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Friday, June 16, 2006
CBC apologizing for Terrorists? Their answers...
I always see Muslim women wearing that Hijab here in Canada. I ask them, if you wanted to keep your hijab here in Canada, then why did you come here in the first place? Why did you not stay in your own country practicing your own religion in a way that wouldn't put you in this situation and wouldn't put true Canadians in grave danger of being exposed to your hatred towards the western values?!
I posted some thing about CBC program interviewing the muslims in Canada and how it was trying to apologize for the radical muslims and tell us that Radical Islam is just a myth created by some unknown elements of our society.
I also realized that I had to mention their replies here as well but this didn't mean that I wanted to leave you guys hanging. I thought you can figure the answer yourselves. Any ways, the answer most of these folks provide is that "Canadian society allows me to be free and also allows me to dress the way I please, and Canada lets me be the muslim I always wanted to be".
You know, this is very serious. These guys are misguided and living in deep paradoxes. The entire foundation of Canada is at odds with what these folks believe in and act upon. They abuse the freedom of their host society to offend others and abuse the freedom, of Canadian society, to carry their anger towards it under the cover of Freedom of Speech.
However it also brings up another question about their reason not to stay in their own country where wearing hijab and practicing Islamic laws is regarded as a good thing?!?
It is not all about multi-culturalism guys! It is above and beyond that. The very idea of multi-culturalim is a cover for left to destroy the western civilization along with its true partner which is the infamous Islamic radicalism.
Do they (leftists) import them to ruin this society?
Cross-posted @ The Spirit of Man
Posted by Winston on June 16, 2006 in Media | Permalink
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Who else is there to import? Most developed countries have less than replacement fertility rates. With populations soon (within 20 years) to start to crash, they cannot afford to give up too many of its citizens. Then again, China and India will soon have too many men, and may try to take our women, or kill the extra frustrated men off in a war. That is just my guess though.
John M Reynolds
Posted by: jmrSudbury | 2006-06-16 1:40:12 PM
Isn't that Hajib-wearer saying that her home country does not allow her to "dress the way I please" and "be the muslim I always wanted to be"? So, Canada is a more Islam-friendly country than where she can from? How can that be?
Posted by: StatGuy | 2006-06-16 2:22:43 PM
After all that has been going down with the Muslim community, I have decided that I am deeply offended by the way they shun Canadian (mine, not the Liberal party's) values.
In Canada we don't wear masks on our faces, we do shake hands, we do make small talk in elevators, we do tolerate other people and don't interfere with their way of life or try to change it.
Culture evolves over time and it's the majority that decides what it will utimately be.
So .... assimilate or GO HOME!!!
Posted by: Duke | 2006-06-16 2:45:10 PM
When I get into "kill the deal" mode, I grind everything down into powder.
I don't understand the answer you got from the hijab wearing ladies.
They say: "Canada ... allows me to ... dress the way I please, and ... be the Muslim I always wanted to be."
Does that mean, they want to wear the hijab? That they are wearing what they want to wear?
Does that mean, that they want to raise their kids to go to mosques and meet screw balls who will get them involved in dumb ass plots to buy fertilizer and blow up buildings?
So what in Hell is different then for them in Canada versus their old country?
That answer says these women are terrible, unless I am completely misunderstanding their "answer."
When I don't care, or when it isn't important, I don't ask.
This situation is pretty important. Several people on this site are mad as Hell and they are coming up with some pretty BAD ideas in the absence of some much needed, good LOUD and CLEAR and oft repeated answers.
Posted by: Conrad-USA | 2006-06-16 2:51:01 PM
Conrad-USA, I cannot figure out what it is that you do not understand. Clearly the rubbish given as answers are lies. Those who spout them may actually believe them, but it does not make them true. We all know that no one in any Muslim country would forbid them from wearing a hijab, and in fact where sharia runs the show they would be forced to cover up. Most Muslim countries, from personal observation, have 'religious police' of one sort or another to ensure that Muslims abide by the rules. So to claim Canada, or any other non Muslim country, allows them to live a proper Muslim life according to Islamic law, is rubbish.
There are clearly Muslims who want to escape such totalitarian regimes to find the freedom we offer, but you will not find them wearing such garb.
Posted by: Alain | 2006-06-16 3:13:26 PM
jmrSudbury - who else is there to import, why not welcome the Mexicans and any others who at least share a similar culture (Western). If we must import immigrants, then we should encourage those whose goal is not our destruction.
Posted by: Alain | 2006-06-16 3:18:22 PM
Well said, Alain.
I'd like to add that lowering taxes would encourage people to have more children here.
