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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Letter to President Bush

I hope and pray for the patience of the Canadian readership, but I know many Americans read this blog.  The North Korea Freedom Coalition wrote an open letter to President Bush in response to the Beijing Surrender; I have reprinted in full (with permission from the good folks at NKFC) here.

Posted by D.J. McGuire on February 28, 2007 in International Affairs | Permalink


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It is an uncomfortable truth that one must choose one's battles.

Although they caved, it is clear there is interest there that has met the specifications required.

It is not in the interest of the west to make people who are suffering, suffer, just so they can suffer for a point that is meaningless.

One view from space, and you can see NK is a suffering people.

So, they made a deal, which hopefully will bring reform. The next thing will be to see whether or not that reform actually occurs.

No point counting the chickens before they hatch.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-02-28 1:38:47 PM

Lady.... You seemed concerned about the NK people? What about the Palestinian people?

Posted by: Dale | 2007-02-28 5:31:23 PM


You seemed concerned about the Palestinian people? What about the Cuban people?

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-02-28 6:57:40 PM

Nice diversion. Irrelevant though.

Posted by: Dale | 2007-02-28 7:08:09 PM

"Nice diversion. Irrelevant though."

I agree, the Palestians are an irrelevant diversion.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-02-28 7:10:40 PM

I called the White House


Posted by: Winston | 2007-02-28 7:19:53 PM

My point was in my last chat with 'Lady' (and I use the term very loosely) she basically equated the pals as the scum of the earth that basically deserve what they are getting.

You are starting out like a true right-winger... no facts, just trying to twist language and trip up someone with crap. It doesn't work on me.

Posted by: Dale | 2007-02-28 7:19:54 PM

"You are starting out like a true right-winger... no facts, just trying to twist language and trip up someone with crap. It doesn't work on me."

I agree. I generally let you write things and then I show how you trip yourself up with crap.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-02-28 7:24:13 PM

I called the White House


Wow, and you have proof that the Iranian people hate their government and want regime change. How is the Iranian government illegitimate? Have you ever heard of the Shah... HE WAS THE ILLEGITIMATE LEADER OF IRAN installed by the CIA. Check your facts.

Posted by: Dale | 2007-02-28 7:24:45 PM

I bow to your expertise on this last one. All the best my friend.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-02-28 7:26:14 PM

Dale... Are you a leftist?

Posted by: Winston | 2007-02-28 10:40:22 PM

"My message may or may not get to president"

Posted by: Marc | 2007-02-28 10:58:54 PM

I don't know about that Winston...

Posted by: Marc | 2007-02-28 11:00:34 PM

...maybe so, if you told the "comment taker" you have..."A plan".

Posted by: Marc | 2007-02-28 11:03:48 PM

Dale... Are you a leftist?


Nah, not at all. I am a realist I would say. Not looking forward to ww3 as I don't want my kids fighting in it.

Posted by: Dale | 2007-03-01 8:52:45 AM

It seems we have here supporters of the Iranian mullahs and their nutjob president. I could understand Hussein having supporters. But it is hard for me to understand how one can support the mullahs.

During Hitler's time there were some people here supporting nazis. Maybe it's the same weird phenomenon. I invite those people to reconsider their attitude. Maybe a trip to Iran would help.

But eliminating Hitler was not much better since USSR started agressions all over the place. There were more deaths caused by communism than nazis. And many countries were infested (and still are) by communism.

Posted by: Rémi Houle | 2007-03-01 8:58:20 AM

It seems we have here supporters of the Iranian mullahs and their nutjob president.


Nobody is supporting the mullahs... At least not me. The trouble is, you and others here have been spoonfed a complete load of crap regarding Iran... Such as the 'myth' that he said he wants Israel wiped off the map. Supporting the war mongers seems to be a more dangerous trait... Iran doesn't want war, it wants to live in peace. It is the USA and Israel that want war.

Why would one support Israel since they have the world record of disregarding UN resolutions, they have a hidden nuclear program, they are not signatories of the NPT and a general pain in the ass for most of the world.

There is no comparison of Iranian president to Hitler... Anyone that makes that comparison just looks like talking-points cyborg, and a complete and utter fool. Wake up peoople.

