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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Fire Kofi Annan

It is really time to fire Kofi Annan.  It is deeply tragic that UN observers were hit in Lebanon, and there may have been Canadians hit in this incident.  But for Kofi Annan to conclude from thousands of miles away that this was a "deliberate attack" is unbelievably irresponsible.

The UN observation post is in the middle of a war zone, and Hizb'Allah has been frequently building outposts right next to the UNIFIL observation points.  Obviously the risk of an accidental hit is significant, and for that matter we don't even know whose bomb, artillery or rocket it was.

The UN is disgracefully close terrorists and tyrannies at the best of times, as we see Kofi happily posing with the leader of the Hizb'Allah terrorist organization in 2000.  Hurling such incendiary accusations at a time like this is utterly irresponsible and he should be held to account.

Posted by Kevin Jaeger on July 25, 2006 in International Politics | Permalink


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I'm sure that feminists and leftists in academia will rush to Annan's aid (again) despite the ignorance of his remarks. Just like the oil-for-food scam and the whole issue of UN peace-keepers raping children, the extreme left will simply, categorically, reject any criticism of a trans-national organization they adore.

Of course, these are the same people (the left in general, I mean) who served as such marvelous apologists for Stalin in the 1930s and who also strenuously objected to aggressively confronting Nazi Germany during the same period.

Unreal (but hey, they're the "compassionate" ones).

Posted by: bk | 2006-07-25 8:44:19 PM

Kofi will be replace very soon. His second term will end sometime early next year. The UN has already started the search for a replacement, this time from an Asian country.

The problem isn't so much Annan, but the whole UN system itself. The UN is supposed to be inclusive, bringing together warring parties for discussions. Unfortunately this means that every one gets a say, and often they are anti-US and anti-Israel, and even anti-capitalist and anti-democratic. Unlike the European Union, which made democracy a basic standard for admission (which is why neither Spain or Portugal was allowed to join until their dictators were gone) the UN by its very nature cannot exclude anyone. No wonder little of value gets done.

Hopefully Annan's successor will have more success in reforming the UN. It is, however, unlikely that much will be achieved.

Posted by: Scott | 2006-07-25 9:02:04 PM

I agree that Annan should have waited for an investigation before publicly saying anything. He was hardly thousands of miles away - he's in Rome for the same conference that Condi Rice is at.

The UN is, at times, anti-Israel. This is irrelevant because Israel ignores ALL UN resolutions raised against it, regardless of relevance. And the US uses its Security Council veto for ALL resolutions against Israel anyway.

So the UN, vis-a-vis Israel, is a non-issue. While we all pray that it wasn't Canadians involved (I haven't heard anything to that effect), it would be interesting to see Harper's reaction if it was (though he was hardly touched by the deaths of the family of eight Lebanese-Canadians last week).

Posted by: Geoff H | 2006-07-25 9:31:12 PM

why was he not fired for his son's involvement for Iraqi oil for food scandal?

Posted by: Winston | 2006-07-25 10:24:35 PM

And, to think.

Kofi was on TV just last night telling the world the best solution would be to follow the terms of UN resolution 1559. No, not Dubya ... Kofi.

Heck, you would swear he was advocating for Israel to join forces with the Lebanese army to drive out Hezbollah.

What a difference 24 hours makes?

Bottom-line. What's Kofi going to do about it anyway? Pass another resolution?

Seems like he didn't like somebody firing weaponry at one of his positions. Now, if he could just put himself in the position of Israeli civilians, who have had to endure Katyusha rocket attacks since December ... hey, maybe he is beginning to understand the feelings of frustration.

Posted by: Set you free | 2006-07-25 10:51:57 PM

I agree with Scott the existing U.N. is the problem. When a system allows the worst human rights offenders to sit on human rights commissions and totalitarian regimes to sit on the security counsel, it is time to replace the whole system.

Posted by: Alain | 2006-07-25 11:08:46 PM

Anyone know what "successful" county this Kofi dude floated in from?

He is leader of the UN because it was time for a Negro to hold the office and he won that lottery.

The UN is nothing more that a cigar club for global despots and their friends.

I have no doubt the UN will be scouring the North Korean landscape for an appropriate "South East Asian" to take over from the old African despot.

Someone did say it was time for that color of human to be head of UN isn't it. it is a color game isn't it?

Maybe after than we can try a freakin Romulin or Klingon or Arab!

Best yet how about a Canadian Indian? Before you know it the UN will be a big casino and will thereby become useful.

Posted by: Duke | 2006-07-25 11:21:50 PM

Those Peace Keepers had Hezballah flags flying. Gee I wonder why they where targeted.