I can't site a specific study, but I have read studies, done internationally, which show people have less children when they feel those children will not do as well or better economically then they have over a lifetime. Socialism and over taxation are root causes.
Posted by: Speller | 2006-06-16 3:27:14 PM
Good post Winston. A question we all need to ask, especially one leftoids need to ask themselves is: Who hates western civilization more; Radical Muslims or leftists?
Lest anyone think this is hyperbole contemplate not only why Moore portrayed Iraq as a kite flying paradise and why Chomsky claimed when America was liberating Afstan that it was "engaged in a kind of silent genocide in which 1.8 million people would be killed" and few in the moonbat MSM challenged either one.
Query how many times have you read in the MSM how many of Saddam's 4 million refugees have returned to Iraq - in the middle of this war the MSM calls a quagmire.
Posted by: Terry Gain | 2006-06-16 4:01:50 PM
A point regarding the Muslim/Islam/religious quagmire on planet earth.
I recall debating a moonbat recently who was equating the IRA with the Muzzies. Summing it up with the blowing up of things by the Catholics in the IRA was as the same thing ....
My question: at what time and place did a Catholic suicide bomber go into a protestant church and blow himself and a dozen or more others to bits?
There have never been such a gang of Orcs as we are seeing in the Islamic Circus ... all ... around ... the ... world.
There are many ways of making a point and pursuing a cause, albeit that their point is world domination. What they are doing is not one of them.
The bleating from the likes of the CBC and other moons put them squarely in the same camp and on the same side as the terrorists in their efforts to bring down the West.
Those Leftists need to be sanctioned, fought and watched as closely as we are now, finally beginning to fight and watch the Muslims here and around the world.
I loved my country up until Pierre E Trudeau put the tools for it's desctruction in place. We must fight that all the way to each an every election.
I know we cannot turn back the clock, but we can set it to tick a little differently than it has been and voting in Mr. Harpers government was a great start.
Posted by: John | 2006-06-16 4:44:13 PM
John, you are so right on Trudeau, that individual did more damage to this country than any other PM in our history. We are dealing with his handy work every day, it's called multiculturalism. The CBC and all their twit head anchors and reporters are becoming a real comedy show, who can take those people seriously?
Posted by: Liz Jackson | 2006-06-16 6:27:14 PM
Canada allows me to be free? Yes, except the hate speech laws, CRTC regulations, half my income being confiscated by government, not being allowed to remove a tree from my own lawn, being stopped by police randomly and subjected to a breathalyzer test, not being allowed to smoke at a bar even if the bar owner wants me to smoke there, not being allowed to opt out of a trade union, not being allowed to purchase health care with my hard-earned post-tax income, not being allowed to offer my car as a gift to my sister without paying a sales tax, not having the right to own a handgun to protect myself, not having the right to remove wild animals form my yard, etc. Woo hoo freedom !
Posted by: Howard Roark | 2006-06-16 9:45:30 PM
Mexican immigration, as demonstrated by many US analysts will be/is an abysmal failure.
"Let us start with labor force participation of those hardworking Mexicans.
Natives 60.2%
Other Forign born 57.1%
Mexican 54.3%
Per capita Income?
Natives 22.000 $
Other Forign born 25.000$
Mexican 13.000 $
Perhaps the best proxy for success in society and welfare dependency, the rate of poverty
Natives 8.3% (remember this figure next time you speak to a liberal)
Other Forign born 11.4%
Mexican 24.4%
Share speaking english at home, as good a measure of assimilation as anything
Natives 91% (remember 8% of natives are already hispanics)
Other Forign born 22%
Mexican 5.6%
Share of population with no high school diploma
Natives 17%
Other Forign born 25%
Mexican 70%(!)
Natives 25%
Other Foreign born 32%
Mexican 4%(!!)
Mass Mexican immigration to the US only creates a larger unassimilable non-English speaking, poorly educated underclass, with higher rates of crime and poverty than white Americans. Such immigration serves only to drive down wages for indigenous Americans.
Posted by: DJ | 2006-06-16 9:48:44 PM
"It is not all about multi-culturalism guys! It is above and beyond that. The very idea of multi-culturalim is a cover for left to destroy the western civilization along with its true partner which is the infamous Islamic radicalism."
Winston. Stay calm.
Why don't you put down the consipiracy theories and step away from them sl-o-o-o-w-ly.
We can work this out, and nobody needs to get hurt.
Posted by: djb in Saskatoon | 2006-06-16 10:02:42 PM
The propaganda spewed by pathological ideologues and apologists for liberalism, like John Ibbitson of the Globe is sheer nonsense.