Posted by: Dale | 2007-03-01 9:07:12 AM


Ahmedjadine is yet another Utiopan, like Hitler, Stalin, the leaders of the British Empire, Napoleon, the Ceasars of Rome, Alexander the Great ...

Not everybody sits around a campfire and sings Kumbaya.

There are people, control freaks, who would not stop at killing you if you do not accept their dictims and live your life according to their worldview.

Last I looked, Israel was a vibrant democracy in the sea of power-hungry tribal dictatorships.

The UN actually created the country of Israel out of a land that was formerly a British Protectorate.

But then, Dale, I'm sure you would never let the facts stand in the way of a good rant.

Posted by: Set you free | 2007-03-01 9:17:56 AM

"Iran doesn't want war, it wants to live in peace. It is the USA and Israel that want war. "

That's a nice thesis. It explains why pizza parlours are exploding all over Iran from Jewish suicide bombers. It explains by Israeli rockets are being used to shell Iranian civilians. It explains why the Isreali leadership quotes Rabbis about how the Islamic regimes needs to go.

"The zionist regime needs to go..."
Posted by: Dale | 28-Feb-07 7:00:36 PM

Why is ok for Ahmadinejad to quote an Ayatollah (pope equivalent) in a manner that can be taken as threatening to Jews but the pope can't quote another pope merely criticizing Islam?

I'm still waiting for the Jewish/Christian warmonger riots?

If the US and Israeli are so bad, why do people from around the world wish to live there, including Iranians? But not the other way around?

If the US is to blame for supporting Israel's aggression in the region through money and arms, what does that say about Canada which supports the US by supplying weapons and resources to them?

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 9:58:49 AM

That's a nice thesis. It explains why pizza parlours are exploding all over Iran from Jewish suicide bombers. It explains by Israeli rockets are being used to shell Iranian civilians. It explains why the Isreali leadership quotes Rabbis about how the Islamic regimes needs to go.


You are such a naive wingnut. Pizza parlors and buses explode in Israel because of the Israeli occupation and theft of the arab land. The victims fight back, and the western media and wingnuts blame them. Get a clue. How did the UN partition palestine in 1948 to nearly 50/50, and now it is 80/20? Are you allowed by international law to keep land acquired in war? NO. Israel is an imperial colonial power, that wants ALL the holy land. And they will take their time doing it, but it is a continuous process.

And it's hilarious your comparison.. There are TEN TIMES the number of dead arabs than jews in this conflict. Now who is the agressor?

And it is the US and Israeli regimes that are bad, not necessarily the people. I only fault people for not thinking for themselves and investigating things, instead they just lap up the talking points and bullcrap like hungry little sheep.. Such as yourself.

Posted by: Dale | 2007-03-01 10:22:10 AM


Tell you what, if Iran only wants peace and Israel and the US are the bad guys, why don't you move there?

That way if your children must be in a war at least you would be on the right side of the jihad.

Sitting here and throwing hand grenades at these "brutal nations" from the comfort of your chair, simply shows you for the despicable coward you are.

Come on. Get involved, join the mighty jihad against these two terrible counties. After all, in your words their begging for it.

What a moron.

Posted by: deepblue | 2007-03-01 11:14:26 AM


I love the Palestinian people, because they love the Jewish people so much.

And Christians too!

They are a people of peace, who want to join the democracy, multiculturalism, and embrace the Western World with all its freedom, liberties and justice for all.

Yes, especially the secular laws. Hmm, they love that stuff.

That is why the flock to join the western forces against the axis of evil.

And they would never preach anything nasty about the western world.

I simply would never believe you if you said they were not the kindest, most loving people, most deserving of the 72 virgins in paradise.


The websites you referenced in another post are conduits for the presentation of fake notions of reality.

Ahmadinejad is a halfwit, who speaks with forked tongue.

Means he speaks with lies, bs, and all that merde all piled into a scrawny frame of putridity.

He and all his supporters are likened to scum.

They probably do the hamster dance, when no one is looking.

In fact, here is something that makes as much sense as your references.