Mark Steyn


This site may even show the post that was hit & the flags it was flying.

No pity for those who take sides with head choppers. Sorry.

Frankly I would not pee down there throats, if they where on fire.


As for Kofi Annan & his gang of thugs for hire. They can move the UN Move the UN to Iran. That’s where its heart is. With a side office in Switzerland where there money is. Than Mecca where its Jihadist loving members can plot.

It has become quite plain to even Socialist ignoramuses that this body is so foul even a sewer is more sanitary. Its fusion with evil is only a symptom of there internal rot. This is the patronage position of choice with diplomatic immunity, for criminals.

All its programs are suspect immunity opinion & have no relevance when you appoint the worst offenders of humanity as its guardians.

Its a waste of time, talent, money & expertise. It doesn’t even make a good world forum, anymore. Since it is now run by Jihadists sympathizers.

The word moderate is a misnomer in this institution. If not a curse by the many tyrannies that now control this institution. Rwanda proved there worth was less than a swine with cancer.

Not to mention this is the biggest school of thieves known to humankind. Oil for food anyone, or would that be guns & mines?

Abolish it & start a democracy only club, or perhaps an Anglo Alliance with real teeth. Even its social side has become necrotic with corruption.

Its peacekeepers have become sex predators. This is the strange fruit from this tree . Deadly in all its forms, right from the touch of its necrotic foundation.

Isreal has every right to do as it pleases for self defense. The world lost the right to say anything ages ago When most Nations turned them away from the Socialist Germany of Hitler. Just my opinion.

Posted by: Revnant Dream | 2006-07-26 12:23:38 AM

I just watched a Al-Jazeera (err.. "CTV" as they call themselves here) story about the airstrike on the UN post. The had a military "expert" on, who happened to be of the arab persusian. Of course, he confirmed in his most amazing of wisenesses, that Israel for sure is deliberately attacking UN positions. He went on to say (I kid you not, of course not verbatim though), that Israel is waging a war against the civilian population in Lebanon because Hezbollocks is far to sneaky to attack directly, that Hezbollah is the only military force who have defeated Israel (either he is psychic, and this happens in the future, or my world map mislabelled Hezbollahland with "Israel"), and finally that Hezbullcrap provided a social framework for Lebanon (I guess they were doctors, teachers, and cops on their days off from firing rockets and kidnapping and beheading Jews). I would not be surprised if CTV's next military expert on the situation is none other than Sheik Hassan Nasarallah.

Posted by: Big Makk | 2006-07-26 1:06:31 AM

The UN has been a particularly useless organization over the past 50 years or so, and Annan was bought by the anti Israel Muslim brotherhood long ago. Annan is due for replacment in early 2007, prior to that Canada should reexamine it's role in the UN. Former Canadian representative and MP Alan Rock was moving precisely in that direction before Martin and his flunkies forced him out. Annan is a proven friend to Hezbollah, the "Army of God"
created and funded fully, by IRAN. The Army of God will be sent on to "Paradise" courtesy of the IDF whom Canada must continue to support. MacLeod. Lot's of wing nut comment in the Globe and Mail today, mostly from GTA and BC, no surprise.

Posted by: Jack Macleod | 2006-07-26 5:48:52 AM

Once again the western standard posters, Kevin Jeager or whomever the idiot this time is, demonstrate there complete stupidity. For Christs sake, first they kill Canadian citizens, now they kill Canadian U.N members and instead you critisize Kofi Anan, hahahaha, what a joke this site is! Just like the Israelis attacked Gaza diproportionately after ONE of their soldiers was kidnapped, I hope China retaliates as well (since one of their citizens was killed/not kidnapped) and hopefully flatten this terrorist state of Israel.

Posted by: Superman | 2006-07-26 6:06:54 AM

the present league of nations must be shut down

and a new 21st century united western nations ONLY must be set up immediately

Posted by: woodbridge | 2006-07-26 6:16:00 AM

Annan is in the right organization, lots of support there for his ideology, a better friend of despots there will never be. The UN is nothing but a giant cesspool, it has been proven many times over and reinforced with Annan's statement that Israel purposely bombed the UN observation post. That organization has completely gone over to the far side riding on the coat tails of neutrality and credibility while we stood and watched. When the head of the UN, shrine of the left, has made such a dangerous and outrageous statement, we should all be concerned, make a statement , pull our ambassador, DO SOMETHING!

Posted by: Liz J | 2006-07-26 6:28:33 AM


China could not fight Israel. Israel is backed by the United States so they would trample China in no time. China and Russia already tried fighting Israel in the Arab assaults on Israel and they failed. Israel's armed forces aren't called the IDF for nothing. When it comes to defense, Israel to take on pretty much any armed force in the world with the exception of the US.