Martin Collacott, of the Fraser Institute, effectively refutes the aging population argument put forth by Ibbitson and others.
"To be sure, Canadians are indeed getting older as people are living longer and women are having fewer babies. According to a Statistics Canada projection last year, without any net immigration and no change in the current fertility rate, our population will continue to grow for another dozen years and begin to fall below the current level in the late 2020s (Statistics Canada, 2001, p. 64) In the circumstances, unless we specifically want a larger population, we won't require any net immigration for the next quarter of a century. It is also true that we will have to contend with an increasing number of retired persons in relation to those still working. Current projections are that by 2025 the number of retirees for every hundred workers will increase from the present 18 to 35. There is, however, abundant evidence that only immigration at overwhelmingly high levels would have any significant effect on population aging. A 1989 report on demographics released by Health and Welfare Canada and based on 167 studies concluded, for example, that increased immigration would have little or no impact on either the aging of the population (Charting Canada's Future, p. 24) or the dependency ratio. (Charting Canada’s Future, p. 26). The Economic Council study similarly declared two years later that the reduction of the tax burden of dependency through immigration was quite insignificant (Economic and Social Impacts, 1991, p. 51), while in 1997 Statistics Canada concluded from census data that "immigration cannot erase the dilemma of growing old, which the entire population must face" (Statistics Canada, 1997, p. 96). A United Nations report (Replacement Migration) issued in March 2000 spelled out just how much immigration would be required to keep the age of the population and therefore the dependencey ratio at current levels. While Canada was not one of the countries covered in the study, the United States (with an age profile relatively close to our own but slightly younger) was included and its projections were roughly similar to what we would have to expect here. In the case of the US, the United Nations found that it would have to raise its population to 1.1 billion by 2050 to maintain current dependency ratios. To achieve this, 73 percent of the people in the US in 2050 would be immigrants or offspring of those who arrived after 2000. And it would not stop there since, after a generation or two, most immigrants take on the same aging and family-size characteristics as those of native-born North Americans and we would have to continue quadrupling our population every 50 years to maintain current dependency ratios."
Why the need for a larger population? It is clear that current levels of immigration will not solve the aging problem. The benefit of immigration accrues to the immigrant, who take the jobs produced by their arrival. It serves only to provide votes for the LPC and greater profits for a few.
The founding European peoples of Canada are building their own funeral pyre as Enoch Powell wrote.
"Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population.
It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. "
Posted by: DJ | 2006-06-16 10:03:20 PM
The propaganda spewed by pathological ideologues and apologists for liberalism, like John Ibbitson of the Globe is sheer nonsense.
Martin Collacott, of the Fraser Institute, effectively refutes the aging population argument put forth by Ibbitson and others.
"To be sure, Canadians are indeed getting older as people are living longer and women are having fewer babies. According to a Statistics Canada projection last year, without any net immigration and no change in the current fertility rate, our population will continue to grow for another dozen years and begin to fall below the current level in the late 2020s (Statistics Canada, 2001, p. 64) In the circumstances, unless we specifically want a larger population, we won't require any net immigration for the next quarter of a century. It is also true that we will have to contend with an increasing number of retired persons in relation to those still working. Current projections are that by 2025 the number of retirees for every hundred workers will increase from the present 18 to 35. There is, however, abundant evidence that only immigration at overwhelmingly high levels would have any significant effect on population aging. A 1989 report on demographics released by Health and Welfare Canada and based on 167 studies concluded, for example, that increased immigration would have little or no impact on either the aging of the population (Charting Canada's Future, p. 24) or the dependency ratio. (Charting Canada’s Future, p. 26). The Economic Council study similarly declared two years later that the reduction of the tax burden of dependency through immigration was quite insignificant (Economic and Social Impacts, 1991, p. 51), while in 1997 Statistics Canada concluded from census data that "immigration cannot erase the dilemma of growing old, which the entire population must face" (Statistics Canada, 1997, p. 96). A United Nations report (Replacement Migration) issued in March 2000 spelled out just how much immigration would be required to keep the age of the population and therefore the dependencey ratio at current levels. While Canada was not one of the countries covered in the study, the United States (with an age profile relatively close to our own but slightly younger) was included and its projections were roughly similar to what we would have to expect here. In the case of the US, the United Nations found that it would have to raise its population to 1.1 billion by 2050 to maintain current dependency ratios. To achieve this, 73 percent of the people in the US in 2050 would be immigrants or offspring of those who arrived after 2000. And it would not stop there since, after a generation or two, most immigrants take on the same aging and family-size characteristics as those of native-born North Americans and we would have to continue quadrupling our population every 50 years to maintain current dependency ratios."
