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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Canadian-born President of Islamic Society of North America Criticizes Muslim Fundamentalists

From the NYTimes [reg req'd]:

In a class on Islamic history at the Hartford Seminary some years back, the students were discussing a saying ascribed to the Prophet Muhammad that translates roughly as, “Whenever God wants the destruction of a people, he makes a woman their leader.”

The professor, Ingrid Mattson, suggested that the phrase should be analyzed in its historical context when Islamic societies consisted largely of tribal raiding parties. A male Saudi student contended that all such sayings were sacred and not to be challenged, the argument growing so heated that he stormed out of the classroom. Professor Mattson stood her ground, as was her style.

... Like other mainstream Muslims, she struggles with how best to convince people that the faith does not condone terrorist violence. She detects what she calls “Muslim fatigue” among North Americans weary both of the extremists who use the religion to justify their attacks and of the moderates who seem powerless to influence them.

“The sense I have from Americans is that they don’t want to hear Muslims talking about Islam anymore,” she said. “They just want us to do something to stop causing all these problems in their lives.”

I expect she is right.

Posted by EclectEcon on September 21, 2006 | Permalink


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Everybody in the world is tired of muslims and waking up every day to hear about bombings and intolerance and killings by this nutbar religion.

Posted by: john a. | 2006-09-21 3:41:56 PM

Me, I'm tired of waking up every day to hear about bombing and intolerance and killing by religions.

This complete article is pretty good.

Posted by: Marc | 2006-09-21 4:57:50 PM



wilful lying,
dissembling, double-talk as approved/taught by Islam.

Posted by: maz2 | 2006-09-21 5:18:04 PM

I would say she is correct. There is a dual responsibility when it comes to any serious hope of bringing Islam into the modern world. Clearly we must witness the majority (we are assured they are the majority) of 'moderate' Muslims take concrete steps to condemn their violent co-religionists and to get rid of the hatred being preached by their clerics even in North America. The second part of this responsibility falls on us and at present we are not performing any better in my opinion. We must stop allowing the Islamists to silence all and any debate when it comes to Islam. Everytime we bow to their demands, pressure and threats to shut down free speech, we embolden them.

Posted by: Alain | 2006-09-21 5:28:46 PM

Let them stomp out!

And, I hope the door does not smack them in the head, when they leave.

Being in North America, is a choice.

If they do not like the fact that the world has changed, and NA is leading the change, then they are perfectly with their right to stay home. No one is forcing them to open their minds. Everyone has already asked them to stop the violence. And now, many are being forced to stop the violence. They were offerred rationality, and rejected that, so now they have to face the music.

As for the muslims who are trying to change these irrational perceptions, if anyone is sufferring from muslim fatigue, it must be them.

Everyone else can go home, and live their lives, without giving them any more thought. Yet they must go home, and open the news, and find out just how another so called one of their own, has committed suicide, and killed tens, hundreds or thousands of innocent people.

No one has to make a mockery of them. They do it quite naturally. When they are in fact left to their own devices, many of them will do it quite naturally. And everyone is tired of this, and waits only as long as a normal person can wait, for normal people, to get on being normal. Eventually, the patience is going to run out. And, I have no idea what will happen when that transpires. My hope is that there will be a concensus acheived, that they are in fact manufacturing their own challenge, for purposes that lack sincerity.

Frankly, I do not want to know what will transpire!

Posted by: Lady | 2006-09-21 5:57:47 PM

Thats the whole problem;every one wants to appease them,give them an apology on bended knee.The muslims should be giving us an apology for constsnt drivel about being offended.Being offended is just another excuse to kill,burn,rape!

Posted by: Ken R | 2006-09-21 6:03:02 PM

I find this woman as dangerous as any muslim radical...in fact more so...she is a liar of the murderous cult of islam...she tries to make it into an image that has never existed...in that regard she is like dhimmi idiots like John Esposito or Karen Armstrong who lie the masses in the Western World about the true Islam....which is hateful and murderous to its core....I have far greater contempt for the Ingrid mattesons then I do for any muslim radical...At least Hamas, Bin Ladin, Hizballah and other Islamic terrorist groups are following Islam honestly...

Mattheson serves good lies and the dhimmi idiots on the left and some on the right buy it up....

Open the Quran and Hadiths for yourself to learn the true islam....or go to ex muslims and learn...

Posted by: Albertanator | 2006-09-21 6:50:45 PM

Why can't we just get a call to un--arms from Western Muslims? Lets all join together, Western Muslims and Everyone who thinks that denouncing violence is the right thing to do.