Whether he said "map" or not is truly immaterial.

Fact is, they call us kaafirs (kufrs, kuffrs whatever), which is like calling everyone who is not them, a "nigger".

It is disgusting.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-03-01 11:41:13 AM

And how about some truthiness?


Of course, that is the comedy side of things.

The truth is not funny, it is uncomfortable, and if you cannot digest it, you should do yourself a favour and get out of the debate.

Posted by: Lady | 2007-03-01 11:42:26 AM

More truthiness.




Posted by: Lady | 2007-03-01 11:43:09 AM

And one more bit of truthiness.

And their hatred is not limited to their places of origin.




Posted by: Lady | 2007-03-01 11:44:03 AM

So Dale,

You like blintzes?

Posted by: Lady | 2007-03-01 11:55:39 AM

Dale, you are not a leftist. you seem to be a pacifist to me! plus it is the mullahs who want the war

Posted by: Winston | 2007-03-01 12:51:29 PM

Dale said,

"You are such a naive wingnut."

Thanks, that's the nicest derogatory ad hominem epithet that I have received today. But gosh, I feel awful that I didn't get you anything.

So, when I mentioned the migration patterns of people away from Iran towards the US and Israel, you responded

"And it is the US and Israeli regimes that are bad, not necessarily the people."

Therefore, people will go where others are nice and it doesn't matter about the regimes under which they live. Interesting thought. According to your premise, then the reason there is little migration toward Iran must be because of their people since you seem to believe that their regime certainly isn't that bad. Just misunderstood, I guess.

I don't buy it. I think it's their regime with their awful social, political, religious, and economic policies and the people are probably pretty nice.

"There are TEN TIMES the number of dead arabs than jews in this conflict. Now who is the agressor?"

Obviously, the aggressor is the side sending TEN TIMES as many zombies into the conflict.

"Pizza parlors and buses explode in Israel because of the Israeli occupation and theft of the arab land. The victims fight back, and the western media and wingnuts blame them. "

That's quite interesting. You say Israel wants war with Iran yet the violence seems focused on Israeli and Palestinian civilians.

Terribly incompetent of them not to be bombing Iran, don't you think?

" I only fault people for not thinking for themselves and investigating things, instead they just lap up the talking points and bullcrap like hungry little sheep."

Bulls, sheep. Please use a few more barnyard animals next time you want to try to insult me. I'm thinking of writing a book and need more quotes. Perhaps I'll call the book "Animal Farm" in honour of your ideology.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 4:10:49 PM


"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in Sudan late Wednesday that "Zionists are the true manifestation of Satan," state-run IRNA news agency reported."

Can you feel the love, Dale? Imagine this man coming to your door, roses in hand, asking for your daughter. We're just out to get him, though, right? So your daughter is perfectly safe. Feel the love, baby!

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 5:58:17 PM

Hey Winston,
Did Pres. Bush called you back already ?

Posted by: Marc | 2007-03-01 5:59:15 PM

Not that I'm not awrare that this President is a deranged Motherfucker (Pres. Bush also but not for the same reasons); but being called a "Satan"...does this is like...the worst insult for a Zionist ? seriously.
Cause for a not-very-beleiver like me...it's sounds a bit cheezy as an insult...
Also, is it THAT far from expressions, like "Axis of Evil"...

Understand me well...the guy is dangerous...but are you THAT shocked when earing things like Zionists = Satan ?

I dont know.

Posted by: Marc | 2007-03-01 6:30:02 PM

Well, if you TRULY think Bush is deranged then I must ask you:

If you were forced to leave Canada and live in the United States or Iran, which would you choose and why?

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 6:36:59 PM

" is it THAT far from expressions, like "Axis of Evil"..."

Do you believe that when Bush spoke those words that his intentions were to genocidally destroy the people in these countries or to merely remove their genocidal leaders?

Conversely, when Ahmadinejad speaks his words, do you believe his intentions are to genocidally destroy the people of Israel or to merely remove its leaders?

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 6:47:37 PM

What kind of trick question is that ?
I was born and will die in Canada!
(Or maybe it will be called Quebec by those days)

I was truly interested in knowing if it's representing such an insult ? One that would lead to a blood bath ? Cause if we really pull the plug on humanity just for "church" ego and conerns...it would have been a pretty dumb end to a great ride, that's all...

