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Sunday, October 22, 2006


Coca-Cola and probably Pepsi are going to be banned in Iran soon, the Sunday Times of Ireland reports, because they support Israel and America.

But the irony is that you never hear the regime banning French or German products since they are Israel's allies as well. All you hear is that American goods get banned there because they are Americans and therefore the profits will go to support the Zionists.

It tells me some thing, if the mullahs of Iran are genuine in their concerns about the never existed people of Palestine then why they don't boycotte their European trade partners too.

This is just going to show us how Iran is run under the rule of these criminal clerics. It is now being colonized by Europeans, Chinese and Russians.

Posted by Winston on October 22, 2006 in Food and Drink, International Affairs | Permalink


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Winston wrote: Coca-Cola and probably Pepsi are going to be banned in Iran soon, the Sunday Times of Ireland reports, because they support Israel and America.

But the irony is that you never hear the regime banning French or German products since they are Israel's allies as well. All you hear is that American goods get banned there because they are Americans and therefore the profits will go to support the Zionists.

The same commission that recommended the Coke and Pepsi ban also wanted Nestle products banned. Unless I’m mistaken Nestle is Swiss. Some British, Czech, Argentine and South Korean, etc. products are also under bans, and lets not forget Denmark.

Don’t let the facts get in the way of your story.

Posted by: No Spin Zone | 2006-10-22 7:33:37 AM

Who cares? Let them riot in the streets.

Posted by: Liz J | 2006-10-22 9:18:56 AM

I didn't think the US still exported goods anymore.

Posted by: Lou Dobbs Jr. | 2006-10-22 11:47:09 AM

Whenever the islamofacists ban something, sales in that product sky-rocket in all the other nations around the world.

When the islamofacists banned Danish products, the sales of Danish products went up so much, that there was a massive increase in exports.

So, the moral of the equation is, that if you want to have a fabulous increase in sales, hope the islamofacists notice your product is sold in the USA, or has been equatted with the freedom and liberty movement, of the western world, and therefore banned.

Actually, they ban just about every book out there, including all the religious texts, except their own. Every book, therefore, should carry the label "banned in the following countries". Would be good for business.

The more they ban a product, the more people will want it. I can see it now. Iranians, standing on street corners, saying "psst, you wanna buy-a coke?"

Besides, it is just like the islamofacists, to want to ban products. They are just to the left of centre, occupying the same location as the nazi national socialist party. So, of course, they will come up with bannings, and boycotts. That is what they do. Like the little child, who is angry that his parents want him to clean up his mess, so has a temper tantrum, and says he will not have his coke.

Who care?

If they don't want to drink coke, they do not have to. Their choice.

Posted by: Lady | 2006-10-22 1:54:31 PM

Two words: Mecca Cola.


Posted by: RightGirl | 2006-10-23 9:06:48 AM


I recommend you add two ounces of spiced rhum, with a twist of lemon, to a twelve ounce glass of Mecca Cola. Hmmmm! Yummy!

Posted by: Lady | 2006-10-23 10:38:20 AM

not wonder those people are all nuts, you cant get a decent drink of booze there. although i must say, from my own experience cdn soldiers are miracle workers at finding booze there(women too) ah some cdn traditions never go away

Posted by: john a. | 2006-10-23 8:53:27 PM

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