Note: If you do the math. You will see that Islamics account for the thousands that have died in this conflict. Westerners and Israeli casualties, perhaps, average only in the hundreds... Until, you take into account the victims of 911. It's a wonder, why all those Muslim people weren't grieving to much about that event.

Had this conflict remained diplomatic we could have gained ground in this issue, until President Bush and his band of Texans road into Iraq.

Now the world is playing Tit for Tat, a rediculous strategy.

Posted by: DUsteD | 2006-09-21 8:09:28 PM

Wasn't that Bob Hope in the 'Road to Iraq" ?

Posted by: MarkAlta | 2006-09-21 9:04:51 PM

We could all spend the rest of our days apologizing to the crazy muzzies. The pope should have flipped them the bird, and told them to fuck off. They are acting like fuctards and should be treated as such. Grown men running around in dresses, diapers tied on their heads, and proclaiming they want to kill us all, in the name of their fucked up god. Someone needs to fill their water wells with prosac or paxil to bring those fuckwits down.

Posted by: Honey Pot | 2006-09-21 9:29:36 PM

Had this conflict remained diplomatic we could have gained ground in this issue, until President Bush and his band of Texans road into Iraq."

And now all your leftist freakzoid friends who have ridiculed and undermined Bush since the war began now want, no actually they are lining up and insisting that Bush and his "band of Texans" now ride into Danfur and save those people.

Can you for the life of me you ****ing moron tell me what the difference is and explain the unbelievable and incredible hypocrisy and double standard in that?

Is the skin of innocent Iraq's not dark enough for you? Only truly black people are worth saving? You people make me sick.

Posted by: deepblue | 2006-09-21 10:13:04 PM

"Road (sic) into Iraq" and "ride into Darfur".

This strategy is flawed anyway. Islamism is like a cancer; if you can't get rid of ALL of it, it will continue to spread. So just riding into Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't cut it. We would also need to ride into Darfur and Pakistan and Indonesia and Somalia and Iran and Syria and Gaza and the West Bank and Yemen and so on.

So if you cannot eliminate them all at once, and the objective is to make our country safer, then let's seal off our borders. Let them breed in their very own "caliphate".

Posted by: Nothing New Under the Sun | 2006-09-21 11:05:21 PM

That the religion of Islam can spawn such evil should be of concern to all of it's followers. They should be the major force in stopping the radicals, otherwise we have to assume they are willing to accept it and are part of the problem.
They are a sick mess, we cannot trust them at this point, to help put down the wretched sludge of humanity firmly planted in the 14th century but winging out to destroy our way of life.

We had better not sit on our duffs while Amahadidhepoo, the Madman of Iran gets the Nuke. He will have no qualms about using it.

Posted by: Liz J | 2006-09-22 6:53:01 AM


The only place worth riding into to stop the 'cancer' is Mecca.

Posted by: Speller | 2006-09-22 6:58:15 AM

You are right!

Posted by: Liz J | 2006-09-22 9:11:13 AM

Sounds like a good recipe Honey. Stir and cook till well done!

Posted by: Frico | 2006-09-22 9:15:06 AM

Note: she's convert. From Catholicism. For what its worth, if anything.

Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2006-09-22 9:23:37 AM

my 2 cents ..Any western woman(who in this day and age,and with all that we know of their "religion")who converts to Islam is deluded.They obliviously wander into that mysogenistic world looking at it with a skewed view of what it really is all about.That she teaches it,tells me she neglects the whole story and therefore her narrative is wrong.

The conflicts over her new religion with students should show that her interpretations are questionable at best,and that she has bought into the idea that islam is the religion of peace...

Posted by: kursk | 2006-09-22 11:07:33 AM

They like the routine it gives them. And some seem to like the challenge. Sort of like riding a frisky horse! Yet, as people born here, they take their values with them.

Personally, I don't understand why a woman would want to go back in time, or, for that matter, even try to change a system that has so many people preferring to live as the dark ages.

Posted by: Lady | 2006-09-22 11:48:56 AM

I had no idea this woman is a convert, and this fact changes the situation in my opinion. Her interpretation will most likely be discredited as not true Islam. Add to this the fact that it is lowly woman teaching muslim men, she may soon find herself sentenced to death by a muslim court.

I still insist that nevertheless we have an obligation not to kowtoe to their demands that Islam is a forbidden topic, etc.

Posted by: Alain | 2006-09-22 12:25:44 PM

Your retarded back water hicks know nothing about Islam. So just continue to suck each other off, write you derogatory drivel, and continue in your blissfull ignorance. Fucking cracker, ass bible thumping, sister fucking bunch of white gimps.