As far as I'm concerned, they may have killed Canadian citizens but they did the world a service by killing those Hizbollah supporters. The relative of the family that was killed was explicit about his support for Hizbollah. That man should have been deported. As for the UN, they support Hizbollah too by allowing them to partake in their resources. See the blog link above.

Posted by: Andrew | 2006-07-26 6:31:57 AM

Andrew, Liz J and Woodbridge, the sickness of your minds goes far deeper then its surface roots. They freakin bombed the U.N outpost! Deliberately or accidently aside, what do you expect Kofi Anan to do, give them a frikkin high five?! Haha, you need to forget about this left wing, right wing rhetoric that clouds and filters every single world issue you look at and start using the lens of something called REALITY and TRUTH--its not pretty and nor is it easy to be critical of your own governments and leaders, but hey thats the point of democracy, not a, blind, childish, the west can do no wrong, flavour of patriotism which you all seem to have an acute case of.

Posted by: Superman | 2006-07-26 6:49:22 AM

Yup Kofi Anan really needs to be fired, thats for sure.

Israel troops 'ignored' UN plea

UN peacekeepers in south Lebanon contacted Israel 10 times before an Israeli bomb killed four UN personnel, sources familiar with a UN report say.
The post was hit by a precision-guided missile after six hours of shelling nearby, diplomats familiar with the initial probe into the deaths say.

The news comes during crisis talks in Rome seeking to end the fighting between Hezbollah and Israel.

The UN secretary general has called for a ceasefire, as fighting continues.

Posted by: Ezra Lavent | 2006-07-26 6:57:03 AM

If a UN outpost is sporting the latest Hizbollah flag is it not fair game? If the UN "observers", what a redundant term. They observed Rwanda and now they are observing Darfur. See, there are too many observers in this world and not enough real men to get the job done. Ezra Lavent, I wouldn't trust a UN report even if my life depended on it. These are the munitions for oil people remember? They deal with Arabs every day so they have to be sympathetic towards them or they might lose some of their kickbacks. Anybody who supports the UN is a fool. I say, support our troops and withdraw them from the UN. The UN is nothing but a Islamic and communist lapdog. What the heck is an observer supposed to do anyways? Confirm that the fighting is going on and that people are dying? I think the news media is doing a fine job of that.

How about a link to this report "Ezra"? I say screw them and bomb em'. They are just as guilty as Hizbollah because they facilitate their activities. In my mind, they are no different then Hizbollah and should be treated no differently.

Posted by: Andrew | 2006-07-26 7:17:46 AM

Why in gods name would Israel deliberately bomb a UN outpost and be condemned to hell from around the world, makes absolutely no sense and Kofi Annan makes no sense, his neutrality is lost. Those on the Left are so insensed when truth and reason defeat their ideologies, we get vitriolic diatribe that knows no bounds.

Posted by: Liz J | 2006-07-26 7:24:15 AM

Unfortunately off topic but I've just seen pigs fly. Well, figuratively anyway.

Here's a link to a socialist group who rejects moral relativism, declines to apologize for tyranny when it comes from the left, supports war for the purposes of democracy, refuses the human rights double-standards...

I almost think it must be a joke.


Posted by: Warwick | 2006-07-26 7:32:21 AM

Superman wrote: "I hope China retaliates as well (since one of their citizens was killed/not kidnapped) and hopefully flatten this terrorist state of Israel."

Great. You hope for more bloodshed. Well, I'm not surprised. I never met the Leftist who thought that human life was worth more than his personal resentment. In fact, I never met the Leftist who thought ANYTHING was worth more than his personal resentment.

If China does retaliate, "Superman," you can bet that Israel will meet them on the field of honest battle, rather than skulking shamefully in the shadows with platoons of suicide bombers strategically placed around Beijing. That makes them a class act compared to your heroes the Palestinians, who are perhaps the most dysfunctional and chronically underachieving specimens of humanity in the modern era.

Posted by: Shane Matthews | 2006-07-26 7:46:27 AM

Canadian-Israeli geographer, Professor Razi Salakh arrested for spying on Israel

A Canadian-Israeli geographer, Professor Razi Salakh, has been under arrest for the past 18 days on suspicion of spying on behalf of terror groups, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced on Wednesday.

The man, a Beduin, does not live in Israel, but his family lives in the Nazareth area.

The Shin Bet and Galilee police apprehended the suspect as he was photographing military installations in the North.

The Acre Magistrate's Court extended his remand by four days and released the story for publication.

