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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Stop treating us like terrorists—or we'll blow you up

President Mahmoud Abbas is warning that if we don't reinstate aid to Hamas' Palestinian Authority, the world will face an "explosion of anger . . . a chaotic situation of which we cannot foresee the results.

Hmmmm. Whatever could that mean? The implication is a bit shrouded, but I think most of us would say that given the long history of very literal "explosions" from Palestinians, Abbas is making a thinly veiled threat of extra-territorial violence. In other words, we'd better pay up to the terrorist state, or people are going to be killed.

It might seem like Abbas doesn't get it—that this sort of extortion and violence would be the sort of thing that gets you cut off in the first place. In reality, he totally gets it. After decades in Fatah, working alongside Arafat, Abbas knows that the more violent the Palestinians become, the more the money they get. Will it work again? I'd be willing to wager the $17.7 million in aid Canada still sends to the PA on it.

Posted by Kevin Libin on May 16, 2006 | Permalink


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Is there any other justification necessary to cut them off forever? This is the worst kind of welfare bum. The kind that demands the cash and the right to spit in your eye for giving it to them. All they're saying is "give us more money to kill you."
Got to admit, though, I laughed out loud when I saw the dispatch from al-Reuters.

Posted by: maurice | 2006-05-16 12:44:01 PM

Let's send Eugene Levy and the ghost of John Candy to Abbas's headquarters.

I'm guessing they can do the job.

Those ingrates should be ‘blowed up real good.'

Posted by: Set you free | 2006-05-16 1:17:38 PM

The government is giving them MY tax money? This has GOT to STOP.

The government may have the might, but it doesn't have the right to fund ANY foreign countries or charities with my taxes.

If someone needs my money they should have to make their case to me.

Posted by: Speller | 2006-05-16 1:47:50 PM

Think I'm going to tromp down to my local MP's office and ask him why $17.5 million of our money is going to the PA.

There are needly in that area and I would rather my money go directly to the people who really need it, not some blowhard jackass whose bureaucrats are not getting paid.

I read somewhere (maybe even somewhere here) that Iran had bucked up about half what Palestine would need to run its bureaucracy for the next three months.

Come to think of it, why don't we just sit back and listen to the Battlin' Bluster Brothers sabre-rattle us for a while longer.

Then ... too bad, so sad.

As I've mentioned before, the people I feel sorry for are the Palestinian Christians, the forgotten victims of this exercise in blowin' each other up real good.

Oh, well. I guess the brothers of Jesus, who was born and preached in Palsetine, must be getting used to it by now.

During the First Crusade, many Arab Christians were slaughtered by the Crusaders, who could not distinguish between the Christians and the Muslims they were sent there to fight. It's all in the history books.

Today's Israeli soldiers are much the same ... long as they look Aaaaarab, must be Aaaaarab. Such are the perils of being young.

Posted by: Set you free | 2006-05-16 2:10:31 PM

The savages in the Palestinian territories voted for violence but don't think they should be deprived just because they want to kill people - what a grand sense of entitlement. Let them starve.

Posted by: infidel | 2006-05-16 3:45:26 PM

SUF: Do you have any examples of Israeli soldiers getting Palestinian Christians mixed up with Palestinian Muslims, or are you just saying ? It sounds to me like you are comparing Israeli soldiers to crusaders slaughtering Arab christians.

Still, not sure what you are trying to say, but I don't think I like it.

Posted by: MarkAlta | 2006-05-16 3:47:54 PM

Abbas knows that the more violent the Palestinians become, the more the money they get

Canadian Indians know that, but they are a bit too lazy to do anything much with it. Well, they do burn tires, and sometimes kill themselves.

Quebec knows this too. Remember the FLQ. They apparently have been well enough paid off that didn't have do it again.

Screw Palastine and all others who extort the West.

Posted by: Duke McGoo | 2006-05-16 4:51:54 PM

The sad truth is that most of the West, including the U.S.A. have been trying to find ways to continue the funding without 'losing face'. The funding will continue no matter what, and American pressure has resulted in Israel's participation in the funding.

Clearly insanity has replaced common sense and reason. There is no excuse to fund them. To pretend it is for the people and not Hamas means nothing. These are the same people who voted for Hamas knowing what it represented. They need to be held accountable for this.

Last, but not least, pray tell when any of the huge amount of funding over all these years been used for anything other than death, destruction and increasing the wealth (often in Swiss banks) of the strongest bully in charge?

Yet most of the West is determined to give away large amounts of their citizens' tax dollars to a group/people/culture who would like nothing better than to see the citizens of same murdered.

