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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dick Morris: will he never learn?

Another one falls for the "China good, North Korea bad" routine (Ignorant Comment of the Day).

Posted by D.J. McGuire on October 25, 2006 | Permalink


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I don't think Rice is that dumb, desperate yes, not dumb. They have to take what they can get right now from China and avoid making China angry. China has a lot to gain financially by bargaining for greater access to American trade and won't want to put that position at risk right now.

China can afford to play a waiting game with the Americans, it isn't costing them a cent. They are putting up barriers at their border with NK because they know the sanctions will result in a flood of starving NK refugees trying to cross into China in search of food.

They get to look like America's friend right now when it suits them, and later if it suits them they will play the NKoreans like a hand in a glove.

The Americans are stretched to the limit with Iraq and worrying about Iran which is also part of China's doing, since the Chinese are quietly helping Syria fund the terrorists in Iraq, and fund the nuclear ambitions in Iran.

China was interested to note that the US didn't get involved with the Lebanon Israel war earlier this summer and concluded that they are stretched too thin.

So from their point of view, they have a playing card or two they can use right now, namely access to the lucrative American markets in exchange for some worthless talk and paper with the Americans, and for later an ace in the hole with the terrorists.

Posted by: Canadian freedoms fan | 2006-10-25 4:45:17 PM

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