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Monday, August 14, 2006

Here's to an unsung hero in the media coverage of the Israel-Hezbollah battle

There have been quite a few folks in the blogosphere and in alternative media who have made their names (and rightfully so) exposing Hezbollah's media manipulation and truth twisting.  However, one media outlet has been right there exposing Hezbollah's shameful actions and devious antics, without getting much attention itself: the Epoch Times.  They did it again today (see Enlightened Comment of the Day, and third item).

To the extent that anyone notices the Epoch Times at all, it's when the paper highlights Communist China's continuously abominable actions against its own people.  This has led many to simply dismiss it as the Chinese dissident paper - or more sneeringly for some, the "Falun Gong paper."  However, as can be seen from the links above, the Epoch Times is truly coming into its own as a well-rounded news source.  In fact, they were one of the few who noticed that Hezbollah's puppet master (the Communist-backed mullahcracy of Iran) used the battle to distract attention from its shutdown of a human rights organization run by Iranian Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi (third item).

The Epoch Times is a far cry from the Johnny-one-note its critics - and, sadly, many of its friends - consider it to be.

Posted by D.J. McGuire on August 14, 2006 in International Affairs, Media | Permalink


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» V blender from V blender
I am Karin, very interesting article that contained the information I was searching for in Google, thanks. [Read More]

Tracked on 2006-08-21 11:35:17 AM



NZ sends diplomats to seek release of journalists
August 15, 2006 - ASSOCIATED PRESS

New Zealand was rushing diplomats to Israel on Tuesday to seek the release of two journalists - a New Zealander and an American - who were abducted by masked gunmen in Gaza City, Prime Minister Helen Clark said.

The government was "very concerned" about the safety of New Zealand cameraman Olaf Wiig, Clark said.

Wiig, 36, and American reporter Steve Centanni, 60, were working for Fox News when they were abducted Monday.

The men, along with a bodyguard, were parked near the headquarters of the Palestinian security services when two trucks filled with gunmen pulled up and boxed them in, according to a Fox News employee.

The gunmen took the two reporters out of their vehicle, which was marked "TV," and drove away, said the Fox employee in Gaza, who declined to give his name because he was not authorized to release information about the incident.

Major terrorist groups in Gaza denied having any connection to the incident and there was no immediate word of any demands made.

However, Wiig's wife, Anita McNaught, said Fox representatives told her negotiations for their release were already under way.

"There will be people working through the Palestinian Authority, through the authorities in Gaza ... but Fox News are vastly experienced on the ground there, so they have all the contacts they need," said McNaught, who is a BBC World television presenter.

McNaught, who is currently in Syria, told New Zealand's National Radio she intends to travel to the area overnight to help seek the release of the two men.

"New Zealand diplomats are traveling to the region to work with other officials and governments on the release of Mr. Wiig and his colleague," Clark said. "We will be putting a team on the ground, so we can have direct liaison with the Authority," she said.

New Zealand has no representation in the immediate area, and currently is working through British diplomats, she said.



Posted by: woodbridge | 2006-08-14 9:45:33 PM

It's refreshing when media organizations actually try to be unbiased, especially since so many media outlets today don't understand the meaning of the term bias.

Any storyteller bases the story on values of some kind, unfortunately many media outlets seem to believe that attempting to hold no values whatsoever is the same thing as being 'unbiased' when clearly it is not - they are simply adopting a set of values that are foreign to people who think rationally.

Posted by: philanthropist | 2006-08-14 11:49:02 PM

Not that I dislike Ebadi's human rights group but the fact that she has been renamed Ayatollah Ebadi among opposition forces is tale telling.

Mind you, she has been criticizing the US more than she does criticize mullahs of Iran though...

Posted by: Winston | 2006-08-15 1:37:47 AM

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