Posted by: Alain | 2006-05-16 7:03:54 PM


I have seen pictures, via a yahoo chat group, that show injured Palestinian Christians after an attack by the Israeli military.

I'll have to check through my email list to see if I've saved them off. It's likely been killed off by now, but I get about a dozen sends a day on various incidents and reactions from all around the world.

Sandmonkey, a webmaster out of Egypt, broke the story of how a knife-wielding jihadist nutbar went on a rampage against four Coptic Orthodox churches in Alexandria, Egypt (www.sandmonkey.org) of Good Friday, of all days.

There are some British MSM cottoning onto this issue.

All I'm trying to say is while North America continues to frame the conflict as Israel vs Hamas, a once-thriving Christian populace that has been in the area for 2000 years is getting caught in that crossfire and is also being victimized by jihadists, in Egypt and in other Muslim nations.

FYI, most of the middle eastern bloggers dislike jihadists as much as we do. They also despise Palestinians, because they have made many promises to keep the peace and have never delivered. They are not trusted by their neighbours.

But, don't take my word for it. Search out the truth for yourself.

Good luck.

Posted by: Set your free | 2006-05-16 7:06:33 PM


I have seen pictures, via a yahoo chat group, that show injured Palestinian Christians after an attack by the Israeli military.

I'll have to check through my email list to see if I've saved them off. It's likely been killed off by now, but I get about a dozen sends a day on various incidents and reactions from all around the world.

Sandmonkey, a webmaster out of Egypt, broke the story of how a knife-wielding jihadist nutbar went on a rampage against four Coptic Orthodox churches in Alexandria, Egypt (www.sandmonkey.org) of Good Friday, of all days.

There are some British MSM cottoning onto this issue.

All I'm trying to say is while North America continues to frame the conflict as Israel vs Hamas, a once-thriving Christian populace that has been in the area for 2000 years is getting caught in that crossfire and is also being victimized by jihadists, in Egypt and in other Muslim nations.

FYI, most of the middle eastern bloggers dislike jihadists as much as we do. They also despise Palestinians, because they have made many promises to keep the peace and have never delivered. They are not trusted by their neighbours.

But, don't take my word for it. Search out the truth for yourself.

Good luck.

Posted by: Set your free | 2006-05-16 7:06:44 PM

This payment of ransom by us to the Islamists is text book Islam, as is the threat of "heavy danger" if we don't pay.

Check it out. It's all there in who Islam should fight and when it's OK to not just kill them. IE When they pay ransom.

Know your enemy.

Posted by: Pat | 2006-05-16 11:36:47 PM


Just to clarify another point that perhaps I didn't explain well enough.

The common thread between the Crusaders and today's Israeli soldier is they've got weapons and they're scared shitless. It's kill or be killed and what's euphamistically referred to as ‘friendly fire' happened even back then.

Palestinian Christians were in fact slaughtered by troops sent by the Roman church. It also happened lated (3rd or 4th Crusade?) when they actually sacked Constantinople, one of the five seats of the ancient church whose papacies were all considered equivalent.

It's no wonder the Eastern Christians treat Rome with some suspicion. There were relics of the early church saints that went missing. The Vatican acknowledges they have possession of them, but refuse to return them.

It sure would be a nice gesture from the new pope of Rome to return the relics his troops stole from the pope of Constantinople.

That's neither here or there in today's reality, where Palestinian Christians, many of whom are descendants of Jesus's relatives from 2000 years ago, are once again being slaughtered by a group intent on war with somebody else.

Oh, well. I'm waiting for the MSM journalis with enough guts to tell the real story. He's have a hell of a world-wide scoop.

Posted by: Set you free | 2006-05-17 1:12:26 AM

I am confused by these folks and Osama objecting to the money being cut. Why would they accept aid from infidel nations in the first place?

Posted by: Joan Tintor | 2006-05-17 10:16:35 AM

Abbas sounds like a five year old having a temper-tantrum.

Posted by: John Palubiski | 2006-05-17 11:52:40 AM

C'mon, folks.

It's not polite to point.

Where is your sensitivity?

Now that the world is cottoning on to these tactics, how long before they become international laughing stock?

Oh, like the five-year-old ... when stamping your feet doesn't work, I hope these guys start holding their breath.

And keep on holding it. And keep on holding it.

Good, they're gone.

Hello, 72 virgins. Hey, nobody told me you're all 300 pounds.

Posted by: Set you free | 2006-05-17 12:03:07 PM


Now, take that logical path one step further.