Axis of Evil (or whatever) = True manifestation of Satan.
For me, at least.
I find the game pretty dumb. Sorry, my perspective.

Posted by: Marc | 2007-03-01 6:48:12 PM

"Axis of Evil (or whatever) = True manifestation of Satan.
For me, at least.
I find the game pretty dumb. Sorry, my perspective."

Ahmadinejad uses these words to threaten genocide. Bush uses these words to identify those who wish to threaten genocide.

Are you admitting that you can't tell the difference and that you think Bush is as deranged as Ahmadinejad and is therefore threatening genocide?

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 6:56:29 PM

I'm not trying to win something over you by the way.

Like I said, I'm not buyinh in religious rethoric and "insults". Not at all.
I find all this pretty stupid from my perspective and you have the right to judge me, I don't care...:
I know that the other guy is a mad fak-o...
But if you look at the world map right now: USA and Israel are much more -physically- on arabs' ground, and dont gimme 3 pages of history please, than the other way around...dont you agree ?
By staying calm, cause you people are very picky when someone touches the subject but since it's you who'd invited me; Could you agree with me that a young arab can interpret the present situatiuon as a genocide against dem...but in slow motion ? I know and hope it's not the case but...You have to agree with me that if a sick Mullah is teaching a young full of testosteronne (dunno in english) muslim that Israel and espacially the US are the bad guys...
...issshhhh, they have pretty good arugments to "prove" their sick learning...?

Posted by: Marc | 2007-03-01 7:07:51 PM

"Like I said, I'm not buyinh in religious rethoric and "insults". Not at all."

I'm an atheist, so when I hear the word evil, I understand it to mean really, really, bad. No religious interpretation necessary.

"But if you look at the world map right now: USA and Israel are much more -physically- on arabs' ground, and dont gimme 3 pages of history please, than the other way around...dont you agree ?"

When a biker gang blows up part of downtown Montreal and then finds its home surrounded by la Surete, do you ask, physically, who is on whose ground?

"By staying calm, cause you people are very picky when someone touches the subject but since it's you who'd invited me; Could you agree with me that a young arab can interpret the present situatiuon as a genocide against dem...but in slow motion ? "

Nope. Don't throw stones, wear an explosive, or fire a gun at the US or Israelis and they won't kill you intentionally. It doesn't work the other way and you should know that.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 7:16:12 PM

"You have to agree with me that if a sick Mullah is teaching a young full of testosteronne (dunno in english) muslim that Israel and espacially the US are the bad guys...
...issshhhh, they have pretty good arugments to "prove" their sick learning...?"

OH, I get your meaning. Their sick arguments are so good that there are too many people over here who sympathize with them.

Do you get my meaning?

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 7:27:27 PM

1. "No religious interpretation necessary"
...H2...c'mon...Why the "necessary" in that case ?

2. There's no caos, numerous deaths daily, insults and ego trip in Mtl. La sureté and Crooks are not in a race to kill the other, and certainly not on religious issues.

3.So what now ? we're waiting that Iran throw some rocks @ the US or Israel...right ?
To destroy them all right ?
Or we can do like in Iraq and invent some crap...
...To come with 10 000 Sadams when first there was only one...

Have to go.
See ya.

Posted by: Marc | 2007-03-01 7:33:09 PM

"1. "No religious interpretation necessary"
...H2...c'mon...Why the "necessary" in that case ?"

Ok. I don't need to interpret the word "evil" in a religious connotation. You brought up religion. I didn't. You explain it.

"2. There's no caos, numerous deaths daily, insults and ego trip in Mtl. La sureté and Crooks are not in a race to kill the other, and certainly not on religious issues."

Ok. Let's choose another example. Suppose the FLQ blow up and kidnap and kill for nationalistic or religious reasons, ... (got it now?)

"3.So what now ? we're waiting that Iran throw some rocks @ the US or Israel...right ?
To destroy them all right ?
Or we can do like in Iraq and invent some crap...
...To come with 10 000 Sadams when first there was only one..."