Posted by: Malcolm X | 2006-09-22 12:51:58 PM

Now Malcolm X, THERE was a true racist.
It was a good thing his NOI Muslim 'brothers' blew him away in front of his pregnant wife.

Posted by: Speller | 2006-09-22 1:04:16 PM

well, as Malcolm continues to prove the point, it's a problematic religion at it's best.

As a convert, and a woman I can't see how much influence she would have, but I applaud her attempt as it is. Hopefully more of her comrades will start speaking up and out, and bring about reforms within Islam before the West has to put them and us out of our misery and theirs.

Posted by: Canadian freedoms fan | 2006-09-22 1:25:00 PM

Malcolm; I can tell you're in pain. It seems like you're reaching out but you're having trouble articulating you're feelings. It's okay. Try to get past you're anger. Go ahead ...

Posted by: Democrat | 2006-09-22 1:31:01 PM

Malcolm X, you are one blasphemous,angry person, whatever you are and wherever you sprung from.
Let us tell you right here fella, we know more than enough about the radical maniacs spawned from the religion of Islam. The rest have lost our trust. They should be working to gain it back or risk further isolation from the modern civilized world they wish to share in Peace, which Muslims keep spouting Islam is all about, while showing no evidence of it anywhere they are in the world.

Posted by: Liz J | 2006-09-22 2:05:40 PM

And another thing "Malcolm", why do you live here, why don't you go where you will face less aggravation, be among people you can feel on a par with, up to your high religious standards and morals? You must feel as filthy as the language you use. Disgusting.

Posted by: Liz J | 2006-09-22 2:14:56 PM

(I think Malcom is taking a time-out.)

Posted by: Democrat | 2006-09-22 2:21:52 PM

Why do the Malcolms of the world live here? Easy; they like easy access to the latest copy of "Hustler" and a good stiff rye n' coke once in awhile.

They're hypocrites.

Posted by: Superfarmer | 2006-09-22 2:27:55 PM

What prof. Mattson does not get is that we are sick of the silence of the so called "Moderate" muslims.

Posted by: OMMAG | 2006-09-22 8:08:51 PM

Deepblue: Left wing freekazoids

Yes, very intelligent... You are making a lot of assumptions with your attack on me. This in itself begs the question, what other baseless assumptions are being made about the followers of Islam. You know there are 1.8 billion Muslims, obviously, they are not ALL a problem or.

With regard to your comments about Darfur and skin colour ect.. really stupid...

Posted by: DUsteD | 2006-09-23 8:31:56 AM


There are huge numbers of Muslims/Islamists in the world who are wrecking havoc, killing innocent people because of who they are or are not. There are huge numbers of "moderate" Muslims/Islamists sitting by and doing NOTHING. Doing nothing leads us to conclude they agree and don't care about the carnage being carried out in the name of their cult.If they did care they would be out in the streets ranting and screaming as they did over the Danish cartoons.
Their bogus sensitivities are part of their game and frankly we're sick of their antics.
Peace, they don't know the meaning of the word.

Posted by: Liz J | 2006-09-23 8:58:11 AM

You would call me racist? Simply scroll up and read HoneyPots post, and the eerie and disturbing fact that not one comment was made about his hate mongering. So as I said before, you stupid racist white folk can keep sucking each other off while discussing an issue you know nothing about (aside from what you read in the western standard and by its crazy idiotic women hating, immigrant hating writers, haha). Just thought you might want to know that the worlds largest population of Muslims are in Indonesia (ever heard of it)--sorry, you probably haven't, its more then a few hours drive from Hinton.

Posted by: Malcolm X | 2006-09-23 10:10:23 AM

BTW Islam spread to Indonesia (largest populace of Muslims) completely through peacfull means and of their own volition. Of course, according to Liz J's brilliant fifth grader logic--their not hunting Osama so they must all be a part of Al-Queda (or secretly supporting them at the very least I'm sure), haha, you fucking retards are so predictable its not even funny. I bet you have never been off the north american continent.

Posted by: Malcolm X | 2006-09-23 10:15:31 AM

"Malcolm X":

Was I speaking to you?

Posted by: Liz J | 2006-09-23 10:25:13 AM

Liz J,

Classes are out for the weekend and F***tard trolls have access to mom and dads computer. Simply ignore, and do not engage them.

It does show you what kind of students our wonderful socialist education system is producing these days though. A complete failure.

Posted by: deepblue | 2006-09-23 10:33:18 AM

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