If this real estate dispute is not about religion, then what claim did the Jewish diaspora have on a return on the justification of what their leaders call the Holy Land?

If not about religion, then is there not some fundamental form of hypocricy at work here?

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Rothlesberger recently visited a farm in Switzerland his grandfather had sold some 132 years ago.

He had a right of return for a visit, but could he, with any conscience, demand that the current owner of the ol' homestead move out so he could move back in.

Bear in mind, this was 132 years ago. What about a disapora that happened about 2000 years ago.

I really have no idea if the Palestinian Jews, of which tribe Jesus was born inton, are allowed to practise Christianity within Israel. If not, that would raise even more questions.

The Palestinian Christians, both Jews and Christians, have lived in the area for 2000 years.

Now, suddenly, a group whose attempt at a violent overthrow of the Roman Empire, whose temple was destroyed in 70 AD and who were forced to scatter as per prophecy somehow have a claim on this land?

Not even their convoluted legal code at that time, I'm guessing, would have had the chutzpah (spell-check please) to say that 2000 years later, they could come back and reclaim a tract of land that had been cared for by another group of people.

Is Arab a nation, a tribe or a race?

I have no idea ... yet the jihadists who act in the name of Allah have no difficulty in saying their actions are based on religious fiat, emulating the actions of their beloved prophet.

At the same time, the Arab Christians accepted the message from the Prince of Peace, lived on and took care of this land.

Complicated issue, eh?

The more I research into this question, the more I come down in favour of those who demand a certain amount of respect for the fact they had inhabited his area for not only 2000 years, but much, much longer.

Anti-semitic when Arabs are also considered to be semites?

OK. That's enough. I'm outta here.

Posted by: Set you free | 2006-05-17 1:00:24 PM

While the Palestinian question may originally have been nationalist instead of religious, it is now almost entirely a Muslim vs. Jew conflict. Most of the Christians outside of Israel proper have moved out- to the point that even Bethlehem is majority Muslim these days.

Something else to remember is that Hamas is essentially the Palestinian branch office of the proto-Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood.

Posted by: SPare | 2006-05-17 2:43:16 PM

Some latest statistics on Catholic populations in the Middle East...

Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, the Secretary for Relations with States, observed that the Christian presence in the Middle East has been "considerably reduced" over the past 30 years. Citing the statistics compiled annually by the Vatican through apostolic nuncios, he noted that in Iran the Catholic population has today is one-tenth what it was in 1973, while in Iraq it is one-third. In Syria the Catholic presence has dropped from 2.6% of the whole population to just 1%; in Israel and the Palestinian territories it has fallen from 1.9% to 1%.

(the rest of the article , unfortumately, is subscriber only).

(found on mycatholic.com)

Posted by: lwestin | 2006-05-17 3:12:08 PM


Sorry if you took my last post personally.

Just trying to incite debate.

Posted by: Set you free | 2006-05-17 3:27:26 PM

It amazes me, just how many folks here, take for granted, the name 'Palestine', as it really were a nation, with lands, and a specific ethnic group, with it's own religion, language, culture, history and politics.

FACT: Palestine was the name of a region of land, that the British controlled, after the Ottoman Empire collapsed. (Someone actually pulled it out of their a-hole, outta convenience.) The region covered all of Israel and trans-jordan, as well as portions of other areas.

FACT: The term "Palestinian" was invented. It did not exist prior to 1964, and then only a handful of people, namely Arab terrorists, knew about the forthcoming re-naming and invention. Google Wallid Shoebat and you can get the whole lowdown off his site, on how they went to sleep one day, as Jordanian citizens, and awoke the next day, "Palestinians".

FACT: The language and culture, history and politics is all Arab. They speak Arabic, practice Arabic culture and favorite religion, and adhere to sharia. Everything else is an abomination to them.

FACT: There is no "P" sound in Arabic. The closest sound they have is "F". Interesting, when you replace the 'p' with an 'f'.

FACT: People, we have been conned! We have been conned out of millions and millions of our tax dollars for a cause that is a lie.

FACT: They want peace. Only thing is, they spell it differently. It is spelt P-I-E-C-E and you can guess the rest.

Posted by: Lady | 2006-05-19 11:35:38 AM


67 not 64

Posted by: Warwick | 2006-05-19 12:36:09 PM


The difference as I see it:

When I look at an atlas, only two of three of the names you mention exist...

Posted by: Warwick | 2006-05-19 12:58:05 PM


Cut and paste the above, to get an excellent history is a Nutshell!

Posted by: Lady | 2006-05-19 1:19:34 PM

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