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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Shameless Sandmonkey-Promotion

When I got back from Colorado in April, I posted about meeting the Sandmonkey. Three weeks after that, he emailed me about the protests going on in Egypt, and how certain bloggers (and others) were being arrested. He was concerned for his own safety, and asked me if I could write something about it. I thought about it, and realized it was silly for me to write about Egypt, if someone right in the thick of it was available and willing to do so. So I asked him if he would be interested. He said yes, provided he could write under his blogger name (something about not wanting to get killed). I approached my editors at the Christian Science Monitor, and they were interested. I put Sandmonkey in touch with them, and...the rest, as they say, is right here.

Cross-posted at Wonkitties.

Posted by wonkitties on May 31, 2006 in International Affairs | Permalink


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Good for you, Rondi. The more this story is told the better.

Posted by: Erin Airton | 2006-05-31 4:51:12 PM

So, there's more Egyptian government hits on sandmonkey's site?

Time to get involved in that battleground.

Big Pharaoh is also a good blog.

Posted by: Set you free | 2006-05-31 6:37:53 PM

Very nice job!


Posted by: Self | 2006-05-31 10:51:16 PM

Thanks for that Rondi

The press freedom situation in Egypt is nearly as bad as what our parliamentary press gallery is facing here in Canada!

Imagine having to risk your life to write about someone other than yourself...

Posted by: Angela | 2006-06-01 7:40:27 AM

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