Why the need for a larger population? It is clear that current levels of immigration will not solve the aging problem. The benefit of immigration accrues to the immigrant, who take the jobs produced by their arrival. It serves only to provide votes for the LPC and greater profits for a few.
The founding European peoples of Canada are building their own funeral pyre as Enoch Powell wrote.
"Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population.
It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. "
Posted by: DJ | 2006-06-16 10:05:35 PM
"Canada lets me be the Muslim I always wanted to be".......
That would be participating in the Jihad while being inside the defensive perimeter of Dar al Harb.
Enjoying the indoor plumbing while pumping out the lil' Shihads.
Posted by: Speller | 2006-06-16 10:33:08 PM
What Muslim regime does not allow the wearing of the hijab?
It's intolerance is toward those who do not dance to their tune, the penalty for non-submission to their will being death at the Sword of God ... the judge, jury and executioner.
Posted by: Set you free | 2006-06-17 1:57:23 AM
One point no one seems to raise when discussing the need to supplement an aging population by encouraging immigration is, apart from the suicidal idiocy of allowing in a social-political group whose intention is to destroy or subjugate you, why would you imagine that these people would wish, as they grow to adulthood, to assist (as doctors, nurses, carers, policemen, teachers every other public service sector you can think of) those amongst the native population whom Islam does not regard as having equal rights as Moslems? There is also the serious point that, given the Moslem refusal to properly educate females, unwillingness to allow them to have jobs in society and use of them strictly as baby-producers, that you will be facing a society in which a great many women will stay at home, not contribute to the economy or pay taxes, overpopulate and bring the public service infrastructures crashing down. Just like in any Moslem-dominated country.
Here are some practical points to address the issue:
1. Reclassify Islam as a social-political and violent organisation, thereby subjecting it to strict controls which already exist for such entities
2. Remove its charitable status as a Religion thus rendering contributions to its mosques accountable to civil authorities
3. Require speechifying in mosques to be conducted in the language of the resident country and have observers on the spot for monitoring of speeches calling for physical violence against other groups of peoples, races, religions
4. Forbid immigration to all adherents of Islam
5. Restrict overall immigration severely
6. Forbid schools specifically set up as "islamic"
7. Forbid importation of Korans and require them to be printed in native language of the country and monitor those published in the country
Some may say these are extreme and an infringement on liberty and that "moderate" Moslems should not be subjected to them. However, I do not recall we accepted the excuses of German civilians after the War that they did not know what the Nazis were up to so I fail to see why we should concern ourselves with those who are not prepared to take a stand against the conduct of their fellow Moslems
Posted by: Centurion | 2006-06-17 4:33:48 AM
One point no one seems to raise when discussing the need to supplement an aging population by encouraging immigration is, apart from the suicidal idiocy of allowing in a social-political group whose intention is to destroy or subjugate you, why would you imagine that these people would wish, as they grow to adulthood, to assist (as doctors, nurses, carers, policemen, teachers every other public service sector you can think of) those amongst the native population whom Islam does not regard as having equal rights as Moslems? There is also the serious point that, given the Moslem refusal to properly educate females, unwillingness to allow them to have jobs in society and use of them strictly as baby-producers, that you will be facing a society in which a great many women will stay at home, not contribute to the economy or pay taxes, overpopulate and bring the public service infrastructures crashing down. Just like in any Moslem-dominated country.
Here are some practical points to address the issue:
1. Reclassify Islam as a social-political and violent organisation, thereby subjecting it to strict controls which already exist for such entities
2. Remove its charitable status as a Religion thus rendering contributions to its mosques accountable to civil authorities
3. Require speechifying in mosques to be conducted in the language of the resident country and have observers on the spot for monitoring of speeches calling for physical violence against other groups of peoples, races, religions
4. Forbid immigration to all adherents of Islam
5. Restrict overall immigration severely
6. Forbid schools specifically set up as "islamic"
7. Forbid importation of Korans and require them to be printed in native language of the country and monitor those published in the country
Some may say these are extreme and an infringement on liberty and that "moderate" Moslems should not be subjected to them. However, I do not recall we accepted the excuses of German civilians after the War that they did not know what the Nazis were up to so I fail to see why we should concern ourselves with those who are not prepared to take a stand against the conduct of their fellow Moslems
Posted by: Centurion | 2006-06-17 4:34:50 AM
islam is the problem EVERYWHERE
Chechen PM: Rebel leader killed
Saturday, June 17, 2006
GROZNY, Russia (AP) -- Police killed Chechen rebel leader Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev during a special operation Saturday in the city of Argun, Chechen Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov's press service said.