In April, Lt.-Col. Omar el-Hayib, a senior Beduin military officer, was convicted in a military court of spying on Israel on Hizbullah's behalf.

El-Hayib, who was arrested in October 2002, was convicted of espionage, contact with a foreign agent and drug dealing but was acquitted of a charge of treason.

From the village of Beit Zarzir in the North, El- Hayib, 43, served in the IDF's Northern Command and was responsible for the recruitment of Beduin soldiers.

According to the indictment, el-Hayeb held contacts with foreign Lebanese agents from 2002 on dozens of occasions. The prosecution claimed he transferred sensitive information regarding the movements and security surrounding then-OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. (res.) Gabi Ashkenazi to Lebanon, in addition to tank movements along the border as well as other military secrets.
In exchange, el-Hayeb received cash payments as well as dozens of kilograms of heroin and hashish.


Posted by: woodbridge | 2006-07-26 7:49:33 AM

Canada has NO MEMBER in UNIFIL so why was this 'Canadian' there? Were the Arabs launching rockets from beside them using them as HUMAN SHIELDS as uslims ALWAYS do? Same UN that let kidnappers cross border and return. AND the prior kidnapping and murder was committed WEARING UN UNIFORMS AND DRIVING UN VEHICLES!



Annan should go back to investigating (as if!) the Oil-for-Food and Sex-for-Food corruptions in his own ranks before commenting on anything else. It's time for a Kofi break.

Kofi should be mediating between states not inciting against the one he has always been biased against in order to score propaganda points for the terrorists that had earlier fired at Israel from beside UN outposts. However, I am not surprised that the man that annually joins with those sworn to Israel's destruction to officially mourn the UN creation of the state of Israel would make such a baseless accusation, while at the same time saying he didn't have the details yet. Apparently details are irrelevant to Kofi when it comes to Israel. This is just one of a long line of scandalous and malignant behavior presided over by Kofi. He should have removed these peacekeepers when it became clear that they were positioned between to sides involved in active combat where all life is at risk. That he didn't is yet one more sign of his deadly incompetence as UN Secretary General.

Corrupt, biased and incompetent...... .."The report says that Kojo Annan, who stopped cooperating with Volcker's panel after an initial meeting, may have earned as much as $485,000 in consulting fees from Cotecna while it conducted millions of dollars in business in Iraq for the United Nations".

Posted by: woodbridge | 2006-07-26 7:56:05 AM

Superman wrote: "Andrew, Liz J and Woodbridge, the sickness of your minds goes far deeper then its surface roots."

Ah, yes. Anyone who disagrees with you is automatically "sick." You're a card-carrying Leftie all right. Dude, wanna toke?

Superman wrote: "They freakin bombed the U.N outpost! Deliberately or accidently aside, what do you expect Kofi Anan to do, give them a frikkin high five?!"

This output may have been flying a Hezbollah flag, which is hardly what you'd expect from impartial observers. In any case, Annan has no idea whether Israel deliberately targeted U.N. personnel, so his claims are premature. U.N. personnel have been deliberately targeted in Asia and Africa without half the stink being raised over this. And Israel is smart enough to know that wiping out international observers is a diplomatic debacle of the first order, especially with most of the international community offering cautious support for their latest action.

Superman wrote: "Haha, you need to forget about this left wing, right wing rhetoric that clouds and filters every single world issue you look at and start using the lens of something called REALITY and TRUTH--its not pretty and nor is it easy to be critical of your own governments and leaders, but hey thats the point of democracy, not a, blind, childish, the west can do no wrong, flavour of patriotism which you all seem to have an acute case of."

And you need to work on those run-on sentences. Such a rapid-fire delivery betrays someone who makes everything up as he goes without ever pausing to rest his fingers or, more importantly, think. And frankly, most of the "childish" people I know have no problems criticizing their own governments, and are quite content to think that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Posted by: Shane Matthews | 2006-07-26 7:58:05 AM

I believe your foolish UNINFORMED responses prove my original point exactly. "Blind, naive, childish, the west can do no wrong, flavour of patriotism" that is the sickness you all suffer from---even in the face of truth (see above article/facts), you vehemently defend blatant murder of your own countries soldier, while hating and scapegoating the commies or the palestinians or lebanese or whomever cnn tells you is the boogey man. I just love raping you flag hugging, deer hunting morons--thank you western standard!

Posted by: Superman | 2006-07-26 8:15:12 AM

The truth really stinks, lets just lie to ourselves instead.

Israel troops 'ignored' UN plea

Israel had hit Khiam a number of times earlier on Tuesday
UN peacekeepers in south Lebanon contacted Israeli troops 10 times before an Israeli bomb killed four of them, an initial UN report says.
The post was hit by a precision-guided missile after six hours of shelling, diplomats familiar with the probe say.