We're going in circles now. You downplay rock throwing by palestinians and pretend that Israel and the US are genocidal in response. Instead, we were discusssing disaffected Muslim youth. They may wrongly feel that US and Israel are genocidal when in fact it is their own bloodlust that thirst for it. They would have it if not for impotence in the face of their incompetence.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 7:44:30 PM

"Many Western governments that claim to be pioneers of democracy and standard bearers of human rights close their eyes over crimes committed by the Zionists and by remaining silent support the Zionists due to their hedonistic and materialistic tendencies,” the Iranian leader said."

Many Islamic governments that claim to be pioneers of spirituality and standard bearers of human righteousness close their eyes over crimes committed by the Jihadists and by remaining silent support the Jihadists due to their own violent and genocidal tendencies."

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-01 8:09:50 PM

"Ok. Let's choose another example. Suppose the FLQ blow up and kidnap and kill for nationalistic or religious reasons, ... (got it now?)
The reason was to bring French Quebecers an equal chance in our own place. You know what ? It worked."
So following your logic (and playing this little game), that would have bring a good enough reason to federal gouverment to, lets say, bomb half of Quebec installations...right?
Out of context and not at all related with the rality we face in M-E.

You're playing on words and using wrongfully historical event and poor tasting exemple to hold yourself from having a intelligent and respectfull chat on the subject.

Keep doing your one way monologue friend. My willingness to chat with you on the matters has ended.

I dont like George Bush for many reasons. I think he's an idiot and a puppet. He give his people a bad name and more than half his country are in favour of what I'm telling u right now. Hey, that's just my opinion...you don't have to buy it and I'm not calling for a chat on the subject.

I'm a sales rep. My only point was perspective. Perspective vs a client with no education who grow up inna perspective of oppression from the West and deaths on every corners.
Put Islamofacists to drive them madly, an Israel state and the US who keep answering those sickos with more ego than wisdom and...boom.
Here's your nuke party.

We are better educated so more inteligent. We should be the ones using more of our wisdom before coming to their level of hostility. We're now giving no chances to those kids for seeing us as the good guys. It's their fault...but we're not helping.

Enjoy your monologue H2...

Posted by: Marc | 2007-03-01 9:36:43 PM

"You're playing on words and using wrongfully historical event and poor tasting exemple to hold yourself from having a intelligent and respectfull chat on the subject."

I'm sorry that you believe that instead of responding to my position.

"Keep doing your one way monologue friend. My willingness to chat with you on the matters has ended."

You walk away and in the same breath accuse me of monologuing instead of, again, responding to my position. Perhaps, that is why it appears as a monologue.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-02 5:16:53 AM

Sorry for that H2. Maybe I misinterpreted.
Still, I stick with my vue on the matters.

Posted by: Marc | 2007-03-02 12:57:49 PM

Pas de probleme.

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-02 3:46:48 PM

Dale your wasting you time. These people only believe what they are told to believe--Lady actually used the term "axis of evil", and "your with us or against us" to bolster her argument---as you can see these are not analytical people.

While I understand the need for Israeli security, it shouldnt be implemented through a system of aparthied (special Jewish only roads and Jewish only hospitals in Palestinian land). Any aparthied is going to lead to a legitimate resistence movement and simply put you reap what you sow. You can label them terrorists or whatever helps you sleep better at night but the fact remains that these people have legitimate grievences, and while their reactions may seem extreme to you, I'm sure in their eyes it is not even close to an eye for an eye.

Posted by: Steve | 2007-03-02 7:42:26 PM

"While I understand the need for Israeli security, it shouldnt be implemented through a system of aparthied (special Jewish only roads and Jewish only hospitals in Palestinian land). Any aparthied is going to lead to a legitimate resistence movement and simply put you reap what you sow. You can label them terrorists or whatever helps you sleep better at night but the fact remains that these people have legitimate grievences, and while their reactions may seem extreme to you, I'm sure in their eyes it is not even close to an eye for an eye."

And this explains Iran's hostility, how?

Posted by: h2o273kk9 | 2007-03-03 7:16:51 AM

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