Sadulayev had succeeded Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov, who was killed by Russian forces last year.
Sadulayev's killing, if confirmed, would be further evidence that the rebels' position is weakening in Chechnya even as Islamic-inspired insurgents have spread their influence across the volatile North Caucasus region.
"The terrorists have been virtually beheaded. They have sustained a severe blow, and they are never going to recover from it," the Interfax news agency quoted Kadyrov as saying.
"We must decisively end international terrorism in the whole of the North Caucasus," the RIA-Novosti news agency quoted him as saying.
Further details on the operation that killed Sadulayev were not immediately available.
Sadulayev, a fundamentalist field commander, was relatively unknown outside rebel circles. He had served as a judge of the Chechen rebels' Shariat committee -- an extension of the Islamic court established under Maskhadov when he was Chechnya's elected president in the 1990s
Chechnya's separatist movement initially was rooted in nationalist sentiment, but in recent years has taken on a growing Islamic cast.
Sadulayev had promoted efforts to spread the rebel movement beyond Chechnya's borders in the so-called "Caucasus Front" and attack Russian forces across the poverty-stricken and corruption-gripped south.
Ekho Moskvy radio had said Russian prosecutors considered him the main organizer of the 2001 kidnapping of Kenneth Gluck, of New York City, who worked for Doctors Without Borders in southern Russia. Gluck was freed after 25 days.
The radio station also said Maskhadov had called Sadulayev the co-organizer of a 2004 raid on police and security installations in the Russian republic of Ingushetia, which killed some 90 people.
Posted by: woodbridge | 2006-06-17 5:31:58 AM
Wearing ISLAMIC DRESS here = wearing a billboard that PURPOSELY says to you:
"I am a muslim, you are NOT"
Posted by: woodbridge | 2006-06-17 5:35:18 AM
Centurion Great guidelines for muzzling the Muslim plague , but it can`t happen in Canada where sappy ,self- destruct ,liberal - communists have been installed by succesive Liberal traitors . Re JS`s idea of allowing them in to repopulate , just because they breed like flies , would not be reason enough to have mosques on every corner with call to prayer blaring 6 or 7 times a day . Yes the idea of receiving a pension , granted with fiat currency from a printing press is a nice custom , but is it worth selling the country down the drain to a bunch of fanatical infidels , which to my untrained eye carry on like ritilin -deprived school children .
Ditto for the ' beans ' from down south .
Posted by: daveh | 2006-06-17 7:11:18 AM
Are there any politicians in office (or candidates) who reflect the thinking and knowledge which you folks demonstrate on this thread?
Every comment is right on target and way revved up to take on and correct this situation.
If you don't mind, I'm going to take Speller aside and ask him why in Hell he is fighting his own friends? There is great need and benefit from exhorting and providing guidance from shared core beliefs, but insisting on total "religious" agreeement as the price of admission to political discussion has not proven necessary or successful in free societies, but only in totalitarian societies (which we are all fighting against).
You guys (and the one identifiable lady) should all really run for public office, or at the very least, become maximum devoted to participating in your political process (starting with your own home, spouse, children, parents, etc.).
Kick your Liberals-Communists OUT of your government totally, FIRST. These people are undermining your nation, even your families, in every way conceivable, which makes opportunist evil forces able to take over and destroy your country.
Down here we have protection of our Constitution and the checks and balances and sovereign states, which makes the Communist takeover that you have (evidently) suffered, a tougher process. And our Constitution also protects us from short sighted "thinkers" who willingly trade off fundamental Rule of Law (e.g. "Hey, its just a few illegal aliens who your political authorities allow to flaunt your national sovereignty..." ??????!!!!).
I don't know your system, but I do know that in addition to speaking out (e.g. here), that YOU folks, who know what is at stake, MUST enter the political process and overcome the fools who think government is all about welfare transfer payments, rather than individual liberty protected under a rule of law.
It starts at your own home. Make sure your wife understands how vital this is. Make sure that your daughter understands her duty as a citizen and the implications as a prospective parent with generations descending from her forever into the future. Make sure your son realizes that the entire future of your society looks to him for strength and resolve.
Please help overthrow all of this Communistic evil which is putting the entire concept of western civilization individual liberty right to the test at the edge of an actual literal sword.
Posted by: Conrad-USA | 2006-06-17 8:40:21 AM
Conrad, do you really want to carry a dispute from one thread to another?
Why do you think I am the antagonist and my opponent is not?