UN-led crisis talks in Rome ended with agreement to work for a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah but stopped short of calling for a truce.

Reports say up to 13 Israeli soldiers died in the latest fighting.

Mid-East crisis map
New force for peace?
The four unarmed UN observers from Austria, Canada, China and Finland, died after their UN post was hit by an Israeli air strike on Tuesday.

The UN report says each time the UN contacted Israeli forces, they were assured the firing would stop.

Israel is conducting an investigation into the deaths, and has rejected accusations made by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan that the targeting of the UN position was "apparently deliberate".

Posted by: Supes | 2006-07-26 8:19:11 AM

Alright, Superman. I challenge you to go live in Iran and spread your beliefs and see how long your head remains in your shoulders. You're ungrateful filth. If it weren't for us responsible righties you lefties would be nothing but a pile of corpses and another pile of severed heads. Wake up and smell the cordite, this is a war. A war against the Islamic Jihadists. War in Mumbai, war in Somalia, war in Iraq, war in Israel and war in North America. Jihadists don't speak diplomacy.

Posted by: Andrew | 2006-07-26 8:25:13 AM

Superman, some of the neanderthal right-wingers here believe that CNN is part of the "liberal media".

It would be interesting to see the ethnic background of the dead Canadian UN worker, and where he's from in Canada. Personally, I'm hoping he's a stand-up, father of three, white male from Alberta. The death of four children under eight last week hardly made Harper blink - but then according to a few folks here, they were "likely Hezbollah operatives", especially the one-year old. And they were Arabs from Quebec (AND the kids weren't old enough to vote yet), so why should Harper care?? All in all, their deaths were "measured".

Perhaps it wasn't intentional (how will we ever know, one way or the other?) but according to Ezra's post, it was hit by a "precision-guided missile". Well, if the hit was precise, and that was a known UN outpost ........ methinks Israel might have some 'splaining to do.

Posted by: Geoff H | 2006-07-26 8:39:36 AM

"I just love raping"
Superman | Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 08:15 AM
Don't feed the troll.

Posted by: Speller | 2006-07-26 8:46:46 AM

Superman wasen't it you who pissed on the war memorial in Ottawa?

Your a child. Naive and stupid!

You should call yourself, superboy.

Your views make this world a much more dangerous place. Thats why your a child.

Posted by: Conservative Crusader | 2006-07-26 9:00:16 AM

Neanderthals had a larger cranial capacity than current day homosapiens and were thought to be smarter and more developed than 21st century homosapiens. Also, remains have been found of them and have been dated to be from the 1900s. Knowing this, I'll take your "neanderthal" comment as a compliment.

You hope that he has a family Geoff? You're a bastard! You hope he has children so that they can grow up without a father? We don't advocate the orphaning of children here so you can just leave now.

Precision guided missiles do not always hit their mark and are considered innaccurate by you folks but when they hit a UN post all of a sudden because super weapons. That UN post was most like run by Hizbollah anyways.

Posted by: Andrew | 2006-07-26 9:02:55 AM

This posting is TROLL CITY!

Don't feed them people ... you only make yourself look as stupid as they are.

Ezrea Lavent

I think these are the same fool ... all have Yahoo addresses with non descript users names.


I might add ...

Death to the UN
Death to the Jihad
Death to Trolls

Posted by: Duke | 2006-07-26 9:04:03 AM

Geoff H, guided missiles have a 1 in 4 direct hit ratio. That means they miss some of the time. The miss can go anywhere within range in the general direction of the intended target. Although some munitions are designed to explode, sometimes they don't. They aren't perfect.

Precision guided munitions can be guided elswhere if the target is lazed and the lazer director has been captured with the frequency locked in. Same thing can occur if the munition is GPS directed.

By the way, precision munitions cost more than 'dumb' bombs. Why, do you suppose, they don't just carpet bomb their enemies?

I'll wait for the investigation, and give Israel the benefit of the doubt, just like the terrorists do.

"What?" you might say, "The terrorists give Israel the benefit of the doubt?"

Yup, that's why they use children and other civilians as human shields. That is a clear statement about Israel's superior morality.

Oh, and about Koffi Anan, as a senior diplomat, I think his statement is very undiplomatic. This is the same guy who for months wouldn't call the genocide in the Sudan a genocide. Koffi was biased in favor of the Muslims in that instance too.

Posted by: Speller | 2006-07-26 9:07:53 AM

Superman is clearly a Hizb'allah member - can't you smell the stench of Islamic ranting?

