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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Drug cases sounds familiar

Long-time followers of the news can be forgiven for thinking there was something familiar in the Vancouver Sun's report today that the business manager of Ironworkers Local 97 in Burnaby, B.C., is facing drug charges after the U.S. Border Patrol "seized cocaine valued at more than $4 million in eastern Washington" last week. (See earlier posting, below, for more info.)

Haven't we heard all this before? Top B.C. labour guy? Blue-collar union? Drug-importation charges? Southeastern B.C.? Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.

Back in 1983, the leader of the Trail, B.C., local of the United Steelworkers of America was arrested on charges of conspiracy to import $3 million work of marijuana and $1 million worth of cocaine for the purposes of trafficking.

Those charges died in March 1985 because a key Crown witness went missing. That witness, Alan McTeer (a distant relative of Maureen McTeer), resurfaced in 1994 and claimed he had been pressured into falsely implicating the Trail union leader.

The case remains noteworthy because of what that Trail union leader, free of the otherwise career-limiting encumbrance of drug charges, went on to achieve in the world of organized labour. Specifically, he became the relatively moderate (although strongly pro-NDP) president of the B.C. Federation of Labour and now holds the same position at the Canadian Labour Congress.

The man's name is Ken Georgetti.

Posted by Terry O'Neill on January 25, 2007 in Current Affairs | Permalink


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Excellent post.....Birds of a Feather eh??

Posted by: OMMAG | 2007-01-25 7:15:26 PM

Yeh, so what else is new. Curb worms one and all.

Posted by: Western Canadian | 2007-01-25 7:40:46 PM

Good find, Terry O'Neill. I had forgotten about that - and I bet the Dippers/Liberanos had hoped everyone would have forgotten.

The msm should be all over this - why are we paying that lazy outfit? They should all be fired.

Posted by: jema54j | 2007-01-26 1:38:43 AM

This will blow over nearly unnoticed. Nothing will happen ... Kenny G will continue to make boring left wing music form his union office.

Nothing seems to matter much especially if it's a leftie who is at fault.

Posted by: Duke | 2007-01-26 9:13:03 AM


Weren't there allegations or suspicions of murder related to activities at Trail somewhere back in that tangled web of organized-crime / big labour?

Posted by: John Chittick | 2007-01-26 10:49:58 AM

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