I would show you the blow by blow of that arguement, but the hosts of the Shotgun don't see fit to number the comments.
Go back and try to read the WHOLE thread you are trying to import here, from MY perspective.
Otherwise, you and I will be in permanent conflict from thread to thread.
Posted by: Speller | 2006-06-17 9:43:04 AM
Conrad, if the comments were numbered you would see Lady start the conflict at comment #30, the one where Lady says, "You know, I am baiting you." Careful what you wish for.
Posted by: Speller | 2006-06-17 9:52:45 AM
Canada pays good money for tribes to set up camp here, and the fact that Arab/Muslim regimes brutalize their subjects means that these tribes will do anything to get established here, they'll even tolerate us in the short term.
Posted by: philanthropist | 2006-06-17 10:20:24 AM
Just to add to Centurion's list....
#8....make every immigrant learn how to play hockey.
go Oilers go...
Posted by: anonymous | 2006-06-17 10:43:02 AM
Thanks for that post.
My father ancestry was from the Cossack line, with a little bit of Jewish and Turkish-sounding names thrown in. The Caucasus was one of the primary battlegrounds which the Muhammedans could never conquer and Checnya is the area they were allowed to keep.
Any encroachment beyond was met with swift reprisal.
They were one of the few groups in history to keep the jihadists at bay and had a secret strategy to do that, which will remain a secret only within that group.
They were Christians who liked to have as good a time as anybody else in a peaceful setting, but would not back down from a fight if somebody got in their face.
Eventually, they succumbed to another totalitarian philosphy (Marxism), which poisoned the entire nation. The people in that area are still trying to recover and reconnect with the core values that made them such great warriors for freedom.
The struggle they had to endure for 1400 years is the same struggle that finally opened the eyes of the US on 9/11.
Go, Oilers, go.
Posted by: Set you free | 2006-06-17 11:24:01 AM
Conrad, Most of us don't understand our system either. the PMO has so much power and it has been abused so often that is sometimes looks like a "make it up as you go along" scenerio. Which I am certain has been the case more often than not.
I am feeling a bit better these days with our present Harper Government. I also feel good about the growing awareness and mounting backlash against the Muliticultural suicide dance we have been in for so long. There little political correctness being employed on this blog and on many others. That is good. PC must be stamped out where it is noticed.
We don't have to put up with anything that threatens our fabulous way of life. If any of you dont' think our way of life is fabulous, go spend some time in Africa, the Middle Yeast-infection, Russia, South America etc etc. And not as a rich tourist, just as a citizen of those puke holes.
We have to try to save oursleves and continue to be a beacon for the rest of the world before it's completely sold out by the Left and their scummy pals in the Jihad and on "welfare street" all over the place.
Stand up to the bullies and tell them we like things the way they are and don't want anymore changes influenced by outsiders with an agenda.
We also need to roll back the clock and regain some of the freedoms we have lost over the years, and some new ones such as the right to bear arms and defend ourselves in an increasingly scary culture. Law and order and the courts are so erroded that they no longer offer security to anyone.
We also need to keep more of our money and take more of our responsibility. I am tired of paying to nanny care at least half of the poplulation of Canada.
etc etc.
For a cynical laugh check out.
Posted by: John | 2006-06-17 11:31:24 AM
* CBC-TV provides great sports and some classic movies which is good. However CBC-TV should do a pro-documentary on Canadian Christianity for a good change. Plus have a married heterosexual couple Tv series too. These are a major part of true Canadiana-> wake up CBC-Tv.
Posted by: Larry | 2006-06-17 2:03:11 PM
Dunno of any of you fine people saw the CBC show about the state of today's religion.
The premise was the more science discovers, the less religion is needed.
It was hosted and narrated by a British man who obviously does not understand science is not just providing proofs for natural truths, but is also about the pursuit of truths ... as when the first caveman gazed up in the sky and wondered ‘why am I here?'
For example, when God utters ‘Let there be light' (Gen 1:3) on the first day, and does not create the sun and the stars until the fourth day (Gen 1:14), then what particular light is referred to in Gen 1:3?
Much as the Bible itself is just like a Grade 1 reader, it is not the final word, because without man's experience, they are just empty words.
Could there have been evolution without creation?
There are questions much too complcated for the shallow minds at the CBC to undersand.
Posted by: Set you free | 2006-06-17 4:19:50 PM
Set you free
You are wasting your time waiting for anything of substance or value to come out of the CBC. I long ago gave up on the CBC, right about the time I noticed that very little of their programming (other than Coach's Corner) is actually relevant to ordinary, heterosexual, mildly conservative Canadians. Witness the Pierre Trudeau funeral coverage. I seriously expected to see CBC reporters reflecting sadly that they missed their chance to felate Mr Trudeau, and would forever have to live with that missed opportunity.