And raping the locals is certainly something the Swedes are discovering is a national pasttime among Malmo's Muslims.

Superman, listen to me you ignorant Islamic P.O.S. You fool these myopic Canadians here 'cause they're still living in their Trudeaupian Kumbaya dreamworld, but you don't fool me, and others of us who've lived next to you devil-worshippers in other lands.

We Westerners (non-Canadians, don't worry Canada, you get to sit this one out while you rebuild your armed forces) are starting to see through you and all your s**t.

When you whine about your dead children, you know what we others think to ourselves? A jihadi we won't have to kill in a firefight 15 years from now.

That's what happens when you arm your kids, and raise them in a culture of Jihad.

Man if Islam made you this dumb, maybe we really should ban it. Heck, Islam has killed more this year than any pitbull.

Posted by: bcf | 2006-07-26 9:08:29 AM

Don't feed the Trolls!!!
Superman is a a Troll

Posted by: Duke | 2006-07-26 9:11:38 AM

I have it from a good source, that superman actually made a typo, when he wrote down his name.

My guess is he may really be 'duperman, stuporman or supperman', as there is nothing super about him. Any other suggestions as to his persona actualia would be much appreciated.

Sarcasm OFF!

Now, to the real matter at hand.

Sure, hitting the UN post was not the brightest moment in IDF military history.

But when comparing military engagement of the IDF with UN motions, the hunting season is declared, fully open!

UN motions against Israel, have been dominated with the bias that Israel has no right to defend herself, including her people and her property. This goes against every single principle known to the UN declaration of rights, as it pertains to the right of states. While the UN despots have been freakishly obsessed against Israel legitimately defending herself, nations that commit genocide have been given slight taps on the wrist, if that! While Israel has endeavoured to maintain a safe and secure environment for her citizens, the Arab nations, and the rest of the islamic despots, excluding those who have made peace with israel, have waged political, economic, social, religious, educational and mass organized war against Israel.

Still, Israel has been blessed. Her people have risen out of the ashes of what would have otherwise been defeat.

In relation to the brightest moments in IDF history, people who know nothing about war, are making the most rediculous statements. It is contemptable, to sit on the sidelines, and judge without the facts. All we know is that the UN post, set up in the middle of a war zone, was hit, and 4 UN observers were killed. We know Olmert has stated that this was totally unintentional. And, we know Annan, without the facts, has accused Israel of having done this intentionally. We also know, that while Annan has held his position, he has judged Israel in a different light than all other nations, and treated so called Palestinian refugees like Kings and Queens, while Sudanese blacks are given half rations, under the most henious conditions.

Oh, but he would probably say, in relation to the Sudanese refugees, that is war.

Well, in war, there is black, and blacker-black. War is all evil, and yet the sheer label of it, does not help anyone delineate between attrocities in particular, from attrocities in general. And, there is a difference, whether anyone likes it or not, between an attrocity in particular and general, and an act of negligence, in particular and in general. The difference is in the intent, er culpability per see!

Until we have the facts, no one can say for certain that there was culpability. Personally, I doubt that there was culpability. Duperman believes that there is culpability. And if there is culpability, then that act in particular has nothing to do with UN resolutions, that are clearly biased against Israel and the Jewish people, or Israel's right to defend herself and her people.

In the big picture, Hisbollah is still a terrorist organization, that has been financed through Iran and Syria, through donations made by corporations and individuals, from change bags to massive criminal proceeds. There is no doubt in my mind, that no matter whether someone be culpable or not, this entire war is their fault! It is also the fault of the lebanese government, that failed to keep order and good governing within their borders. It is also the fault of the Arab League, and every other islamic nation out there, to have supported terror, whether directly or indirectly. It is the fault of every nut and bolt, from Chompsky to the garbage bin of Asia, who bought into the lies, that Israel has no right to exist.

Israel exists.

Jews are the rightful owners of the lands of Israel. It is even written in the Quran, that this is truth.

And when people sit around on their duffs, pretending that terrorists have virtue, and are not to be blamed 100% for this horrid war, then I call them as I see them. They are terrorist sympathizers, and 100% responsible for each and every single death and destruction in this extremely pathetic situation.

No matter how awful the hitting of the UN post is, Hisbollah is ultimately responsible, along with each and every single one of their backers and supporters!

When all the facts, from the full explaination are out, I expect Annan to have a complete retraction on my desk!

All those who agree that he should retract his ignorantly biased statement, say AYE!

Posted by: Lady | 2006-07-26 9:30:06 AM

But Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam does *not* mean the US is close to tyrannies; it's only wrong when Kofi does it. Nice double standard at work here Kevin Jaeger.

You obviously have no comprehension of international politics.

