 14-year-olds.

Posted by Terry O'Neill on May 21, 2007 in Sports | Permalink


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We used to do the same as kids, minus the Helmut. No one got hurt, beyond a split lip, or bloody nose, but I guess we were tougher back then. Hell we used to play tag on top of the railway bridge, 40 ft in the air. Seems we took our risks and learned to survive, and fight. Today kids do not get the hard knocks learned through play, instead learn safe video games that are a lot more violent, and then take that violence into real life they have learned nothing about.

Posted by: Alan | 2007-05-22 9:12:48 AM

Anything pyhsically demanding where there is rough contact or risk freightens timerous utopians...we really can't mold society to the whims of its most fearful sissies.

The culture of safety is a cloak for a cult of hard core poltroons who want to socially engineer us back into the womb so we needn't cope with our fears.

Posted by: WL Mackenzie Redux | 2007-05-22 9:41:06 AM

"want to socially engineer us back into the womb"

. . . so aborting us will be legal.

Posted by: obc | 2007-05-22 9:52:22 AM

It takes nine months to get out...and the rest of your life (not mine) to get back in.

There has been ample study that any kind of head smacking/punching results in lower IQ. Results of studies of Rugby players shows this to be true, over time. Needless to say boxing is the same.

What is suppossed to make a man out of some young fellow, does not always mean he will become a man--and is especially difficult if he is left with an ability to drool non-stop.

That's why I recommend wrestling for girls and boys, or a marshal art.

Having said this, when I was a young-un, there were fight games. They never lasted very long, because somebody got a fat lip and ran home to their momma--which meant we would all be grounded shortly thereafter.

Our parents never watched us all the time. Yes, we got into trouble. That is what kids do.

If kids are not left alone to do their own thing, then they do not make mistakes, and they do not learn from their mistakes. Today's kids are so controlled, that the very lessons we learned at appropriate ages, will not become available to today's youth until they reach well beyond the first three decades. And, by then, they are not protected as juveniles. Sorta difficult to feel sympathy for an immature fully grown baffoon.

Girls (yes young ladies) got in on the action as well. Where do you think the term 'cat-fight' came from? The difference though, was cat-fights were never considered a right of becoming. Probably why, when violence is occurring amongst young people, why only the boys are portrayed.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-05-22 1:53:11 PM

It takes nine months to get out...and the rest of your life (not mine) to get back in.

There has been ample study that any kind of head smacking/punching results in lower IQ. Results of studies of Rugby players shows this to be true, over time. Needless to say boxing is the same.

What is suppossed to make a man out of some young fellow, does not always mean he will become a man--and is especially difficult if he is left with an ability to drool non-stop.

That's why I recommend wrestling for girls and boys, or a marshal art.

Having said this, when I was a young-un, there were fight games. They never lasted very long, because somebody got a fat lip and ran home to their momma--which meant we would all be grounded shortly thereafter.

Our parents never watched us all the time. Yes, we got into trouble. That is what kids do.

If kids are not left alone to do their own thing, then they do not make mistakes, and they do not learn from their mistakes. Today's kids are so controlled, that the very lessons we learned at appropriate ages, will not become available to today's youth until they reach well beyond the first three decades. And, by then, they are not protected as juveniles. Sorta difficult to feel sympathy for an immature fully grown baffoon.

Girls (yes young ladies) got in on the action as well. Where do you think the term 'cat-fight' came from? The difference though, was cat-fights were never considered a right of becoming. Probably why, when violence is occurring amongst young people, why only the boys are portrayed.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-05-22 1:53:27 PM

"That's why I recommend wrestling for girls and boys"

. . . as long as it's not on the same mat!

Posted by: obc | 2007-05-22 1:58:46 PM

They hide the stats, but just look at the ethnicity to see why violent crime with weapons is on the increase. The joys of diversity in the Cdn multi-cult.

" The mother of 17-year-old Jomar Lanot has told a B.C. Supreme Court judge that her son's beating death in East Vancouver in 2003 has left her emotionally devastated.

In a victim impact statement, Jenna Lanot said she cries every day thinking of her son's "beautiful face."

[. . .]

The Filipino student was swarmed by a group of Indo-Canadian youths at Sir Charles Tupper School, and was badly beaten. He died later of head injuries at Vancouver General Hospital."


Posted by: DJ | 2007-05-22 2:37:26 PM

C'mon Hon',
The term "Cat fight" came from the fact that girls usually hit with their nails and not with their fists.
Bravo for the rest of your post.

I take this opportunity to wish best luck to Sebastien Demers who will fight for the championship in Germany next saturday...

Posted by: Marc | 2007-05-22 2:48:24 PM

By the way Lady, there's another woman on another topic that tries to stole your name. Will you deal with that "cat fight" or Ninja style...?

Posted by: Marc | 2007-05-22 3:03:07 PM

I love how this is being portrayed in the media as a new thing. I remember doing this as a kid back in the early 90's. And I'm sure it didn't just start then. Leave it too the media to pick up on hot scoops 15 years late.

Posted by: mark | 2007-05-23 12:17:58 PM

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