As to why I never trust CBC news, I have just two words:
"government journalists".
'nuff said.
Posted by: bcf | 2006-06-17 8:54:39 PM
And Canada allows me to be the Jewish lady I always wanted to be.
Oh my, you gotta looove Canada. Well, except for the fact that it is full of CUPE ontario radical wann-bes!
Well, I'ld show you a photo, but that would not be very modest, so I'll show you a drawing instead.
Posted by: Lady | 2006-06-18 10:00:18 AM
What the terrorists think they are:
What the rest of the world knows them as:
Well, poor Sam in the last photo, he went to doggy heaven in November 2005, to meet with 72 female doggies.
Posted by: Lady | 2006-06-18 10:17:06 AM
OK, one more.
Posted by: Lady | 2006-06-18 2:25:09 PM
In response to the so-called "ladies" many, many infantile hate speech posts against Muslims....This is Canada. Here we tolerate others, if you want to spew hate, go back to Isreal where you can spread all the propoganda you want with full government backing to live lavishly off the misery of others while killing and maiming children.
Posted by: BobbyJoe | 2006-06-18 6:54:49 PM
Bobby, Canada is aready infiltrated with islamists, including the Liberal party. Do you want Canada to be another Pakistan or Saudi Arabia?
I think Lady is only giving them [Muslims] a tast of their own medicine. Do you know what Muslims do to Non-Muslims in Islamic countries?
Posted by: Canadian | 2006-06-18 7:48:14 PM
We have people from all over the world, different backgrounds and religions. And we have no problems with any except ISLAM.
ISLAM and only ISLAM is the problem for us and the rest of the free world.
Posted by: Canadian | 2006-06-18 8:40:18 PM
BobbyJoe: they do not need to go elsewhere to have government supported hate. The CBC does that quite well.
Posted by: Scott | 2006-06-18 9:12:11 PM
Hey BobbyJoe,
I make a statement about terrorists and you say I cannot do that?
So, in your opinion, we have to be tolerant of terrorists?
And last I checked, it was terrorists killing people in Israel, at disco techs, restaurants, on buses and in shopping malls, and around the world, who are killing and maiming innocent people, including babies en mass!
You know how many Canadians have been killed and maimed by terrorists? Tell you what, you miserable terrorist sympathizer, you can go find out!
People have the right to defend themselves against terrorists BobbyJoe.
So, for all the terrorists do, this one's for you!
And I know, it is not very ladylike, but BobbyJoe, you are a real anti-Semite!
Posted by: Lady | 2006-06-18 9:49:06 PM
I would like to ask the other most recent posters to remember that we should consider our most important duty to one another and to those who read these postings, is, apart from civility, to inform one another about the subject at hand which is Islam. That is why I began reading about Islam some time ago. I felt it was not sufficient simply to state my "instinctive" aversion to Islam or my anger and moral outrage at atrocities committed by people who claimed they were acting in Islam's name. I wanted to know more about the doctrines of Islam itself, to learn, if I could, whether these terrorists were aberrations from the mainstream of Islam (as most terrorists are deemed to be in Western societies) or if Islam itself was the problem. I now truly feel that Islam is the problem, not "Islamicism", and I have stated some of its tenets and doctrines on this site in order to alert others. I do believe that most of the public in Western lands is provided with a public relations portrayal of Islam by its self-appointed "spokesmen" and by cringing and colluding Western governments which, as left of centre governments, have traditionally pushed for government control in all aspects of life which meshes far too comfortably with Islam's all-suffocating Sharia Law. If the public of Western countries were to know what Islam's true doctrines, tenets and aims are (not simply the repellant social customs which apologists will always dismiss as "backward social mores"), then I am certain people would demand the removal of Islam, its adherents and, at the very least, a reclassification of it or the strictest controls and monitoring of its adherents. I think one of the important tasks all on this site who agree with me could do is to inform friends and associates of some of these tenets and doctrines and advise people to read fair and critical assessments of it as well as the web-site I've mentioned of It may seem like returning to school but, knowledge is the key and, indeed, The Truth Shall Set You Free.
Posted by: Centurion | 2006-06-19 1:56:46 AM
Bobbyjoe, I'd advise you to go to IRAN and see if you are tolerated there and then you can come back (hopefully alive) to lecture us on these stuff
Have fun
Posted by: Winston | 2006-06-19 2:15:17 AM
* Conservatives,write to CBC-TV management. Requesting conservative values be included too. Two CBC-TV names are-1.Fred Fuchs,he is the executive director of arts and entertainment programming. Also 2.Kirstine Layfield, is the executive director of net work programming.{Write in, phone or email to CBC-Tv management}.