Posted by: whatever | 2006-07-26 9:32:04 AM


Posted by: Andrew | 2006-07-26 9:38:18 AM

AYE, Lady, and then he should resign for leaving those observers in harm's way.


an excerpt:
"The four United Nations peacekeepers killed in an Israeli attack on their outpost were required to stay at that post "until they were ordered by the [U.N.] secretary general to withdraw," said a member of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization on Wednesday.

But the peacekeepers apparently never received such an order, despite the fierce cross-border fighting that erupted in southern Lebanon two weeks ago." [SNIP]....

"Anan -- and China -- were among the first to condemn what Israel has called an unintended attack. They are demanding an investigation.

Neither Annan nor Israel has said anything about why the unarmed peacekeepers -- who were supposed to be monitoring a ceasefire -- were left in what's become a war zone."

Way to cover your ass, Koffi! Blame Israel for your incompetence, Koffi.

Posted by: Speller | 2006-07-26 9:38:58 AM

Nice try, Duke. I'm no troll - I actually respect many of the opinions here when an attempt is made to back them up with facts or history.

But then you have plain stupid statements like the one from Andrew: "The UN post (sic) was most like (sic) run by Hezbollah anyway." Of course, he doesn't explain how a Lebanese-based Shiite "terror" organization could employ four UN observers from four different countries in a known UN outpost.

You have two types of "conservative" posters here: ones who know their history and try to use it to formulate a sincere opinion (which one may or may not agree with) and a second group of salivating white trash bordering on serious mental illness. This second group just makes it up as they go along: Andrew, who couldn't suss out a hypothetical discussion if it hit him in the head (and perhaps a less than basic understanding of English) claims that I'm advocating the orphaning of children. No, young Andrew, I was hoping that the UN Canadian victim was a "model citizen" (i.e. white male, married, father, resident of Alberta) to see if anything could move our Prime Minister (emotionally, not physically - that'd be a bit difficult these days with all the Timbits that Harper is woofing down!!).

Then you have people like Shane Matthews: he writes thoughtful, educated passages (which I don't agree with, but they are well-researched nonetheless) before he succumbs to lengthy diatribes about "Leftists" and "hate" and "liberals" (which appears to be about the time his medication has worn off).

Posted by: Geoff H | 2006-07-26 9:43:27 AM

I will commend Speller on his posts. I may not agree with them but he knows his stuff.

Posted by: Geoff H | 2006-07-26 9:46:39 AM

Thanks, Geoff H.

Posted by: Speller | 2006-07-26 9:48:24 AM

Actually, Speller you raise several points that I DO agree with.

But best of all, your posts are 100% rhetoric-free and hate-free.

Posted by: Geoff H | 2006-07-26 9:54:13 AM

Superman wrote: "I believe your foolish UNINFORMED responses prove my original point exactly."

Haven't you been in this business long enough, amigo, to know that what you believe doesn't matter?

Superman wrote: "Blind, naive, childish, the west can do no wrong, flavour of patriotism" that is the sickness you all suffer from---even in the face of truth (see above article/facts), you vehemently defend blatant murder of your own countries soldier, while hating and scapegoating the commies or the palestinians or lebanese or whomever cnn tells you is the boogey man."

A screeching, slobbering rant that manages to avoid even a single fact or shred of evidence. Typical Leftist's idea of informed debate.

Superman wrote: "I just love raping you flag hugging, deer hunting morons--thank you western standard!"

Wow, a real spokesman for peace, hey? Better cut back on the tofu burgers--they're turning you into an A-number-one-gilt-edge-24-karat sissy. At least we have the integrity to kill our own food rather than considering ourselves morally superior for paying someone else to do it for us.

Posted by: Shane Matthews | 2006-07-26 10:01:11 AM

"But Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam does *not* mean the US is close to tyrannies; it's only wrong when Kofi does it. Nice double standard at work here Kevin Jaeger.
You obviously have no comprehension of international politics."
Posted by: whatever | Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 09:32 AM

Sure, shaking hands with an internationally recognized HEAD of STATE is the same as SHAKING hands with a TERRORIST leader, eh whatever?

Which state is Nasrallah head of? Oh, I remember, Hizb'allah means 'Army of Allah' so Nasrallah represents Islam. Got'cha.

Posted by: Speller | 2006-07-26 10:05:04 AM

Andrew, I think we have yet to hit the bottom of what petulant Leftists will "hope" or "pray for" when it comes to communicating their personal resentment and bitterness. Sort of like the fact that the more loudly someone declaims intolerance, the more intolerant he's likely to be himself. Or didn't you know? Freedom of expression applies only to the LEFT. Just ask any Holocaust survivor at Concordia University, otherwise known as Jihad Central Canada.