Posted by: Larry | 2006-06-19 2:49:16 AM
The inherent pro-terrorist bias in the CBC is ample proof of its uselessness in the modern world. The solution to the CBC question is its destruction.
Nothing less than the complete physical destruction of the entire CBC enterprise is acceptable. The entire staff must be fired en masse. Then the buildings emptied out of furniture to be destroyed. This will be followed by the destruction of the buildings and the incineration of the rubble. The foundations of each building must also be removed. The resulting holes in the ground will then be filled with salt, gravel and dirt to prevent their future use. In their place, memorial gardens should be created to honor the victims of the CBC's prejudices: veterans, Albertans, Quebecers, Holocaust survivors, victims of terrorism, and taxpayers.
The CBC archives should be placed in sealed storage for at least 100 years. This is to prevent their hate and bigotry from infecting future generations. Once re-opened in 2106, historians can examine them to see what the government and elites believed society to be like. I'm sure they will be shocked and appalled.
Posted by: Scott | 2006-06-19 12:57:35 PM
Lady please see this next link for a demonstration of terrorism at its worst.,2763,916299,00.html
Posted by: Jack | 2006-06-19 1:15:21 PM
BTW please don't start calling me an anti-semite as well (or maybe a terrorist for the rest of you), simply because I believe in human rights and that living off the misery and suffering of others is wrong.
Posted by: Jack | 2006-06-19 1:20:20 PM
Stop pretending that there is no reason for Israel to defend herself.
There are actually millions of reasons. The aforementioned are just five (and one was in the oven).
And imagine for a second, picking up little pieces of pregnant mother and her unborn baby.
Her slaughtered body, and the bodies of her babies, were turned into hamburger. Literally she and her children were shredded. The terrorists stood over there bodies, and fired over-kill, thousands of times. They did not even have a hand-gun to protect themselves.
And this is just one of thousands of stories in a population of people, that is around 6 million.
If that happenned here, or to your family, you would scream bloody hell for the army to get out there and defend you and your loved ones against terrorists and terrorism.
Sure, there is misery in the disputed territories. No one denies that. War is disgusting at the best of times. But all of that could have been 100% avoided, had the Arabs who call themselves the Palestinian Arabs (in the disputed territories), decided in the first place, to live in peace, and not go out there, using their bodies, and the bodies of their children, as a means to kill Jews. It is the ideology behind the matter, and not just what you see on the surface, that is at stake here.
And Israel pulled out of Gaza, and what difference did it make? Nada! In fact, more rockets have been fired into Israeli civilian locations so far this year, than were fired in the preceeding year.
And Rachel was an idiot. My mother (what a LADY), taught us kids not to go and stand in front of traffic, as they may not see you until it is too late. In my opinion, she should have been nominated for the Darwin Award. I cannot even begin to call her death tragic, as it was completely stupid and 100% avoidable. She was, however, free to do her protest, and look at what it got her. If she were on the defence of Israel, trying to demonstrate against the terrorists, she would never have gotten that far. Her death may have been the same as Tali's and her babies.
Posted by: Lady | 2006-06-20 9:28:33 AM
Wow, you are truly a souless and monsterous bitch "Rachel was an idiot"? Why, because she tried to stop your tanks from bull dozing peoples homes and paid with her life. Using your neat little hypotheticals, Im sure you would sit back and do nothing while someone bulldozed your nice little Canadian white picket home along with your kids. Yes your right, war is disgusting, and war mongers like you are even more disgusting and despicable human beings. Apparently the suffering of your forefathers taught you no respect for human life. BTW I don't support terrorism in any way, so please stop trying to play that card as justification for the illegal and reprehensible actions of your zionist illegal state. I dont know why Im wasting time chatting with a pea brained patriotic moron like you anyways--the debate and comments in this blog are akin to the graffiti I read on bathroom stalls, a place more deserving of your anti-Islamic xenophobic and orientalist baboon thinking.
Posted by: Jack | 2006-06-20 3:22:33 PM
I sympathize for the suffering of innocent Isreali civilians like Tali, and I have many (non-Zionist) Jew friends, but I don't sympathize with an illegal state that forced (for many many years) people to live under military occupation while degrading their humanity. Do you honestly think that people will just sit back and do nothing while living under such deprivation? The old saying goes, you reap what you sow.
Posted by: Jack | 2006-06-20 3:30:00 PM
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