Posted by: Shane Matthews | 2006-07-26 10:06:09 AM

Geoff wrote: "Nice try, Duke. I'm no troll - I actually respect many of the opinions here when an attempt is made to back them up with facts or history."

As you were, Geoff. Duke was speaking about Superman, not you. Even I don't consider you a troll--although I do think you have some growing up to do.

Geoff wrote: "But then you have plain stupid statements like the one from Andrew: "The UN post (sic) was most like (sic) run by Hezbollah anyway." Of course, he doesn't explain how a Lebanese-based Shiite "terror" organization could employ four UN observers from four different countries in a known UN outpost."

The fact that you put "terror" in quotes suggests you aren't convinced Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, Geoff. The bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in 1983 that killed over 240 servicemen didn't convince you? What about the bombing of the Israeli embassy and Jewish community centre in Argentina, or even just the rockets they've been lobbing across the border for years? Unlike the Israeli missile that may have malfunctioned or been aimed in error, there is absolutely no question of who Hezbollah meant to kill in these cases. None. They avoid enemy troops like the plague. And when Israel scores a hit on a civilian, they don't dance in the streets brandishing assault rifles.

Geoff wrote: "Andrew...claims that I'm advocating the orphaning of children. No, young Andrew, I was hoping that the UN Canadian victim was a "model citizen" (i.e. white male, married, father, resident of Alberta) to see if anything could move our Prime Minister (emotionally, not physically - that'd be a bit difficult these days with all the Timbits that Harper is woofing down!!)."

You're on shaky ground here, Geoff. The orphaning of children is an unavoidable consequence of your highly questionable "wish," made only for the opportunity to see Stephen Harper's reaction. In other words, you're hoping for the maximum possible grief just to get a long shot at poking Harper with a stick. Andrew's assessment was right on--your remark was spiteful, malicious, and completely inappropriate.

Geoff wrote: Then you have people like Shane Matthews: he writes thoughtful, educated passages (which I don't agree with, but they are well-researched nonetheless) before he succumbs to lengthy diatribes about "Leftists" and "hate" and "liberals" (which appears to be about the time his medication has worn off)."

Actually, Geoff, it's just that I'm a mirror. Give me articulate, lucid, rational, well-thought-out debates, and you'll get as much in return. Get emotional, personal, or start down the laundry list of Right-wing bogeymen, and I'll savage you in a way that would make a Hezbollah headsman wet his bed. Strictly on principle, you understand. ;-)

Posted by: Shane Matthews | 2006-07-26 10:22:17 AM

Shane, well-thought out post. Really.

Ever heard the phrase, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedome fighter?" Perhaps I shouldn't have used quotes around terrorist because I DO believe that the deliberate targeting of civilians is a terrorist activity. So, yes, Hezbollah are terrorists. But I'm also not as easy as many of you on "actual armies" that cause a lot of civilian deaths by "collateral damage" (a favourite term of the Americans and Israelis), though I would stop short of calling the Americans and Israelis, terrorists.

Many people do not view the activities of Hezbollah, Hamas and al-Qaeda (or the Tamil Tigers) against (occupying or enemy)armies to be terrorism. But, yes, the deliberate targeting of civilians would be terrorism.

Posted by: Geoff H | 2006-07-26 10:53:56 AM


There is a difference between collateral damage and deliberately targeting civilian populations.

Posted by: Andrew | 2006-07-26 10:58:22 AM

Also, you want model citizens to die? If they all die we'll have nothing left. This country is built on model citizens. If they die we'll have nothing left but jihadists and Eurotrash.

Posted by: Andrew | 2006-07-26 11:01:07 AM

I've heard the expression, Geoff. It's true that many the "establishment" deems terrorists can be considered freedom fighters, the American Revolutionaries / Founding Fathers among the rest. However, the American Revolutionaries didn't fill their topcoats with gunpowder and stroll into schools and public markets.

This sick practice is, apart from the Japanese kamikaze pilots, perhaps unique in all history. And yet practically every Islamist group--Al Queda, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Chechnyans, the Taliban, the Libyans--does it. And before that, it was hijacking airplanes, also virtually unheard of before the rise of international terrorism.

This Islamist cult of death is intensely destructive, and its effects are felt the world over. Many freedoms have had to be curtailed in attempts to route this insidious xenophobic menace that has adherents everywhere. Even Arabs at large are beginning to accept that it's time for it to end. And the longer it goes on, the less choosy the international community is likely to be about the methods required. Islamists beware.

Posted by: Shane Matthews | 2006-07-26 11:09:01 AM

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